Strange plants shouted. Although they were begging for mercy, their tone still had a smell of pride.

Originally, Cui Hao was going to crush him to death. Smelling the speech, he stopped the move and said coldly, "what kind of ghost plant are you? What's your master's name, master Qijian? Are you very cow? Answer the question honestly, otherwise, I'll crush you every minute!"

The strange plant trembled for a moment and seemed to be afraid, but he strongly stressed that "I am a plant life green spear grass, which belongs to the five grade God grass in the immortal world! Now I am still in my infancy. Once I am fully bred to maturity, my strength can be comparable to the superior God! And my master, young master Qijian, who is a famous swordsmanship genius in the immortal world!"

Cui Hao didn't eat this set at all. He put a little force on his hand and said with a smile, "green spear grass, don't emphasize how powerful you will be in the future. Now I can crush you at any time! As for your master, if he is here, I will crush you every minute! Now, answer the question honestly. You are from the immortal world. Why do you appear in Kunpeng secret place?"

With Cui Hao's slight exertion, the green spear grass suddenly withered and ate painfully and said, "you... You know this is Kunpeng secret territory? Are you a powerful local genius? Well, I'll be honest... In fact, this is not a big secret. As long as the whole secret territory comes from the immortal world, no one doesn't know!"

At that moment, the green spear grass honestly explained everything. Hearing its words, Cui Hao was surprised and his face changed greatly!

It turned out that in the endless years since the fall of Kunpeng statue, although there are occasionally strong people from the immortal world in the secret realm, they are all some magical levels of adventure and luck. They spend money to buy gold orders and then rush for gold.

Endless years have passed, and there are few gold orders scattered by Kunpeng. At this time, a great event has happened in the immortal world. The twelve main gods announced that the old man of time and space is about to die and escape into the secret territory of Kunpeng. Anyone who can enter the secret territory and kill him will bring his relics to the main God, which can be protected and rewarded by the God!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately triggered a violent response in the whole immortal world. Many strong people began to buy gold orders at high prices in an attempt to enter them. Because the original rules of the secret realm are limited to the lower gods, the craziest ones are a group of lower gods! Of course, those who are not spiritual, but whose strength exceeds the spiritual, have undoubtedly become the most popular choice.

Because of this incident, the whole immortal world is surging, while the void in Kunpeng's Secret realm becomes particularly violent. Once a powerful practitioner invades, he will be attacked by horror! Many strong people speculate that this is the means of the old man of time and space. Now he is at the end of a powerful crossbow and lives in a secret place. Naturally, he doesn't want to be attacked by the group.

Who is the old man of time and space?

On this point, green spear grass is not clear. It claims that its owner does not know. It should be a big man. Master Qijian just spent a lot of money to buy the gold order in an attempt to take a chance.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was surprised. He secretly shouted that it was bad!

If there are few people in this Kunpeng secret place, I believe it will be much simpler whether I obtain the origin of the earth or the inheritance of Kunpeng law! However, the invasion of many powerful people in the immortal world, although most of them are lower gods, it is scary enough and will have a great impact on themselves! What's more, since the twelve main gods have issued orders together, it can be seen that they pay attention to the old man in time and space, and there must be powerful means. Maybe their respective messengers have brought heavy treasures into the secret realm!

Even if he was confident again and saw the power of the power of the LORD God in the battle with Yang worship to heaven, Cui Hao was deeply worried! Anything that involves the LORD God must be in great danger!

"What other important information? Tell me quickly, or I'll crush you!" he said in a deep voice, and Cui Hao continued to press.

"No! Just spare me. I'm just a humble little plant. Please raise your hand!" the leaves drooped and the green spear grass begged for mercy.

At this time, a rainbow suddenly came from a distance, and soon stopped in front of Cui Hao. A figure shrouded in the sharp sword light roared, "who? How brave! You dare to move my pet, young master? Don't you kneel down and apologize?"

With such a roar, the sword light on the figure dispersed and showed the appearance of a young man. The sword eyebrows, stars and eyes were dignified. There was a proud smile in the corners of the mouth. The eyes were full of a proud look. There was a fluff in the palm, like a glittering long sword like autumn water.

Looking at the visitor, Cui Hao said with a smile, "are you the master of seven swords? The so-called genius in the immortal world?"

He looked at each other carefully. There was a powerful and domineering sword in his body. Obviously, he was not weak. However, Cui Hao was confident that he could abuse him! It's also kendo. Although the seven swords master claims to be a genius in kendo, there is a big gap compared with yewushang. It's obviously very general!

"Who are you?"

Surprised, master Qijian looked at Cui Hao with great fear. The more he looked, the more his heart palpitated, because Cui Hao in his eyes was like a black hole, unfathomable and terrible!

"This is a monster! I'm not an opponent!..."

In an instant, master Qijian had such an idea in his heart. Immediately, his attitude turned 360 degrees and said with a smile, "this friend, I'm sorry, it was just my nonsense. Don't take it to heart! I'm going to seven swords and see you! My pet must have offended you. In this way, I'm willing to exchange a hundred inferior divine crystals for it, okay?"

Originally, Cui Hao wanted to fight with the so-called genius in the immortal world. When he heard the speech, he smiled and said, "a hundred inferior Shenjing, do you send beggars? A thousand! I'll kill you if you lose one!..."

With this, Cui Hao smiled and showed a demon smile.

"What? A thousand inferior divine crystals..."

Hearing the speech, young master Qijian looked embarrassed. He was a very rich man. Although he could take it out, he had only a little more than a thousand divine crystals. Didn't he be drained all at once?

Instinctively, the seven swords young master wanted to refuse, but at this time, Cui Hao's body was shocked and surrounded by an invisible and strange force, which was the mental force.

"This... You... You are the soul cultivation of the soul alliance?"

Feeling Cui Hao's mental strength, master Qijian was surprised, as if he had gone to hell! Mental strength is the sign of members of the soul alliance. Wang Changsheng is a member of the soul alliance, and Cui Hao was misunderstood because he cultivated mental strength by chance.

"OK! You're awesome, I can't afford it!..." he breathed out, and the seven sword young master hung his head and confessed.

There's no way. He knows the strangeness and terror of soul cultivation too well. Although his school inheritance is also powerful, compared with the super power of soul alliance, the big witch sees the small Witch, which is not enough. Moreover, soul cultivation is a typical short protection, which can't be provoked!

Finally, master Qijian had to wave his hand and crash. A lot of crystal clear crystals with mysterious and noble atmosphere flew out and were collected by Cui Hao.

In fact, Cui Hao only knew that there was a divine crystal, which was much more noble than the spirit stone. He was still very satisfied with blackmailing a thousand at once.

Reach out and collect these inferior gods and crystals into the door of truth. Cui Hao smiles, waves and discards the green spear grass like garbage, and then laughs, "OK, you can go. Remember to take care of your pet next time!"

The seven swords young master glared at the green spear grass, which took him away like flying.

In a happy mood, Cui Hao said to himself, "it's a good feeling to rip off! Since there are many fairyland talents and strong people in Kunpeng secret place... I can't miss this rare opportunity and blackmail when I have the opportunity! Well, it's such a happy decision! However, I'd better be careful......"

After talking to himself, Cui Hao took out a inferior divine crystal and absorbed it by absorbing the spirit stone. Soon, a mysterious force poured out and soon filled Cui Hao's body.

The golden elixir of chaos beats, and soon all these forces are absorbed, which gives birth to the chaotic force of the size of a drop of water.

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