After Cui Hao's quarrel, a group of old monks in the other courtyard also stopped chanting scriptures. There was no hope for them. Duan Guorong simply waved his hand and asked them all to leave, while he personally invited Cui Hao into the house with great respect together with Fu Hanxue. At the same time, Duan Guorong carefully observed Cui Hao. He looked ordinary, but he had a grand and powerful momentum. The most remarkable thing was his eyes, which were very deep and gave people a kind of deep and incomparable, like a bottomless spring. At the same time, Cui Hao was also secretly observing Duan Guorong. He quietly opened his perspective eyes and found that there was a light cyan air flow rotating on his head, but the air flow already showed signs of weakness. It seems that his fate is doomed to the top of his official position. Generally speaking, the light cyan air flow is a sign of official position. If the light cyan air flow on a person's head is extremely rich and forms clouds, this is the legendary life style of rising steadily. As long as there is such a life style, an official will rise step by step and become a real sign of wealth.

Entering the room, Duan Guorong couldn't help asking, "little brother, I don't think you behave and talk like ordinary people. I don't know your name. Are you a native of Jiangzhou?"

With a smile, facing Duan Guorong, the mayor of Jiangzhou, Cui Hao said humbly, "Mayor Duan manages everything every day, but I can't remember me. My name is Cui Hao. I'm a good friend with brother scar. He once asked the public security system to take care of me with the help of your relationship. Do you still have an impression?"

"Cui hao? I know you! You are a wonderful young man! My secretary gave me a detailed information about you some time ago. In the past 20 years, the dragon was hidden and did not show the mountain and water leakage. He won the title of brother of justice in the hospital. Later, he met the little girl of the Tang family and gave him a trigger that was the favorite of Empress Dowager Cixi with a value of more than 100 million. That's not enough. You and me Murong's boy won a luxury car in a bet. Besides, you are also a master gambler. It is said that you are among the top 100 places in the Jiangzhou finals of tomorrow's gambler competition. Moreover, it is said that your boy has only selected three raw stones? In addition, you have many shocking things, mysterious identity and background! ", Duan Guorong said so many words in one breath.

After touching his nose, Cui Hao didn't expect that he had become so famous. He couldn't help but be a little stunned. He smiled bitterly and said, "these are just small things worth mentioning. Let mayor Duan know. Hey, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. It seems that it's difficult for me to be a silent little person in the future!"

This is really what Cui Hao said in his heart. He also really realized that since he opened his perspective eye, he was destined not to spend an ordinary life. Knowing Cui Hao's identity, Duan Guorong became more and more kind to him, and said softly "Xiao Cui, scar Si and I are good friends, so you and I can call me brother Duan! Don't worry, as long as you can use my place in the future, I will help you! However, I still want to ask you to help Tong Tong drive away evil spirits. He has been haunted by ghosts for many days. Now he is more and more weak and angry High fever. "

Nodding, Cui Hao was very satisfied with Duan Guorong's kindness and said, "brother Duan, don't worry, I will do my best. I still have some experience in medical skills. After I expel evil spirits, I will cure the disease for Tong Tong."

Seeing what Cui Hao said so firmly, Duan Guorong was very excited and nodded hurriedly. As for Fu Hanxue, he was already excited and was about to burst into tears. Tong Tong, it seems that he can be saved this time! Because he was worried about Tong Tong's disease, Cui Hao didn't continue to talk with the two people too much and entered the bedroom. On his bed, Cui Hao saw Tong Tong Tong again, which was still alive The smart and lively little boy is now ill. He is lying in bed with a high fever, but it is difficult to sleep. He is constantly struggling in fear. It looks very distressing.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao hurriedly urged his perspective eyes, and suddenly there were some changes in the scene in front of him. He clearly saw that there was a circle of extremely strong black gas wrapped around the little boy, full of fierce resentment. It was the evil spirit, and there seemed to be something in the little boy's body. It seemed that he felt something, and there was a strong blood in the boy's body The color shadow rushed out and merged with the circle of evil Qi, turning into a red dress ghost with disheveled hair, three inches long tongue and blood flowing from her eyes.

It seems that she is very afraid of Cui Hao. The female ghost rushes out of Tong Tong's body and doesn't immediately jump at Cui Hao. Instead, she makes a strange scream and stares at Cui Hao fiercely. Vaguely, Cui Hao seems to hear each other's voice and wants him to leave immediately, otherwise she will kill herself. This is a kind of ghost language. Cui Hao doesn't understand it, but he can feel it. Leaving? Cui Hao naturally won't. he glared at the female ghost and issued a dignified voice, "evil barrier! You've turned into a ghost. Why don't you go away and return to reincarnation, but do evil things here and become a ghost?"

Duan Guorong and Fu Hanxue couldn't see anything, but they all felt that the bedroom suddenly became extremely cold, gloomy and trembling. At this moment, Tong Tong suddenly woke up, cried and asked Cui Hao for help "Big brother, help me, help me, that terrible woman has been pestering me and entering my body. Tong Tong is cold and Tong Tong is afraid!"

Tong Tong's tender voice trembled and was very pitiful. At this moment, Duan Guorong and Fu Hanxue were heartbroken. They wanted to kill the evil ghost immediately. However, they couldn't even see where the ghost was. Naturally, they could only place all their hopes on Cui Hao. At the moment, Cui Hao yelled at the female ghost, "dissipate yourself, otherwise, don't blame me. Cui Hao will act for heaven today!"

Seeing Cui Hao didn't leave, the female ghost was angry and screamed bitterly. She saw a circle of extremely strong evil Qi on her. They all merged into one, and even formed a black ghost, which was extremely vicious, and rushed towards Cui Hao. At the same time, the female ghost disappeared out of thin air.

The Black Ghost screamed and rushed to Cui Hao. His appearance was more ugly and terrible. Even with full confidence, Cui Hao was startled when he had ten ghost talismans in his arms. He hurriedly took out one. His palm shook and Shua. This ghost talisman burst into an invisible flame and suddenly drowned the ghost.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

Faintly, Cui Hao seemed to hear the ghost turned into a ghost scream and hysteria, but soon its cry disappeared, and the strong black evil spirit quickly disappeared. It had dissipated under the action of the ghost charm.

It worked!

As soon as the ghost talisman came out, a ghost turned into a ghost was dead in the town. Cui Hao was naturally very happy. However, when he was very happy, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, because he felt a cold and incomparable evil spirit integrated into his body, and immediately appeared in his mind and turned into a female ghost. His hair was dishevelled and his tongue was three inches long, Blood flowed from his eyes, which was creepy and surprising.

It appeared in Cui Hao's mind. The female ghost gave out an evil smile and suddenly opened her mouth. This time, Cui Hao could understand the words she called out. "You hateful human, if you want to break my business, you have to die! Die!"

"Woo woo woo..."

With such a shrill cry, the female ghost rushed to Cui Hao. It was really cruel and creepy.

What should I do?

At this moment, even Cui Hao was a little flustered. He learned to make ghost talisman in the strange book, but he couldn't catch other ghosts. If the female ghost was outside, he believed that the ghost talisman was enough to kill it alive, but now it is dangerous.

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