The source of heaven contains what Helen called the source of innate wisdom. It is intertwined with the source of acquired wisdom in the crown of wisdom, resulting in incredible changes. It is also the source of heaven, which is extremely precious and contains the great mystery of the universe. Finally, it was successfully promoted and controlled by Cui Hao!

The original sin is so terrible that the wisdom crown after transformation can disintegrate it. Although it is consumed violently, it is shocking enough. If this news is known by some big people in the immortal world, I'm afraid I'll bite off my tongue in horror!

The original sin deeply embedded in Cui Hao's chaotic soul disintegrated. Suddenly, the whole chaotic soul cheered and automatically began to heal slowly. The crown of wisdom gently turned and emitted a new light of wisdom, making it improve rapidly.

Chaotic soul, finally to recover!


At the next moment, Cui Hao opened his eyes and was completely awake. He was happy because of the recovery of strength.

The villa was dark, but it was as bright as day in his eyes. Helen's figure had disappeared, leaving only a set of clothes. Cui Hao thought of the previous scenes and was very sad. He didn't know what happened to Helen, because he gave herself the source of heaven. Has she disappeared? Or not dead?

Waving, Cui Hao put away the suit with a sad look.

People are not plants, who can be ruthless, not to mention that Helen is so cruel to Cui Hao. He is sad for Helen's departure in his heart.


The next moment, Cui Hao's whole face changed. As the master of the origin of the earth, he was shocked to find the strange change of the earth!

The earth, at this moment, seems to have become a dying and lifeless planet! Moreover, Cui Hao found that his control over the earth had been weakened countless times. As for the six samsara, it was like eating the perfect tonic pill. The breath was more and more fierce and terrible!

He discovered the strange change of the earth, and suddenly appeared in the earth soul headquarters.

"Master, what's the matter? I just fell into the feeling, earth, what's the matter?" Cui Hao asked in a hurry.

"Disciple, have you recovered?" Taoist Tianji was pleasantly surprised. He found that Cui Hao's old breath was swept away. The whole person's breath was extremely terrible and unpredictable.

Later, Taoist Tianji hurriedly told Cui Hao what had happened. He said with some worry, "disciple, the five failures of people on this day is a great disaster of heaven and earth. Once it appears, it often represents the complete disappearance of a world. The earth is really going to be destroyed this time!..."

Seeing through the golden light, Cui Hao found that there was a special breath in everyone's souls, which seemed to be a light black gas, which made their souls slowly weak and exhausted. This should be the influence of the five decline of heaven and man!

In his heart, Cui Hao naturally knew its horror, but he still made a decision in an instant! Since the first sigh of man's five failures did not affect him that day, it shows that he may be able to block it. It is absolutely impossible to let the second sigh come out. We should make a great transfer to all mankind before that!

Heaven and man decline five times. A sigh is better than a sigh. After five sighs, all under the great Luo disappear!

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