The pastoral area is boiling because of the empty appearance. No matter who sees such a shocking scene, will it be incredible? They have seen the harmonious coexistence between human and animals, nature, which is what emptiness needs to do.

Kong Kong Kong likes to communicate with animals, ranging from rhinoceros and elephants to insects and grasshoppers. Therefore, he understands the thoughts of animals more than anyone. Therefore, Kongkong is very resistant to the practice of being killed by animals in order to meet the desire of mouth, and has been advocating all mankind to participate in the action of protecting animals.

Standing on the white elephant, the emptiness has a taste of ethereal purity, he said "Amitabha... Benefactors, animals are our human friends. They also have their own joys and sorrows, and they also have pain and suffering. I hope today's performance can awaken everyone's feelings and compassion for animals. You see, they are spiritual and have their own ideas..."

Kong Kong Kong said it sincerely. Many herdsmen were infected by his words and nodded their heads one by one. At this time, Ao Ao, suddenly, a huge black bear roared suddenly. It seemed to be stimulated. Its dark fur was on fire at the moment, giving off a pungent smell of burnt meat.

It turned out that it was at the edge of the fence and was lit by a bold herdsman's little boy with a lighter.

The huge black bear roared, lost his mind and rushed towards the little boy. After a moment, it could easily break the simple guardrail, and then beat the little boy under the bear's paw.

At this time, there was a sudden flash of light, and the empty space standing on the white elephant suddenly flashed. It appeared in front of the huge black bear like a ghost. It grabbed it and threw it suddenly. Suddenly, its huge body flew high and crashed into a large water tank next to a Ma nunnery in the distance. The cold water extinguished the flame on the black bear, and the water tank was also because of the black bear Smash, burst!

Such a scene shocked the scene!

At the next moment, everyone felt a flower in front of them. Emptiness had mysteriously appeared next to the black bear. There was a compassionate look on his face, stroked his huge head and said softly, "black bear, black bear, I'm sorry just now. I apologize for that child like you. Don't be angry......"

"Ho ho..."

Under the empty touch, the black bear soon issued a gentle roar, and his eyes also had a feeling of happiness. It seemed that being touched by the empty made him feel very happy.

Many herdsmen reacted at this time, and one by one they were deeply amazed!

The performance was very smooth. The charity circus won great praise. Many herdsmen gave money and food to the poor families in the pastoral area. Most of them were given to the poor families in the pastoral area. He sent an invitation and hoped that the old and knowledgeable people in the pastoral area would come and have a chat.

In the tent, empty poured horse milk wine for the elderly, with an excellent attitude.

With great respect, the old people lamented, "you are really King Kong coming to earth. Your divine power is shown today. You have an invincible posture!"

Hearing the speech, Kong Kong Kong smiled, waved his hand and said, "invincible, I dare not say. My body is better than the so-called strong man in the King Kong realm. My strength is not as good as one ten thousandth of my senior brother! Ladies and gentlemen, can you tell me if there is a temple nearby? I want to visit the Buddha trace. It's better to be an old and inaccessible temple!"

Hearing Kong Kong Kong's inquiry, the old people shook their heads, and one of them hesitated and said "When I was young, I heard my grandfather tell me that there is a mysterious mound in the north of the pastoral area, which is difficult for ordinary people to reach. Anyone who has the opportunity to enter has heard the Buddhist voice and Zen singing, and their hearts have been baptized. They have lived over a hundred years. However, this may be just a legend!"

Buddhist voice and Zen singing make people live over a hundred years old?

Hearing the old man say this, Kongkong moved in his heart. It was incredible. Then his aura appeared in his heart. He had a strong feeling. The mysterious Buddhist voice he sensed called. The scenes in his dream were in that mound!

An old man was curious and couldn't help asking Kong Kong Kong who his senior brother was. He was so terrible. Was he the legendary Buddha?

In this regard, Kong Kong Kong didn't hide it. He smiled and said, "my elder martial brother, his name is Cui Hao, the protector of the earth soul!"

As soon as these words came out, the old people were shocked, one by one respected the air, and became more and more respectful and polite.

On the earth, especially in the hearts of ordinary people, many people have regarded Cui Hao as a god like existence, or a God, the earth's well deserved patron saint!

At present, empty said goodbye to the old people and arranged the simple affairs of the circus. He went on his way alone to find the mound among the old population.

He went all the way north. According to his own feeling, he finally came to a desolate yellow sand area.

Not all grasslands are covered with green grass. Many areas have been corroded and desertification. Here is such an area.

There was nothing in the Huangsha area. However, when Kong Kong Kong arrived here, he felt a sense of familiarity. In addition, his heart throbbed and he had an impulse to cry!

In this area, there was a kind of fluctuation, which was caught by Kongkong. Following its guidance, Kongkong turned left and right. Finally, everything in front of him changed in vain, and even appeared in front of a strange large mound. The whole mound was large and looked like a grave at first glance.


When Kong Kong Kong stood in front of the mound, it shook and even opened a door. At the same time, a kind, hoarse and lifeless voice was transmitted, "come in..."

Without any hesitation, he stepped in empty. Suddenly he felt that the whole person was upside down and confused. When he recovered his mind again, he had come to the front of a hall.

This is a dilapidated hall, dressed as if it were the posture of the Buddhist hall. When he stepped into it, he was surprised, and then his face flashed a touch of anger!

Because he saw that in the main hall, it should have been the sitting position of the Buddha. At the moment, there was an old and extremely thin old he Shangpan with white eyebrows, dying and dead.

The Buddha Hall has always been seated by the Buddha himself. Unless it is an exclusive temple dedicated to Guanyin, eighteen Arhats and several King Buddhas, no statue can replace the position of Tathagata Buddha! Guanyin Bodhisattva and so on are not advisable to replace them. What's more, he is an old monk with a mortal body. This is definitely a blasphemy to the Buddha!

Kongkong instinctively felt like he wanted to be angry, but when he looked at the old monk carefully, he was surprised! Because the old monk faintly glowed and smiled, giving people a kind and incomparable feeling, as if he were the embodiment of all good things.

His eyes are very detached, giving people a feeling like a lotus, independent of the dirty world. Even his own master is far from such a style.

This is a real Buddhist monk!

Although he realized the position of the other side, Kong Kong Kong said loudly after a ceremony, "Amitabha, master, I'm polite! Is it too much for you to sit in the center of the hall? Even if you are an eminent monk, unless you practice a evil law contrary to the orthodox Buddhist law, how can you do so?"

Hearing the speech, the old monk said with a smile "Why not? The sky is full of dragon, the sun, the moon and the stars, the earth is full of dragon, water, fire and wind, the human body is full of dragon, energy and spirit, and the three talents cooperate with heaven, earth and people. The first meeting of Longhua is to light the lamp, the second meeting of Longhua Buddha, the third meeting of Longhua maitrezu, and the third meeting of Longhua Buddha. I am the remnant of the ancient Buddha who lights the lamp, and the third Buddha is to respect me. The great day Buddha of Sakyamuni asks me for advice in fahua, which is called the master. I also preach the lamp of Buddhism In Sakyamuni. Although I pass the lamp to make it enjoy the power of the faith of all living beings, and it is the first Buddha, I sit in the Buddha Hall, which is also orthodox! "

"What? You... You... You talk nonsense!"

Hearing this, I took a cold breath. I was shocked!

He studied Buddhism from urination. Naturally, he was very clear about what the old monk said. He was clearly telling Kongkong that he was the remnant of the ancient Buddha who lit the lamp. He was once a Tathagata master and the first Buddha of the third generation!

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