The news that Wang Changsheng and Daphne are going to get married naturally makes the party more lively and happy. The twins and sisters began to discuss what wedding gifts to give. Cui Hao looked at Xiao Qi and Mengmeng who were biting their ears and didn't know what to say. He smiled and said, "Xiao Qi, Mengmeng, when will you two do business? I think it's better to do it together. How about it?"

Hearing the speech, Xiao Qi was stunned and murmured, "OK? Well, boss..."

"No! I... I don't want to marry a crying ghost! Hum, I'm his eldest sister, not his wife?" Mengmeng explained with a blush.

This pair of happy enemies flirted and scolded so much, which naturally made everyone laugh, and Xiao Hui was also laughing. However, there was a touch of loneliness in the depths of his eyes! The second brother gets married when he has a lover. Even Xiao Qi has Mengmeng. When can he revive Yang Xue? Although it has been more than ten years, at the beginning, the woman like white lotus always lived in Xiaohui's heart and never left for a moment!

Xiaohui's expression was captured by Cui Hao. Looking at his third brother's snow like hair, he remembered Xiaohui who had snow like hair, blood and tears flowing in his eyes and completely crazy holding Yang Xue's body. At this point, Cui Hao is a little ashamed, because he has never been so single-minded as Xiao Hui. He has several confidants around him!

With a sigh in his heart, Cui Hao whispered, "Xiao Hui, don't be sad. We will become stronger together. One day, surpassing everyone in the universe, we will succeed in reviving our brothers and sisters. You should have confidence in yourself!..."

Feeling Cui Hao's voice, Xiao Hui nodded and squeezed out a smile at him without opening his mouth.

Next, they talked freely. During this period, they talked about the immortal world. Mengmeng told a lot of interesting stories about the immortal world, which made people look forward to it. However, Mengmeng also told everyone that the immortal world is very dangerous. Although everyone's strength is not weak, you should be careful!

During the discussion, yewushang also spoke, saying that if he returned to the immortal world this time, he would be separated from everyone. It's been too long for him to go back. He has a lot of things to do. Cui Hao naturally has no opinion about it.

The party was very lively. Finally, people began to drink in groups. Several good sisters such as Vivian laughed together and discussed some things about their daughter's family. Now, among all people, except Cui Hao, the strongest one should be Vivian. She is controlled by Cain. By chance, she has stimulated her physical potential, reached the level of platinum blood, and has the strength comparable to the superior God!

Casually drinking fruit wine, Cui Hao, Wang Changsheng and Xiao Hui are discussing the new earth. Ten years later, the first decline of the five decline of heaven and man has long ended. Moreover, because there is a large array composed of ten chaotic wonders, it is filled with the power of chaos, and all mankind has obtained great benefits. According to Xiao Hui's estimation, the life expectancy of ordinary people should be raised to 200 years old! Moreover, under the subtle influence of the power of chaos, many humans have a strong cultivation talent!

With a dignified look, Cui Hao said "Second brother, third brother, in fact, I should have had a more long-term closure after the closure, but I stopped, because I'm worried that thousands of years have passed after the closure, and some relatives and friends I care about have already left me! It's not enough to open the herbal garden to them. It's best to improve their strength by leaps and bounds Of course, if all mankind on the earth can give birth to a strong God, it will be better! "

Nodding, Xiao Hui said, "brother, I have discussed your idea with my second brother. We have also set some plans. I'll just tell you today..."

At the moment, Xiao Hui will say a set of detailed plans.

As the successor of the earth's soul, Xiaohui is undoubtedly very concerned about the development and future of all mankind. He works hard for this. After hearing his plan, Cui Hao is excited and satisfied. The perfect plan will be of great benefit to all mankind on earth!

With a happy smile, Cui Hao said "Good! Every life should have the qualification to pursue eternal life. As a member of the earth, we should do what we can for this big family! Xiao Hui, just follow your plan. We can't stop the passage of time and the passing of old lives. However, we can give them more opportunities to fight against time!"

With Cui Hao's nod and agreement, the new earth, a vigorous cultivation frenzy for all mankind, has been set off. All those with cultivation talents have been trained to a certain extent, and such a plan can not be achieved overnight. It must be accumulated over time to have an effect! As Cui Hao said, he is only doing his part, hoping to make the earth's compatriots get more benefits Office.

At night, Cui Hao accompanied the twin sisters Hua, Meng Ying and Vivian to chat together and watch the latest popular movies on the new earth. Late at night, he shared many women's beds and gave them their love. Now, with the strength rising step by step, the great joy Zen has already reached a peak. After a peak joy, all the women have been greatly appreciated Benefits, especially the twin sister flower, Meng Ying, has changed completely, and has become a master of half step magic!

Cui Hao was very satisfied with this. He also passed on his understanding of martial arts through the great joy Zen. I believe their strength will be improved by rocket in the next period of time and break through to the level of divine power. It's not a big problem!

Finally, the four women jointly suggested that Cui Hao accept meihuiko Ono and help her with the great joy Zen method. Otherwise, after a hundred years, Meimei may become a poor child without a mother!

Now Cui Hao, as the patron saint of the earth, has long ignored the so-called hatred between China and Japan, and really has a boundless mind of great love.

After thinking, Cui Hao went to MEIHUIZI Ono's residence.

As if she had guessed something, meihuiko Ono dressed up meticulously and confided her passionate love for Cui Hao. Therefore, Cui Hao officially had one more confidant... Similarly, Cui Hao also helped her with the great joy Zen method, so that her strength began to improve by leaps and bounds.

In the following days, Cui Hao accompanied his relatives and friends. He presided over the wedding of Wang Changsheng and Daphne, personally attended the important meeting of the new earth, and told all mankind a lot of things in the way of live broadcast of earth glory, making them look forward to the future more and more!

Three months after such days, the road from the immortal world is still very far away. Therefore, Cui Hao once again announced that he had started a new round of seclusion!

On the first floor of the prison world, a white cloud floated. On it, there was a figure sitting. It was Cui Hao.

Having basically solved his worries, Cui Hao decided to concentrate on accepting the inheritance of Dan Zun and Qi Zun. In this way, he will become an alchemist and tool refiner!


Just as Cui Hao was concentrating and preparing to release the inheritance of Dan Zun and tool Zun, a gorgeous tattoo suddenly sent out bursts of brilliance on his arm. At the same time, there was a strange ripple

"Hmm? What's going on?"

Cui Hao was surprised. The tattoo on his arm was a dreamy color. The dragon and Phoenix danced around. The divine dragon was majestic and domineering. The Phoenix was gorgeous and noble. People couldn't help worshipping.

This tattoo is a strange thing that was born when Cui Hao and Ouyang muxue kissed each other. Since then, they have been connected. At this moment, it shines strangely!

Cui Hao was excited and nervous. At this time, a voice came out of the tattoo, soft and with the smell of Wu Nong's soft language. Hearing such a voice, Cui Hao trembled with excitement, because it was the voice of Ouyang dusk snow!!!

"Brother Hao, you should take good care of yourself! The ranking of the world leader of the Star Tower will be opened after 800000 years. My original xuehuang world leader has cultivated an anti heaven magic power, and will be able to enter the top 100 and receive gifts. She has submitted what she needs this time, which is a drop of water, moon and sky, which can completely erase my residual consciousness..... I..... Dusk snow wants to Say goodbye... "

The passing of Ouyang dusk snow was intermittent. Finally, it stopped abruptly, and the tattoo on Cui Hao's arm returned to silence.

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