The empty giant beast is huge, millions of miles, but compared with the immortal world in the cold space ahead, it is as small as a drop in the sea! At this moment, Cui Hao, ye Wushang, Meng Meng, Xiao Hui, playing God stone, Cui Wushuang and so on, all appear. Looking at the immeasurable and colorful ball in front, it is extremely shocking!

This is the fairy world. Once upon a time, it was called the fairy world!

The universe is vast, and there are too many strange and mysterious places. However, there are only six worlds containing the source of immortality, of which the largest and boundless is the immortal world!

The immortal world is so vast that no one knows how big it is. Although the strong infinite gods have opened up 1080 worlds, there is still a vast no man's land. It's too dangerous. Even the great God won't get involved easily!

The immortal world is too dangerous. With the accumulation and precipitation of endless years, most of the strong are like stars. The level of magical power and the person who refines the divine personality into a God are the weak struggling at the bottom. The lower gods are just ordinary people. Only the upper gods are qualified to break through the immortal world!

The immortal world is too special. It is full of violent divine forces everywhere, and the density of matter is many million times stronger than that of ordinary planets. It is precisely because of various factors that it has become the final gathering place of countless powerful people.

The immortal world is wonderful. There are many forces here, mixed with good and bad. In addition to the huge forces established by the twelve main gods, there are also many other great forces and terror. They fight and compete with each other. This is the eternal theme of the immortal world.

In short, this is the heaven of the strong, the hell of the weak, and the ultimate melting pot!

At the moment, suspended in space, Cui Hao looked at the immeasurable immortal world, felt its ancient breath, and couldn't help feeling thousands of emotions. At this time, the six reincarnations in the prototype of his perfect star domain suddenly shook violently and wanted to get out of trouble. However, soon it seemed to feel something again, and some lost stopped struggling.

"Hmm? What's going on?..."

Such changes have aroused doubts in Cui Hao's heart. It has been more than 100 years since the six reincarnations were captured by him and suppressed in the rudiment of the perfect star domain in his body. It has always been silent. Moreover, it has been successfully refined by Cui Hao's chaotic power day and night! Although this trace may be only one in ten thousand, this is a good beginning. As long as there is enough time, Cui Hao believes that he can refine the six samsara!

"Are... The six samsaras also related to the immortal world? The six immortal world... The immortal world is the most boundless. Since the vast Xianyuan world is bred by the six samsaras, what about the immortal world? Is it..."

Thinking of some possibility, Cui Hao was shocked, because he vaguely had a feeling that he might have come into contact with a terrible taboo!

After taking a deep breath, Cui Hao regained his calm and waved. The damaged Shenzhou appeared on the other side. He smiled and said, "gentlemen, we will soon come to the immortal world. If we come in the form of an empty giant beast, it's inappropriate. Let's go!..."

"Immortal world, the master of your God stone... Is coming!" he was very excited and howled.


As the people entered the other side of the Shenzhou, it turned into a flash of streamer and went towards the boundless immortal world!

Looking at the dead horse running on the mountain, although it seems close at hand, the Shenzhou on the other side took a full month. Finally, it touched an ancient and beautiful diaphragm. It was easy to pass through this layer of diaphragm. Immediately, the boundless terrorist pressure suddenly acted on the Shenzhou on the other side. This is the majestic terrorist pressure belonging to the immortal world!

"It's so strong, immortal world. It's really not easy!..."

As the owner of the Shenzhou on the other side, Cui Hao's feeling is very real. He is falling rapidly, as if he was oppressed by hundreds of millions of forces! In a hurry, Cui Hao urged the power of chaos to bless, and its downward trend slowed down. Simply, Cui Hao allowed it to keep falling at a speed. In China, everyone was excited and looking forward to

This is a vast area, like a sea of stars. In the void, the terrible sun belonging to the immortal world is shining, reflecting fascinating lights, which makes people feel comfortable. Endless mountains are hidden and endless. Special starlight exists in it, full of a sense of mystery.

If some people think that the vast area of Xinghai is a paradise, it is really wrong, because it is located in the border area of the forces under the jurisdiction of the two divine cities. It is the most chaotic area with the most bandit forces in the immortal world. It has a name, riot Xinghai!

It's hard to survive in the immortal world. Even the lower gods are not easy, because there are too many strong people in the immortal world. In order to survive, many strong people form bandit forces to kill and rob everywhere.

Even the area under the jurisdiction of the divine city will often be looted by bandits. After all, the divine city is beyond the reach of the whip. The jurisdiction area is really too vast!

When it comes to the bandit forces in the immortal world, I have to mention that there are 108giant holy cities that are so old that I don't know how old they are. This is a safe area in the immortal world. Ninety nine percent of the City owners will issue prohibition orders. If they dare to violate the dignity of the great God City owner, they will be directly killed by the strong guards under his command. This is the real paradise in the immortal world.

However, although the holy city is huge, there are more strong gods in the immortal world. Some weak lower gods and middle gods simply don't have enough wealth to live in the holy city for a long time. They can only rent houses. Even if the upper gods want to buy a mansion, it's not so easy. It's too expensive!

The house price inside the holy city is expensive, but there is a boundless docile divine power, which can be used by a large number of strong people to absorb and cultivate. Outside the God City, there are all kinds of mottled and violent God yuan forces, but they can't absorb them. They can only choose to absorb God crystals to resist the possible dangers outside the God city at any time.

Of course, some poor and powerful gods will also be forced to absorb the violent and mottled divine power, but it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and it is also easy to cause demons.

The area outside the holy city is too dangerous. There are various natural crises. Except for some crazy people who like adventure, almost 99% of the strong gods have sharpened their heads to enter the holy city. However, a house is hard to find and there is no house to live in. When the forbidden guards of the holy city are cleared every other month, they will be driven out and punished by Shenjing


At one moment, there was a strong void wave over a dark mountain that exploded in the star sea, and a broken ship fell down with a terrible roar.

Soon, figures appeared at the foot of a low mountain in the dark mountains. It was Cui Hao and others who were surprised. They looked around and were very excited. The immortal world finally arrived!

Feeling everything around him, Cui Hao, who was suspended in the void, said with emotion, "I just heard Mengmeng say that except for the divine City, the immortal world is full of violent and mottled divine forces. It's true! The gravity here is so strong that it's more than 10000 times stronger than the earth!"

Nodding, Xiao Hui said solemnly, "not only that, the void here is so solid, just like a piece of divine iron. If you want to tear this void, you need more than strength? Can you tell me, Mengmeng?"

At the moment, Mengmeng is whispering with Xiao Qi. Hearing the speech, she hurriedly smiles and says, "I know very well. In addition to Xiao Qi and I, who have great control over the void, ordinary strong gods... Need the strength of the superior God to tear reluctantly. The strength of the tear is related to their strength!"

i see.......

Hearing Mengmeng's explanation, everyone was surprised.

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