The battle over the Pacific Ocean is over, especially the super laser gun with the last Xiaoguang explosion, which deeply shocked everyone through the live video! For Xiaoguang's intelligent brain, everyone knows its existence. It is Cui Hao's right hand and left hand to assist the smooth development of the glory of the earth and the soul of the earth. They didn't expect that it still has such terrible attack power. One shot blew up the luxury ratio of the royal highness of the dragon family who was about to flee!

"Come on! Xiaoguang, take us to the Dragon Cave of Longshou mountain quickly, come on!..."

At the command of Wang Changsheng, Xiaoguang waved and swept the people away from the Pacific Ocean towards the Chinese dragon head mountain

These two battles are very smooth, but in China, the riots everywhere are not so easy to suppress, especially in Longshou mountain, the imperial capital of China. Now there are terrible scenes taking place in the underground Dragon Cave

Afghanistan is now completely wrapped in a bloody fog. It's terrible. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of eyes showed a sense of ferocity, as if crazy Japanese appeared in many areas of Afghanistan out of thin air. They seem to be on the eyes of a strange array. Then, the terror array was instantly triggered, and all these Japanese screamed, Sheng Sheng was tortured to death. The scream and crazy hatred was like a surging river, lake and sea!

Without personal experience, you can never imagine the tragic situation of the end. The whole Afghanistan is wrapped in blood fog. If you look down from the high sky, you can certainly find that Afghanistan is like a ferocious dragon hovering at the moment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The terrible blood column broke out and rose into the sky, all converging towards China, especially the dragon head mountain in the imperial capital, which was filled with this towering blood column. The situation was quite creepy!

Such a heavy place is guarded by the four Chinese gods and beasts. At the moment, they all died miserably. A man in black robes broke in like a ghost. He was too strong. He killed countless people with his hands, and turned the blood here into a river. Finally, he broke into a huge dragon cave like an abyss!

There were riots everywhere in China. All of them were former members of the dragon group. According to the instructions of long Qingyun, they carried out terrible detonation and destruction in some specific places. In addition to causing great losses to China, they fought back at the first time. Another effect was to disturb the dormant ancestral Dragon veins everywhere!

As the former master of Chinese ancestral dragon veins, no one knows the location of these ancestral dragon veins better than long Qingyun!

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..."

Among the huge dragon caves, the ancestral dragon veins are awe inspiring, circling and shouting in horror. At the moment, they are all entangled by a blood chain, and there is a huge blood long nail at the inverse scale of each huge ancestral dragon vein, which is wrapped with a terrible evil spirit and a mysterious power, Slowly rush into the interior of ZuLong vein.

The nine hundred and eighty-one ancestral dragon veins were all nailed by the lock dragon!

Although they screamed incessantly, these ZuLong veins could not get rid of their bondage. There was pleading and despair in their eyes. They could become ZuLong veins, even if they were similar to living creatures. They felt the approaching of death, and naturally became extremely desperate one by one.

"You fools are about to incarnate into the supreme dragon soul and be used by my dragon Qingyun. This is your pride! Hahaha..." he laughed wildly, and the black robed dragon Qingyun laughed wildly.


At this time, a figure suddenly appeared. It was Xiao Hui. He felt all this in an instant and was angry!

Ninety nine eighty-one ancestral dragon veins are now controlled by Xiao Hui. Unexpectedly, they were captured in a moment. Moreover, they were nailed with this strange bloody nail. Naturally, he felt bad!


The black robe suddenly burst, and long Qingyun showed his true face, wearing white gold armor, and laughed and said, "hahaha... Little beast, are you very angry? Unfortunately, you're a little late. The ninety-nine and eighty-one ancestral dragon veins have been pinned down by the soul lock, and will merge into one in an instant, and I will become the master of the born supreme dragon soul!"


Xiao Hui naturally felt something bad. He roared, and a strange black long sword was added in his palm. He killed long Qingyun directly. At the same time, a looming shadow floated out of his body. Suddenly, he came behind long Qingyun!

In an instant, the roar of the heart demon king sounded in long Qingyun's body, "no! Come on! My son, run away quickly. This dark shadow is too terrible. It is the enemy of my heart demon family and the enemy of the existence of darkness! As a father, I block it for you, and you run away quickly!"

With such a roar, the heart demon turned into a gray air mass, and the ghost face rushed out, spitting out a terrible gray smoke.

This dark shadow, looming, carries endless killing and wildness, with a naked and endless greed. It seems that all things in the world should be swallowed up by him. It is Xiaohui's biggest killer mace, the great destruction of the dark part!


The darkness of the great destruction roared and swept suddenly. Long Qingyun trembled in his heart. A strong death crisis immediately filled his heart! Fortunately, the heart demon king stopped in time, filled with gray smoke, and fought with the darkness of the great destruction.

As the heart demon king said, the dark part of the great destruction had great restraint against their heart demon family. The two sides were entangled and fought. In a moment, the gray smoke emitted by the heart demon king was swallowed up, and it seemed as if it had been replenished. The dark part of the great destruction roared with satisfaction.

"Damn it!..."

With an angry cry, long Qingyun collided with Xiao Hui at the moment. Although he was protected by platinum armor, he spit out blood, and his body quickly retreated with an incredible look on his face!

He didn't feel the divine spirit on Xiaohui. It's reasonable that he should be weaker than himself. However, Xiaohui's means were terrible just now. If it weren't for the inferior artifact armor protection given by extravagance, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die!

With a hard bite, long Qingyun no longer hesitated. A drop of dazzling extraordinary blood in his palm was thrown out and suddenly fell into a group of ancestral dragon veins!

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..."

With this drop of blood thrown in, a little spark suddenly fell into the gasoline barrel, roaring, accompanied by a loud noise, so the ZuLong veins screamed together, and unexpectedly collided together in an instant, and the 9981 dragon lock nails were shining, and they quickly began to merge into one

"Ah! My son, run away! I'm dying, come on!..."

The gray ghost face screamed and began to flee rapidly. The darkness of the great destruction ate marrow and knowledge, and chased him like a shadow, leaving him no way to heaven and no door to the earth.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!..."

Knowing that his adoptive father was only afraid of being finished, long Qingyun did not escape. He was unwilling. It only took him a moment to succeed!

Xiao Hui naturally knew this. His attack became more and more fierce. He almost tried his best in every move, which seriously injured long Qingyun and coughed up blood. The situation was in jeopardy.

If it weren't for platinum armor, long Qingyun would have died miserably!

"Resist! Resist! Even if I run away, I don't have much chance. It's better to fight once!" the crazy light shines from my eyes. Long Qingyun is cracked all over, and his abdomen is pierced by a small gray sword. He is still holding on!


At this time, a scream came out, and the heart demon king finally did not escape. He was swallowed by the darkness of Xiaohui's great destruction and became a delicious nourishment. Long Qingyun was very sad in his heart. At this time, with a loud bang, the integration of 9981 ancestral dragon veins was finally completed!

Long Qingyun, who was almost desperate, had a strong and incomparable hope in his heart. He knew that the supreme dragon soul was born!

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