The appearance of the thunder giant greatly changed the faces of the twelve incarnations of the Lord gods. In particular, they felt the locked breath, and they were so angry that they were almost devastated! At this moment, they all know each other's identity. They are the messenger in charge of heaven who will be born when the scourge reaches a certain level! On behalf of heaven, the terrorist existence of the evolution of the most primitive rules of the universe!

The supreme and invincible Lord God may be the Supreme God in the eyes of hundreds of millions of gods in the immortal world. Even if it is a superior God, the LORD God can easily crush it with one finger. However, in front of this angel in charge, they are extremely frightened, because they are "Tao thieves" and do not really rely on their own strength to achieve this step. The so-called Lord God is actually


After seeing the angel in charge of heaven, especially locked by him, the twelve Lord gods were almost desperate. However, soon, the embodiment of the LORD God of wisdom made a pleasant voice "Everybody, come on! Let's work together to kill it! The angel in charge is not as invincible as the one in the Guixu God's possession. Its breath is weaker than our own. As long as we kill it and our scourge, we will not find us and our own!..."

As soon as his face changed, the water Lord God turned into a worried man and said, "no one has ever really killed the angel of heaven. Even the master just resisted a certain time limit under his attack. Do we really want to do this? I'm afraid it will cause more trouble! Now, maybe we can take that step..."

The killing intention in his eyes was awe inspiring, and the incarnation of the Dark Lord God said "It's too late! You can't go until you have to! The masters don't dare to do it easily. The loss is too great. If we do it, we have to escape to Guixu God's possession to cultivate, and we have to go through a long period of weakness! Although the birth of the heavenly messenger is due to the means of the old man of time and space, we have locked our avatar and must eliminate it at this moment, Otherwise, when they communicate with the source of the scourge of the universe and pass on our breath, the twelve Tao thieves will really be finished! At that time, the messenger in charge of heaven who came to deal with us will be almost as invincible as the one in the Guixu God's possession! "

When they were talking like this, the mighty thunder giant was also using his means. A small nine color thunder censer strangely appeared in his body, and twelve light spots of different colors appeared on it, which turned into twelve incense. The next moment, he began to sing an ancient tone like an endless long note, and then the twelve incense began to flash A little spark seems to be burning!

Seeing such a situation, the Twelve Gods became anxious. If they really lit incense, it would be bad!


Almost without hesitation, under the roar of the incarnation of the Dark Lord God, the twelve Lord gods sent out an extremely angry roar and shot together. For a time, the loud noise swept the world, the invincible will power of the LORD God was exploding, the infinite divine power was surging, the sacred was incomparable, full of powerful and unparalleled twelve terrible forces were blending, and earth shaking terrible powers broke out to kill the angel Zhang together 。

If their own safety was not threatened, even in the face of this incredible but not powerful messenger in charge of heaven, they definitely did not have the courage to fight. Now, they are forced to wave a "butcher's knife".

"Blasphemers... Thieves... Should be punished!..."

The messenger in charge of heaven made a mechanized sound and waved his hands suddenly. The nine color thunder was sweeping, full of the smell of great destruction, great punishment and great killing. It collided with the power of the incarnation of the twelve main gods, and the killing was extremely tragic!

"The darkness dies!..."

"Eyes of eternal light!..."

"The rhythm of the wind!..."

"ChiYan rage!...."

The terrible roar continued. Outside the Kunpeng secret territory, the twelve main gods roared together. They all tried their best. The terrible power burst out one by one, making the whole huge Kunpeng secret territory tremble. Under such terrible power, it trembled like a little sparrow in the storm!

The power of the twelve incarnations of the Lord gods and the power of the messenger in charge of heaven are terrible. At the moment, it's like a torrent of despair sweeping through. The void outside Kunpeng's Secret territory has been completely destroyed, and the whole Kunpeng's Secret territory has been greatly affected and trembling

At this moment, the vast Kunpeng secret territory

"My God! What is this? Kunpeng secret place, is it going to explode? Doomsday! Doomsday!..."

In Kunpeng's Secret territory, countless creatures are shouting. Whether they are the strong indigenous humans, birds and animals, they all tremble in despair, because the void is collapsing in large areas, the world is trembling, and the power of mass destruction occasionally infiltrates and destroys the four sides

This is clearly a sign that the world is going to end!

Near the vast Stone Mountain, the faces of the twelve main god envoys are getting more and more embarrassed. The sky seems to collapse. From time to time, terrible energy escapes. The power is like destroying the sky and the earth. Moreover, the whole Kunpeng secret territory is trembling and extremely violent!

"What's the matter with this..... This......? This power is the power of the LORD God. How can it be distributed into Kunpeng's Secret territory? Are they going to destroy this secret territory?" a genius in the immortal world opened his mouth tremblingly and inconceivably.

His face changed sharply. Another genius in the immortal world shook his head and said, "no! The twelve main god envoys are still here, the main god... It's right not to destroy this secret territory! However, the power of the main god can't be blasphemed. If they really change their mind, won't we be wiped out? In today's situation, Jin Ling can't urge us to leave!"

"No! In the current situation, we can only follow the twelve messengers of the LORD God. I hope that the great Lord God is fighting against what existence, and the power has spread into the secret realm, rather than really destroying it! Yes, it should be. Otherwise, if the LORD God wants to destroy the secret realm, the situation will be ten times, a hundred times worse than what is in front of us!..."

"Although the LORD God has great power, he does not dare to destroy a secret place easily. It will be eaten by the strong heaven and earth! It should be all right!..."

A group of immortal geniuses talked about it one after another. Although they were frightened, they could still keep a kind of calm. For the main god messengers who were suspended in the void and controlled twelve chaotic wonders, their faces were full of anger and bitterness!

The twelve ambassadors of the great Lord God are real geniuses like a tiger splitting the sky. However, they also feel deep powerlessness, because they clearly felt that the old man of time and space has been more and more tightly bound and will be completely suppressed. But at the moment, the binding force of chaotic wonders is decreasing step by step, which makes them even more shocked, Twelve chaotic wonders, I don't know what I feel, are trembling and afraid!

What is this? What means did the old man of time and space use?

The twelve messengers of the LORD God were burning with anxiety. Looking at the great changes in the secret territory of Kunpeng, their faces became more and more embarrassed. What's the matter with the great Lord God? Why did the power of the LORD God escape into the secret territory of Kunpeng? What's the reason?

Naturally, no one will help them answer these doubts. At the moment, Cui Hao, the initiator of all the incidents, is in the strange void area, trying his best to urge the power of chaos and help the old man of time and space to release his bondage!

"Fast! Fast! Hahaha... Little friend, you are the lucky star that I hit by the old man of time and space. Lucky star!..." sitting around, the old man of time and space laughed excitedly.

How could he be unhappy? With the help of Cui Hao, the twelve unreal chains deeply embedded in his body became more and more unreal, and seemed to collapse at any time!

"Great! Grandpa, maybe there's a way to save!......" she was so excited that Mengmeng's eyes burst with hope.

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