Cui Hao feels unimaginable. He has completed a soul refining method in his ignorance?

General artifact is smelted by the smelter with the ore, branded array, pregnant spirit, etc. Finally, it forms the rough embryo of the weapon, and then through the strong man's blood to recognize the Lord, it carries out the accumulation of blood and soul, and finally makes it a weapon intersecting with his own life.

A higher level is the method of blood refining, because some strange blood breeds mysterious things in the blood, and its power and potential are far beyond ordinary artifact. The soul refining method is a higher level than the blood refining method. However, there are too few rare treasures that can carry out the soul refining method, and the potential and power are naturally greater!

First of all, the soul refining method is not branded with the array, but it naturally breeds a strange context, which is similar to the array and more perfect fit with heaven and earth. This is the same as the legendary eternal artifact. It is not refined, but bred under special circumstances and conditions!

At this moment, when Cui Hao was still in a state of ignorance, many messages of the silver liquid were ingenious and entered Cui Hao's body in a state that seemed to flow into his heart.

"The liquid of eternal divine light, seizing the creation of heaven and earth, pregnant with the essence of all things......"

Sure enough, this silvery white liquid is really the eternal light!

Because the silver white liquid is equivalent to soul refining, Cui Hao can also feel everything about it, its dignity and mystery, detachment and strength. Moreover, he is stunned to feel that the eternal divine light liquid wants to integrate with the illusory tripod in Cui Hao's body. He should take this as the foundation to condense the real soul refining thing!

After the soul refining method is completed, as long as the special material is integrated into some precious weapon rough embryos, it can be transformed into powerful weapons and have many wonderful things. Cui Hao knows this, but he never thought that the eternal divine light liquid wants to integrate with the illusory tripod in his body. What's the rhythm?

At the beginning, Cui Hao's original mother fist epiphany gathered the essence of thousands of martial arts with the way of sincerity, and based on the four divine fists of the four divine beasts, he gave birth to an illusory small tripod. Later, he took this as the basis to temper the chaotic golden pill and condense the fuzzy martial words. Since the chaotic golden pill became the prototype of the perfect star domain, the illusory small tripod has been silent, I didn't expect it to work now?

Cui Hao will never underestimate this small tripod. It is the root of his martial arts. It breeds chaotic golden elixir and fuzzy martial words. In fact, it also contains its own peculiarities!

One tripod, two ears and three feet are illusory but contain wonderful, which is in line with the mystery of the most simple way. Tao generates one, life two, two generates three, and three generates all things!

With a movement in his heart, Cui Hao urged the eternal divine light liquid to melt into the illusory small tripod.

"Hum... Hum... Hum..."

For a moment, the unreal small tripod suddenly made a dull sound, and the whole form expanded ten times, and the eternal divine light liquid began to interweave and integrate with it

Suddenly, the unreal tripod had a kind of solid taste, and it began to emit a noble, detached and invincible breath, which was very strong, making it seem to turn into an invincible divine tripod.

However, it soon converged this breath and sent out a desire towards Cui Hao, hoping that Cui Hao would find another main material to satisfy it and completely condense into this small tripod!

In fact, after feeling this noble and invincible atmosphere, Cui Hao was excited and wanted to laugh. All along, he did not condense his own weapons. Now, the only thing of his life is a tianwu armor formed by heaven and earth fetal membrane and fuzzy martial words. If the small tripod can be condensed, it will be a terrible mess, You can grow up step by step and win the invincible!

This eternal divine light liquid is really amazing. It seems to have a special spirit similar to intelligence. Immediately, Cui Hao asked it what kind of main material it most wants? Ordinary minerals and the like, with the mystery of eternal artifact, should be despised!

As a result, it transmits a kind of fluctuation. I don't know. However, if Cui Hao encounters it, it will send out a fluctuation reminder.

Later, Cui Hao thought of the most important thing now, how to resist the attack of strong enemies? Therefore, Cui Hao once again sent waves to the real and illusory small tripod, hoping to get help. Soon, it responded. If Cui Hao injected a lot of chaos, it could explode once! However, the power is limited, which is the same as the power emitted when it was excited before.

This response naturally made Cui Hao very happy. Without hesitation, he began to talk about the injection of a large amount of chaotic force he had hoarded. The injection of chaotic force one by one was like no cost, which consumed nearly half of Cui Hao's hoarding. Xiaoding stopped absorbing. Although it was still true and illusory, there was a terrible smell inside


Cui Hao was very happy in his heart. Although he lost more than half of the chaotic power he had hoarded for a hundred years, he was very happy in his heart and suddenly had some confidence!

After completing these, Cui Hao's sense of crisis has intensified. He controls the killing array for nine days and ten places, waiting for the arrival of the enemy!

He jumped up and down excitedly, hit the God stone and shouted, "boss, when will the enemy arrive? I can't wait! Such a powerful guy is the real fat sheep. It's estimated that if we kill one, we can make a lot of money!......"

With a smile, Cui Hao comforted, "little stone, don't be anxious. I can feel that the enemy may come at any time!"

"Whew! Whew! Whew!..."

Flying rapidly, the figure surrounded by water holds a compass, and behind him is a blood mask and a killer.

Feeling the two light spots that had stopped moving in the compass, the figure surrounded by the water made a cold sound "He has stopped. We can arrive in half an hour at most!...... However, according to our previous agreement, I will help you find him. You should take the lead. As for the ownership of the last precious thing, let's rely on your abilities!......"

Hearing the speech, the blood mask smiled faintly, and the hoarse voice echoed, "don't worry, we kill with blood, and the most important thing is reputation! This time, we hunt together, and the prey is naturally the home of the strong!..."

Time passes slowly

About half an hour later, the shadow of a group of people suddenly appeared over an ordinary mountain. All of them were dressed in bloody clothes and covered their faces. However, each breath was strong and full of a smell of bloody slaughter.

Overlooking the bottom, the head of the blood mask said, "little ones, old rules, quietly hide, surround and kill!..."

"Whew, whew, whew..."

With his words, all the shadows behind him trembled and turned into a residual shadow. Then, they disappeared strangely.

"Chatter, chatter..."

Overlooking the lower part, the blood mask also gave out a dull sneer. Then, his body trembled and suddenly lost its trace

Just as they were killing towards the bottom, an almost transparent body was still suspended. He was surrounded by transparent water flows. His eyes suddenly burst into a kind of brilliance as clear as a clear water flow. He looked down and muttered to himself "Bloody killing... A bunch of fools! How can the little guys from the soul alliance not have real life-saving things? Just take you fools and stop them. When the little guy's means are exhausted, I'll take action and catch them!..."

At the same time, the dozen blood killed members, including the blood mask, have quietly hidden and entered the scope shrouded by the killing array for nine days and ten places.

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