On the earth, various natural disasters are becoming more and more frequent, and the news of the invasion of hundreds of nationalities is constantly transmitted. Even, some arrive on the earth through small void channels and quietly integrate into the earth. Various events begin to occur frequently, and the burden of the earth's soul is increasing day by day!

Now, the earth soul has gathered almost all its forces at the six void channels, because it is more and more stable. In this case, it is very likely that a terrible median God will appear at any time!

A huge and extremely dense ancient tomb is now in a mess that has been destroyed. A group of strong people from the earth gather here. The leader is the murderous Ruilin. Now he is very different from before. After World Wars, Ruilin is much stronger than before, and his sword spirit is more and more perfect.

The most important thing about this void passage was that the three lower gods came out together. However, they were all killed by him, and Stephen was seriously injured.

Looking at the empty passage in front of him, at one moment, he felt a palpitation in vain. A strong sense of crisis filled his heart. He shouted hurriedly, "everyone, be careful, the enemy may come out!..."


At a certain moment, a terrible sound like a tsunami was transmitted. With a bright light, a powerful and majestic man with bloody eyes appeared, and his momentum was overbearing.

When he rushed out of the void passage, the big man suddenly burst out a powerful breath, stared at Ruilin and said angrily, "is it you, the warrior who killed my Titan family one after another? Today, the great king of Titans, Lord Ares, the median God, gives you death!..."

As he said this, Ares's body soared and suddenly turned into a giant surrounded by a red flame. He exuded a very palpitating and terrible breath. A dark sledgehammer appeared in his hand and smashed it out. The whole void suddenly collapsed into a huge black hole and smashed at Ruilin fiercely!


It's very dignified. Ruilin holds Ananda's sword. The whole person seems to be a sword light. The power of the sword spirit is integrated into the attack. A sword is disillusioned, but it contains an unspeakable sharp breath. Strike ares!


At the next moment, the giant hammer and Ananda's sword collided fiercely. With a dull hum, Ruilin said that Rao was blessed with sword spirit and was also at a disadvantage. On the opposite side, Ares, the king of the Titan, suddenly burst into a vast red flame, which became more and more intense. When he was hit with a hammer, there was a smell of indomitable, ferocious and domineering.

Ruilin's body turned into a sword light. In the fight, the two sides fought miserably.

However, it is obvious that Ruilin is still in an absolute weakness. If his six samsara Kendo were not too terrible, he would have been defeated at the moment!

The middle God is far more powerful than the lower God!


Suddenly, a bright pole of light was born in the void. It was extremely tyrannical and full of the smell of great destruction. This is Xiaoguang's super laser gun!


Suddenly, Ares was hit in his right arm and the whole right arm was smashed. However, for the gods with divine personality, it is an instinct to recover their own remains. With a loud cry, his body suddenly blurred and disappeared

"Bad! He has escaped into the earth!..." he looked embarrassed and Stephen was very worried.

At the same time, in the depths of the Sahara desert, a handsome man carrying a war knife rushed out of the void channel. He looked very thin, but his body was as straight as a gun. His long black hair spread behind him and blew wantonly, giving people a very strange feeling.

"Who? Kill!..."

Originally, Xiao Qi, who was bored and holding lingguo, was surprised. He felt the horror of the sabre man. However, he did not hesitate to shoot. His body was moving and ethereal, like floating freely in the void, but his hands emitted a bright light and wound around the man.

At the same time, Ao Guang was also sacrificed, and a terrible force broke out, smashing the man with a bang.


In the face of this blow, the man snorted coldly, and his whole body exuded a terrible bloody, resentful and murderous spirit. In addition, there was a kind of madness!


The sword behind him was pulled out at the same time. It was as wild as a volcanic eruption. It was cut out with a knife. It was extremely powerful. It directly killed the puppet of Xiao Qi and AO Guang.

In the roar, the man's Sabre hit Ao Guang's puppet heavily, and he was bound by Xiao Qi's attack. However, he suddenly burst out a sharp breath, and soon got rid of this bondage and fought with Xiao Qi.


A moment later, Xiaoguang's super laser gun came and was killed. The man dodged. He seemed to be aware of Xiaoqi's difficulties. Suddenly, his body flashed and disappeared

In a swamp area, a white robed woman rushed out of the void channel. She was very cold and attacked Wang Changsheng at the first time.

The fingertips suddenly burst into infinite light, giving people a warm but not dazzling, holy and mysterious feeling. However, this comfort also contains a terrible killing opportunity, which belongs to a killing move of the divine power of the Department of light!

"Trapped soul array!..."

Wang Changsheng was very dignified and started a war with the woman. The other party was very good at soul defense and defeated Wang Changsheng's killing step by step. At this time, Xiao Hui was sent to by Xiao Guang. The two brothers fought with him together, but they were still at a disadvantage. The super laser gun is still brewing, and their situation suddenly becomes extremely dangerous!

"Let me give you a hand!..."

At this critical moment, a rapid streamer came. He was a sloppy young man, but his eyes were very bright, shining like stars. It was Tang Xiao!

"Yin Yang Avenue!...."

Tang Xiao roared, and his hands bloomed in black and white, like a huge yin-yang Tai Chi, killing the white robed woman!

His attack was so powerful that Rao Shi, the white robed woman, was ferocious that she had to resist it solemnly. Together, the three finally moved back to the situation and occupied some advantages.


Very simply, the white robed woman suddenly trembled, suddenly turned into a light, and quickly disappeared

At the void passage of the dragon people, the supreme dragon soul is fighting with an overbearing man. This person is Ao Guang. However, it is not Ao Guang's separation, but the original Buddha, the original Buddha of the median God!

"Kill! Roar..."

Fighting fiercely, the supreme dragon soul seems to have great restraint against Ao Guang, making him roar, but he can't defeat it.

Finally, Ao Guang roared angrily and fled away, leaving the void channel to the supreme dragon soul.

There was almost no time difference between the six void channels, and battles broke out respectively. Moreover, different from the previous battles, this time, all the void existed through the peak of the world. They would come to the earth again like the invasion of 100 nationalities in those years.

At the void passage guarded by the dark body of the great destruction, the dark body of the great destruction is fighting with a green haired man with fish scales on his forehead. His eyes are green and his lips are dark purple. The whole person gives people a feeling of monstrosity.

"Whew, whew..."

The green haired man had a snake shaped sword with green light in his hand. It was waved casually and indifferently. The shadow of the sword was blurred in an instant. At the same time, the world rang through a beautiful rhythm, and sharp and terrible cyan blades suddenly flew out. At the same time, a wind bell sounded to confuse people's mind.

Such an attack shows the green haired man's profound understanding of the mystery of the wind system, but he can't do anything to destroy the dark part. Finally, the two sides launched a series of fierce battles, and then the green haired man fled in a hurry!

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