Just when Cui Hao killed the wildfire and went to the Black Devil Castle again, outside Huangyan God City, 30 million miles northwest, in a well-known dead place, the black fire dead pool, suddenly bubbled with bubbles. As soon as these bubbles came out, they turned into a strange and insidious black flame, and the burning void was slightly distorted, which shows the horror of its energy!

More and more blisters appeared. Finally, with a large number of strange black fires burning, a huge body suddenly appeared at the bottom of the pool. It was a ferocious freak with dark scales and red eyes!

The strange man's dark scales have dense scarlet eyes and blink. It's very strange! If Cui Hao is here, he will recognize it at a glance. This strange man is very similar to the shape after the second transformation of wildfire!

"Roar!... my son! Who killed you? I... must avenge you!"

The strange man uttered a terrible roar, and his huge body suddenly turned into an old man wearing real feather clothes. He had a sulcus nose, sinister eyes, and a blood red sarcoma on his forehead, giving people a terrible smell of palpitation!

This man is the first guest Qing of the owner of Huangyan Shencheng. He is the God of the six stars, sakazaki fire!

Turning his hand over, a red gold magic lamp suddenly appeared in qihuo's hand, shining golden eyes. However, the lamp in it has been extinguished. This is a strange and magical soul lamp, which condenses a trace of wildfire and reposes the soul power in it. At the moment, it has disappeared!

His eyes narrowed slightly and Qi Huo whispered "I'm terrified..... I'm terrified..... OK! I want to know which animal dares to kill my son! Huang'er, I haven't told you. In fact, I'm not only your master, but also your father! In those years, my father betrayed your mother and made him die with hatred. You also hate your father who you never met. I dare not tell you I told you the truth, but I didn't expect you to die! When I was dying, I didn't know I was your father... "

In such a whisper, Qi Huo's eyes have gradually risen out of a sense of killing, more and more intense, more and more turbulent!


With this, the fire suddenly turned into a streamer and rose into the sky

As soon as Cui Hao appeared here in the Black Devil Castle, he attracted the attention of South China, the small captain of the guard army. He was surprised at first and then said with a smile, "hahaha... Although I was shocked to see you, I'm also very happy! I've been unhappy with dongqinglei for a long time. This time he ate badly!..."

In this regard, Cui Hao smiled faintly and said with a smile, "brother South China, you and I met by chance. Thank you for your kind help. I want to enter the Black Devil Castle to buy something. Goodbye!"

Hearing this, South China hesitated for a moment, and then quietly passed his soul, "brother, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time! Not to mention that you offended the four families. The four guys were full of bad water, and the wildfire died at your hands. It is said that his master is the first guest Qing of the owner and the God of the six stars. There is no fear to provoke! If you let him know that you killed his disciple..."

Hearing this, Cui Hao was slightly surprised and nodded, "brother South China, thank you for reminding me. I'll pay attention. Goodbye!..."

Because of the reminder from South China, Cui Hao was worried. He hurriedly took Xiao Qi and others into the Black Devil Castle. He directly went to the third floor, paid seven million divine crystals, and successfully bought the strange silver white ball.

"Dear guest, please keep it!"


Reaching out, Cui Hao took the silver ball and was about to be included in the first layer of prison world.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this moment, the silver ball seemed to feel something, and suddenly shook violently. Then, it burst out a sharp silver light and suddenly rushed into Cui Hao's body!

All this came so fast that Cui Hao had no time to stop him, and his body seemed to be under some traction. His limbs and bones shook together, and a fluffy chaotic light spot emerged and suddenly rushed into the silver white ball!


For a moment, a clear and proud cry with a truly invincible charm suddenly came out. At the same time, the silver white ball suddenly squirmed and clattered. The next moment, it suddenly expanded ten times. At the same time, it burst out a fluffy, hazy and beautiful light. In a moment, it filled Cui Hao's surroundings and burst out!

"Puff, puff..."

In an instant, all the objects within a hundred meters around Cui Hao disappeared, and the twelve VIP guests who selected the items and the three great deacons who were superior to the gods evaporated! To be exact, they turned into a canopy of smoke and dust under the terrible sword light


For a moment, a huge black hole appeared on the third floor of the Black Devil Castle. The strong gods in this range had no time to make any screams, and they suddenly disappeared!

"This... This... What's the situation?"

At the moment, Cui Hao was shocked and confused! Just at that moment, he also deeply felt the horror of this misty and beautiful light. It was terrible!

Cui Hao instantly thought of the legendary supreme deity and eternal divine light recorded in the weapon refining technique inherited by Dan Zun! Whether it's color, shape or power, this silvery white ball looks like a large condensate of eternal divine light!

It is said that the eternal divine light is one of the supreme gods in the universe, and it is also an indispensable thing for the breeding of eternal artifacts!

There was once a great man who got a ball the size of a washbasin and ventured into his weapon. This weapon finally advanced and became an eternal artifact. Qizun also obtained a few wisps in that year. He has studied it for hundreds of millions of years and gained a lot of experience.

"Is this... Really made of the eternal divine light? How many volumes of the eternal divine light does it need to succeed? There seems to be something inside it!" Cui Hao was shocked. Cui Hao dragged a silver white ball and felt like holding a time bomb for the first time!

The power of this silvery white ball is really terrible. Although Cui Hao was not hurt by its outbreak just now, he was still very frightened. What if it broke out in vain and killed himself into a pile of fly ash?

"Ah! What's the matter? That loud noise just now... It's terrible..."

"Enemy attack, Black Devil Castle has enemy attack!..."

"Can't you? How could the third floor of the Black Devil Castle be pierced? God, look, the empty forbidden God array appears!..."

Just when Cui Hao was in a state of ignorance, such a great change had already shocked countless people. In an instant, the dark Devil Castle was extinguished and a big hole was formed. Moreover, the misty and beautiful light burst into the sky, breaking out the unparalleled power of terror and causing the emergence of the air forbidden God array. What a terrible scene?

What's more shocking is that the air forbidden God array, which is said to resist the full attack of the nine star superior God, was torn through a hole. Although the hole is small, the impact is too terrible. The power of the light is comparable to the full attack of the nine star superior God?

Crazy! Crazy

At this moment, many people looked at the scene incredibly and couldn't believe their eyes. Then, many people suddenly noticed Cui Hao and the silver ball in his hand! Suddenly, many people have a strong desire for greed!

This silvery white ball can burst out with the full force of the nine star superior God. It's too precious!

At the same time, Huangyan God City, many areas, broke out the smell of terror. The four families, the city master's house, Tianji Pavilion, Star Tower and so on all had terror. They came at the first time!

"Bad! It's breaking the sky!" Cui Hao's face changed sharply, and he was extremely upset.

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