In the Lord's residence of Huangyan divine City, a grand and huge banquet was held to entertain the real big people in the divine city. Of course, the most important thing is to entertain Cui Hao and others!

Cui Hao brought two eight Star Gods to ask questions. Moreover, he has been wandering in the holy city recently, and has made a big claim for the lion's big mouth, which has already made things big. Besides, his only son Yunfei is still in the other party's hands. The Lord of Huangyan divine city can't avoid it. We must solve this matter!

On the feast, the guests and guests took their seats. Huangyan God city had a low attitude and kept laughing. They poured wine for Cui Hao in person, laughing "Cui Hao, you don't know each other without fighting. My son Yunfei did something wrong. As a father, I personally apologize to you. I hope you and the two elders don't share the same knowledge with him, okay? Of course, I will compensate for the losses caused. Please give me an appropriate amount for the sake of being the master of the holy city! 10 billion holy crystals, it's amazing I'm kidding. I can't take it out at all! In this way, billion Shenjing, you let Yunfei go. How about we shake hands and make peace? "

The Seven Star God in the main hall of Huangyan God city is such a humble opening. Naturally, it is not how powerful Cui Hao is, but that he is afraid of Xia Hou.

It is reasonable to say that when he opened his mouth like this, he took out a full billion divine crystals for compensation, which has given Cui Hao enough face. However, Cui Hao shook his head with a smile "Lord, haven't I said about compensation before? Ten billion divine crystals can't be less! I want to experience the taste of the Lord of the divine city recently. If you have enough sincerity, I will naturally choose the divine city as the target of attack. If you don't want to compensate, I'm sorry!"

The words were sonorous and strong. Cui Hao refused to step back at all, and a faint smile appeared on his face.


The dark eyebrows suddenly lifted, and the Lord of Huangyan divine city was furious! What kind of person is he? He can reach the current level, which is not comparable to the general Seven Star God. He opened his mouth so low that the other party didn't give face?

Suddenly, the tone of the Lord of Huangyan divine city was cold "Little friend, your previous series of actions made it clear that you wanted to tear your face with me in Huangyan holy city. Now, I personally intercede with you, but I totally ignored it. It seems that you are determined to attack the city? Hum! Don't think you can be unscrupulous with two eight star gods. I have been in the immortal world for endless years. I have many means and friends. Not everyone can Feel free to knead it! Besides, although they are hot and can protect you, they can't join the war. Just rely on your mob to attack the city? It's a joke! "

With these words, the atmosphere immediately dropped to the freezing point.


Just then, an old antique stood up with a smile and said kindly "Cui Hao, little friend, why? The hatred between you and Yunfei is just a dispute of spirit. You've been angry when you captured and humiliated him. Why should you ignore him? The city Lord is willing to take out a billion divine crystals. It's a huge fortune. Take it and laugh away your gratitude and hatred when you meet. By the way, the city Lord is going to start the gambling stone competition today, which is one of the top ten gambling in the world of Jiuyang If you are lucky, you may be able to become a divine crystal master in the last game of the stone competition. Unfortunately, the number of participants is too precious. There are only 49, which must be given by the city Lord. If you are willing to shake hands and make peace, I believe the city Lord will be happy to give you a name...... "

As soon as the old saying was finished, the city Lord waved his hand and said displeased "Elder brother Qian, your suggestion... Is not feasible! All participants are basically gifted at gambling stone, among which some respected Shenjing masters will participate! Cui Hao may not be good at this skill. If he loses too badly, will it damage his reputation? Moreover, the most important thing is that Yunfei's good friend, his highness Liye, is an intermediate Shenjing master, and will also participate in the competition, Based on his relationship with my son, he must be in trouble with Cui Hao!... "

Hearing the speech, the old Dong was shocked "What? Intermediate divine crystal master? His father is the night king, the world's leader level strongman and the master level divine crystal master. Even Cui Hao's little friend can't stand such existence! With this son's temperament, I'm afraid he will come to the door and find Cui Hao's little friend to gamble! Cui Hao's little friend, I think it's better to turn fighting into friendship. Pay the compensation of one billion divine crystals, you put it out Fly, shake hands with Huangyan God city and make peace. This is the best ending!...... "

i see.........

Hearing this, Cui Hao suddenly realized.

The three old antiques sing in unison and cooperate with the Lord of Huangyan divine city to tell Cui Hao a fact. At the same time, it is also a warning. I hope he will accept it when he sees it!

There is no doubt that this must be the way that the Lord of Huangyan divine city thought of. You Cui Hao can pull the flag, and I can do the same. Moreover, the background and background are harder than you!

The opponent's card has been opened, waiting for Cui Hao to make a choice.

At the moment, Cui Hao looks a little strange. Not only he, Xiao Qi, Ruilin and Da Shenshi look strange. Finally, with the sign in Cui Hao's eyes, Da Shenshi immediately burst into tears "Hahaha..... Did I hear you right? I'm laughing to death! Two days ago, my boss told me that he was going to sweep the gambling world of immortals and gods and cut some good things to continue his title as the king of gambling in his hometown. Unexpectedly, someone threatened my boss with gambling stones now? Just come here. Didn't you have a gambling competition and take one Give the quota to our boss and promise to abuse his Highness's cry!... "

Playing God stone is still as arrogant as before, and Cui Hao is a little embarrassed when he says this.

With a faint smile, Cui Hao also began to sing and agree, and smiled helplessly "Little stone, you should keep a low profile..... Even if your family's boss is going to be a big player in the gambling world, it will be a future thing. Now, I'm still a white boy. He's an intermediate divine crystal master at least, and he's so cruel that he cries. That's too arrogant. At least I think his father will show mercy and abuse him for the sake of being the leader of the noble world..."

Horizontal trough

Hearing that Cui Hao was at the moment, a group of old antiques present jumped out of their hearts one by one. Their faces were dark. What's more, they already showed a kind of ridicule and ridicule!

This cowhide is too big, isn't it?

Yuntian's expression was very strange. To be exact, it was a mixture of amazement, anger, suspicion, disdain and many emotions. Finally, he took a long breath and smiled strangely. For a time, he didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao finally said, "in that case, all gratitude and resentment are put on the gambling stone competition! You take a billion divine crystals as the color head. If anyone can help you win me, it's him. I'll give Yunfei to you, and the gratitude and resentment will be written off! If no one can win me, one billion color head belongs to me. I'll continue the siege, dare you?"


This remark shocked the whole audience. Unexpectedly, Cui Hao gambled so much and crazy this time.

For Cui Hao's practice, perhaps only limited people such as Xiao Hui really know, make big movements as much as possible, and show their more powerful and extraordinary side. In this way, we can attract more strong people to join the Earth Alliance!

"Gaga, Gaga... Boss, enough drag!..." the God stone Gaga laughed and was very excited.

Xiaoqi and Mengmeng are stunned, while Vivian and other four women are very indifferent. Since Cui Hao is so sure, they certainly have confidence in him.

Shocked, Zhuge Zhibo and Xia Hou looked at each other. In the end, they also kept silent. Cui Hao had the decision-making power in this matter.

In full view of the public, Yuntian finally sneered, "good, I accept your suggestion! In a month, the gambling stone competition will officially open!"

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