One punch came from the happiness of the original mother punch, which transformed Cui Hao's Chunyang soul and made him ten times stronger. He immediately felt that his whole person was stronger than ever!

Moreover, the invisible power of the birth of Chunyang's soul also made Cui Hao realize in an instant. This power is called mental power, which is specifically aimed at the soul. It is a special and terrible power with infinite wonderful uses.

"Ha ha ha... Get out of here!..."

Chunyang's soul degenerated, which made Cui Hao's whole popularity soar. The invisible heart force burst out one after another and wrapped around his fists. Then, his fists erupted like a violent volcano, and the roar continued. He launched a ferocious counterattack!

How fierce!

At this moment, the power of chaos and mental power were intertwined. Perhaps it was due to the same source, there was a mutual solution, and began to burst out a light chaotic light, containing a strange and unpredictable mysterious power, which filled the four directions and attacked the four enemies!

"Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

For a moment, more than a dozen ice sculpture monsters around Cui Hao screamed and were blown out. Moreover, there were cracks on their bodies!

Before that, Cui Hao could only resist their attack reluctantly, and could not crack his body. At the moment, with the blessing of mental force, he did it easily! Moreover, Cui Hao felt that his original mother fist was more and more extraordinary, and it seemed that there was an improvement!

"Hahaha... Get out of here!..."

In high spirits, Cui Hao went out with a fierce impact. He was covered with a faint chaotic light. Ice monsters were hit and flew. The strength of their lower gods was not enough. They were defeated both in material attack and soul attack!

Because of this transformation, Cui Hao's overall strength has been greatly improved. In particular, the interweaving of mental force and chaotic force has even derived a more mysterious and extraordinary chaotic light, which makes him even more powerful! Before, if Cui Hao's strength was the peak of the lower God, then at the moment, he has jumped and has the strength comparable to the middle God!

Soon, all the ice sculptures at the end of the trail were smashed by Cui Hao. When the last ice sculpture monster like a dragon was punched by Cui Hao, he stepped out one step and finally came to the end!

At the moment, there is an ice sculpture in front of Cui Hao, which is a statue of a man with both hands on his back. The cold ice on its surface disintegrates rapidly, showing a majestic man! All over his body, he was filled with the spirit of Lingyun and looked up at the four directions. Moreover, the breath contained in his body was absolutely beyond all the ice sculptured monsters before!

Looking at the man warily, Cui Hao's sense of war rose in his eyes.

Overlooking Cui Hao, the man said, "how many years... Finally woke up again! Are you the Challenger this time? Hmm? The smell on you... Makes me interested!"

As he said this, the man suddenly squeezed his fist. At the same time, he was shocked. Suddenly, golden lights filled his body, and a terrible breath like an abyss and a prison burst out of his flesh!

With a smile, the man said "The ultimate power allowed in this secret place is the lower God. However, it is the restriction of the divine personality. The power of the flesh and the power of the soul are not within the scope! And I, the flesh once fought the middle God. You are extraordinary, but you still have to die! Kill ten intruders, my imprisonment will be removed and become the successor of the great Kunpeng, and you are the eighth!"

He didn't do it immediately and finally woke up. Naturally, he had to enjoy this rare time. The man didn't know that Kunpeng Da Zun had fallen for many years

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said with a smile, "so what? I'm going to kill you today!...."



He was extremely angry. The man's body was shocked, and a destructive explosive force broke out in his body, which had turned into a flash of light and came to Cui Hao. His fists were pinched, roared and collapsed into the void, just like two ancient sacred mountains!

"What a powerful physical force! Powerful enemy!......"

The sense of war soared. Seeing such a blow, Cui Hao was not frightened at all. He was extremely excited. He also broke out. He was filled with chaotic light, just like an invincible God of war coming out of chaos. The original mother fist was shocked, turned corruption into magical power, and had been killed!

"Dong! Dong! Dong!..."

The collapse of a large area of the void is like the impact of two great mountains. The fierce impact of the two people's flesh is a close combat. The fighting is extremely fierce and amazing!

At this moment, the wave of terrible destruction is sweeping through, and there is confusion everywhere. Their figures are also covered, and the war is still in full swing!

In fact, Cui Hao, who has not completely recovered from his injury, is much weaker than the man. However, the power of chaos and mental power are intertwined, and two chaotic lights are born to make up for this weakness. The man's boxing is also terrible, like the road in the air, rolling magnificent, and fighting with Cui Hao is fierce!

They fought for a long time. Finally, Cui Hao's original mother fist was more subtle and mysterious, which suppressed the man.

"Roar! Change!..."

The man roared and shocked in vain. He turned into a huge black monster, like a tiger or a lion. His body was covered with dark scales, his head was ferocious, and he had a sharp single horn. His huge body seemed to squeeze all over the sky. The breath was frightening!


After the transformation, the giant monster's claws stretched out and hit Cui Hao as big as a mountain. His anger was surging!

In this regard, Cui Hao was not afraid. He was full of chaotic light and hit up like a fighting madman!

The battle continued and intensified, and both sides were injured. Finally, the huge monster turned into human form again. There were two more blood holes in his chest, all pierced by Cui Hao's fist. Of course, he also successfully hit Cui Hao.

Staggering, the man roared angrily, "young generation, you annoyed me! No one has ever hurt me so badly. You will be the first to see my natural talent and magic!"

When he opened his mouth like this, his pupil suddenly turned into a dark color, like ink. In an instant, there was another silver white cross in the ink, which suddenly came out of his pupil and killed Cui Hao!

At this moment, Cui Hao's heart was palpitating. In fact, he had already thought that this man might be a super beast. Now it seems that it really is!

Men should be super beasts who are good at defense!


A dark light rushed out of the man's eyes, just like a dark sun breaking out. The core was a looming silver cross, and a majestic air machine came, which shocked ten parties!

Originally, Cui Hao planned to use the cause and effect prison, but now it seems that it's too late. The natural talents and powers of each super beast are extremely against the sky. Cui Hao knows this very well, so he doesn't dare to slack off at all!

At this moment, Cui Hao couldn't care that the chaotic power in his body was running out. He violently urged the chaotic golden elixir, Dong Dong, and its violent beating. Suddenly, the chaotic power poured out like no capital, and quickly gathered on Cui Hao's hands


Cui Hao roared and responded with his own strongest killing move!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The terrible big bang rang out continuously. The destruction caused by this blow on both sides was amazing. Both sides were badly hit. In contrast, Cui Hao's state was much better!

Paralyzed on the ground, the man's breath is very weak.


Regardless of his own serious injury, Cui Hao rushed to him and hit the man with a fist like a stone, which broke out his strongest strength at the moment.

"Ah! No! I'm not reconciled!..."

Scream, the man was finally beaten by Cui Hao and died with hatred!

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