On the life and death challenge arena, Cui Hao looked at each other from a distance and proudly said, "you and I have no hatred of life and death, but we are forced step by step. Let's fight together, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

He stared at Cui Hao with great fear. The wildfire stepped forward and whispered, "moon, my main attack, you can help!"


With this saying, the body of the wildfire was shocked in vain, and a violent force of fire rolled and raged, and his body was suddenly covered with dense dark red scales, with strange dark red flames winding around it, insidious, secret and evil

With a ferocious smile, the sound of wildfire rumbled, "Cui Hao, I can feel that you are very strong, but it's a pity that the person who will eventually die in this war is destined to be you! You can also be proud and die under my wildfire transformation..."


With that, wildfire's palm suddenly stretched out. Suddenly, a huge axe appeared in his palm, huge and heavy, carved with many complex patterns, full of the vicissitudes of years.

In an instant, the smell of wildfire expanded several times. Even Cui Hao put away his face, relaxed and casual, looked at him solemnly and said, "yes, some meaning......"


With a burst of drink, the wildfire suddenly flashed around Cui Hao. The giant axe in his hand fell like a groundbreaking world. It was like a wild tyrant's endless fire dragon winding around it. It breathed out terrible flames and wanted to burn the heavens.

"Well done!..."

In the face of this attack, Cui Hao laughed. The power of chaos was brewing in his fist. It roared. A fist fell like a holy mountain and collapsed into the sky. It directly shook the edge of the giant axe!

If he hadn't practiced the immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire, although Cui Hao was strong in his flesh, he didn't dare to be so unscrupulous. Now, his flesh is already strong in a mess, comparable to the hardness of artifact. He is confident.


In an instant, the terrible roar broke out. Cui Hao's fist and axe made a clang sound. His majestic and majestic physical power and chaotic power broke out at the same time. Under the special operation mode of the original mother fist, it broke out ferociously!


The wildfire screamed, and the whole person showed an incredible expression. The whole person suddenly flew out. The ferocious and chaotic power made him cough up blood in an instant and extremely painful!

With one punch, the wildfire was smashed and flew out by Cui Hao. It was seriously injured!

This scene immediately surprised countless onlookers. It's amazing. The power of one punch is so fierce!

"Hahaha... Boss, come on!" Xiao Qi waved her arms and shouted happily.

Seeing Cui Hao so powerful, Meng Ying and other four women were also relieved. As for the surroundings, there had been a series of exclamations and comments.

On the challenge arena of life and death, Han Yueer screamed and suddenly turned into a cold current. There was an ice whip in her palm, shining with strange colors. It was a strange artifact. She beat Cui Hao hard. It sent out a strong and incomparable smell of ice, as if it could freeze heaven and earth!

When Cui Hao hit the wildfire with a fist, he welcomed Han Yuer's attack. For this, he laughed and still hit it with a fist. The cold ice whip smashed and lost to Cui Hao's fist.

"Ice war!..."

The injured Han Yueer suddenly opened her mouth solemnly. Her jade hands became pale and almost transparent. They suddenly moved hundreds of millions of times. Strange snow-white cold surged and transpiration in an instant, forming a crystal invisible quality that enveloped Cui Hao in an instant

"Hmm? What a strange move..."

In an instant, Cui Hao felt as if he was shrouded in a strange ice field. There was cold ice and ice everywhere. The boundless loneliness and cold continued to impact like a raging tide

At this time, the boundless wind and snow began, and terrible cold ice surges came, freezing them to death!

"Hum! How dare you show off the skill of carving insects? Break it for me!..."

With a cold hum, Cui Hao broke out his mental force without hesitation. Suddenly, a terrible mental force burst out wantonly. It was also an invisible force. In an instant, the sound of clicking continued, and the cold ice field was cracked.

Under such circumstances, Han Yueer suddenly snorted and was eaten back, and her heart was attacked by Cui Hao's heart force and resisted painfully.

Although I don't know what means Xiaohan Yueer uses, since it is a means similar to soul attack, mental power is undoubtedly the best way to crack it. Moreover, Cui Hao's mental power contains some invincible will, and he looks down at him and easily cracks it.


With a solemn look, Cui Hao naturally won't miss such a rare opportunity. With a sudden flash of his body, he came to Han Yuer, who was suffering and resisting her heart power. He raised his hand and hit it with a fist!


In the distance, the wildfire that had just stood up from the challenge arena shouted. He suddenly broke out with all his strength and rushed to Cui Hao to stop him.

Unfortunately, the speed is still too slow. Almost when he can't roar, Cui Hao's original mother fist has been played, turning corruption into magical power. It seems ordinary, but it is mixed with too many esoteric martial arts. One punch contains the power of chaos and terrible confusion!


At the next moment, accompanied by a terrible loud noise, Han Yueer uttered a scream, her body burst and was blasted by Cui Haosheng, and her superior God, space God ring, was swept away by Cui Hao.

Comrade Lei Feng said that we should treat our relatives as warm as spring, treat our enemies as unfeeling as the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves. At this moment, Cui Hao perfectly interprets this concept.

A three-star God was directly exploded. This picture deeply shocked everyone. Among them, some people with vision shouted "Xinli! He... He is the soul cultivation! The soul alliance! One of the respected cultivation!..."

One word shocked all sides!

Soul cultivation, the meaning of these two words, everyone who has some common sense knows that this is the most rebellious and difficult existence, which can never be easily provoked!

At the moment, the face is the most embarrassing. There is no doubt that Huangyan four are less. They are thrilled and shocked one by one. They know that they have kicked on the iron plate this time! Soul cultivation, that's a group of real perverts. Moreover, it is said that this organization is extremely short-sighted. No one can reach for the hunting of the soul. It's mysterious and terrible! Although the family of the four young people in Huangyan is also powerful, it is only in Huangyan God City, and its influence can't affect one world. But soul repair, it is a cruel role that many big forces in the whole immortal world don't want to easily provoke! Although they are few in number, they are terrible one by one. In addition, the soul alliance is very protective

In fact, Cui Hao deliberately showed his mental strength. His second brother is a genuine member of the soul alliance. Even if he pulls the tiger skin flag, the soul alliance will not really treat him. Moreover, they can cultivate their mental strength by themselves. They may invite themselves to join the soul alliance as a treasure!

At the scene, except Xiao Qi and others who were not shocked, there was another person. At the moment, he was filled with anger and murderous intention. It was wildfire.

"Ah ah ah..."

The impact came quickly. Unfortunately, it was still a step slower. Wildfire saw Cui Hao blow Han Yuer with his fist. His heart was like a knife. He shouted angrily.

Then, the wildfire looked ferocious, pointed to Cui Hao and said, "you dare to kill my moon, i.. I will kill you!"

In this regard, Cui Hao sneered and said, "why don't you dare? You can only kill people wantonly, and others can't kill you? If you didn't press step by step and have to fight with my life and death challenge arena, she wouldn't die, so you killed her, not me!"

"It's no use talking like a spring. I swear to kill you!..." my eyes are red and wildfire is very angry.

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