Under the ground in America, Texas, the monster of terror suddenly opened its eyes. Its blood colored eyes were as big as a small lake. It was pure with a kind of indifference and cold, and a kind of monstrous killing intention filled it. Anyone who saw it would be creepy!


At the next moment, the giant beast uttered a terrible howl, just like thousands of monsters roaring together, thousands of volcanoes erupting together, and thousands of hurricanes roaring together. This kind of atmospheric spirit, great terror, burst out immediately!

This sound wave is really terrible. The afterwaves are still diffuse and impact. In the whole base, countless scientific researchers, armed personnel and big men all issued a miserable cry. Blood permeated all over their body and died of liver and gall!

Yes, it was such a roar. There was a tightly sealed base thousands of kilometers away. The whole army was destroyed, and no one was spared!

After such a roar, the giant beast suddenly poked out its huge claws, like a pillar of heaven, and grabbed it directly towards the base, which was extremely cruel!

No one can see such a scene, because everyone in the base has died under the roar of the beast!

All this is really terrible. This giant beast is like an invincible king. Its big claws roar out. When it retracts again, the base has been easily pierced like a broken cloth bag. Moreover, the distance of kilometers between him and the base shows a huge hole, which is connected with each other. This hole, It's completely caused by its big claw!

The whole body wriggled slightly, and the body covered with huge dark scales sent out bursts of dull thunder, intertwined and mixed with each other, which made people sigh as if they were in a terrible sea of thunder. At the next moment, the giant beast's mouth opened, too big, as if it could block out the sky and the sun, and just sucked slightly towards the hole!

"Whew, whew, whew..."

In an instant, countless corpses flew out, all of them were soaked with blood and died of liver and gall, and then suddenly put them into its mouth! Among them, there are five or six living people. They are super strong in the United States, comparable to the destroyers of King Kong!

Unfortunately, no matter how great it is rendered by the United States, the destroyer is still a small creature in front of the giant beast, which is hardly enough to be called an existing creature. With such a swallow and a whew, it has been put into the giant beast's mouth. Then, it closed its mouth and swallowed it successfully!

At such a moment, the whole base, at least a thousand people, were all put into its mouth. A thousand people, it is reasonable to say, it is like a mountain of people. However, in the mouth of the giant beast, it seems very few and obviously not enough to eat!

The giant mouth wriggled slightly. Suddenly, the giant beast had finished swallowing. Its abdomen made a dull sound, and its eyes suddenly shot out a greedy look. Then, its huge body shook and suddenly hit the ground!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The giant beast's huge body is hundreds of miles long. You can imagine how huge and terrible it is. It's just right to describe it with a big Mac!

In this way, it rushed out with an overbearing attitude!

The whole state of Texas was in an unprecedented panic, because at the beginning, a huge and terrible roar suddenly came out to the ground. It was too terrible. Countless people shouted, covering their chests and spitting blood. This was still good physical quality. Some old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant died miserably. Everything was caused by this terrible roar, and followed closely, The earth began to vibrate violently. It was very strong. A piece of land burst and impacted upward. It seemed that something incomparably huge at the bottom of the earth was impacting out of it!

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you will never experience this chaos and terror!

There are screams and cries everywhere, crying and despair everywhere. The whole Texas, the famous rich state of the United States, has fallen into an irresistible and terrible disaster!

"The end! The end is coming!..."

"God, what's this roar? Who will save me, great earth soul, help!"

"Devil, a devil rushed out from the ground!..."

In Texas, countless Americans are screaming, desperate and helpless. At this moment, their usual high posture is gone. Instead, fear and helplessness! Of course, it is not easy for the United States to become a global power and punch everywhere. Special departments took action immediately, and many powerful hot weapons began to be prepared. However, everyone was terrified, because this scene was really terrible!

The next moment, all the Texas residents who screamed, fled and howled, many people looked at the sky strangely, because, God., It's dark in vain! How similar is this scene to the one experienced by the earth before Cui Haodu's scourge?

"God! God! Yes... This is... Giant beast! Giant beast!..."

"Oh! The great earth soul is on the earth, come and save me!..."

When countless Americans looked up at the sky, they were deeply shocked, because a huge, immeasurable, almost boundless, covering up the four directions of the super giant beast, ferocious, so suspended in the void, that posture made people deeply tremble, and their whole body couldn't help trembling!

A giant beast hundreds of miles long, covering everything, so suspended in the void, what a terrible scene, absolutely shocking!

"This... Is invincible! Unless we use nuclear weapons!..."

"Crazy! Crazy! Really crazy!..."

After seeing such a huge beast, countless Americans went crazy and had a sense of absurdity in their dreams. At this time, the beast looked down at the four directions, but there was a hungry and greedy look in its eyes. Then, it suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed it directly in front!

"Woo woo..."

The terrible power of swallowing is diffuse, and countless people scream, and finally become the delicious food in their mouth!

"Oh! My God! Fire, maximum fire, fire for me!..."

At this moment, shells were fired from five areas in Texas, and the target was a giant beast in the air! In this regard, the beast seemed to feel something, but he ignored it at all, and the shells fired from these five areas were of no use and did not break the defense! During this period, the beast has begun to devour again. For people in Texas, the end has come!

Scream, shout, despair, helplessness, shells, monsters

For Texas, this day is definitely the day of doomsday. Giant animals impact out of the ground and carry out terrible rage. No one can escape this terrible rage, no one!

In fact, at the moment when the giant beast woke up, Xiaoguang sensed it at Huaxia, the headquarters of the earth soul. It immediately issued an emergency warning. Xiaohui, Xiaoqi and Ruilin came at the first time.


Waving the unreal palm, Xiaoguang gave birth to a virtual light curtain out of thin air. On it, it clearly shows the scene of giant animals rushing out and raging in Texas, which is very shocking!

The void was sinking and floating, and Xiaoguang made a voice, "you are all relatives and friends of my master. When he left, he handed over the right to monitor the earth to me. I fully cooperate with you. Now, there is such a monster underground in Texas, the voice is like thunder, which is very terrible, and the energy fluctuates beyond the level of the lower God!..."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised. Xiao Hui looked at the picture carefully and immediately recognized the giant beast. He had won the inheritance memory of the dragon family, among which there were sporadic records about this giant beast!

Shocked, Xiao Hui exclaimed, "the giant void beast! Wandering in the void of the universe, eating asteroids, and occasionally rushing into some big planets to devour the destroyed giant void beast! Moreover, it is also the most rare thunder attribute giant void beast!"

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