The massive ten thousand people gambling ended, and the ten winners were qualified for promotion. The remaining 39 places, in addition to Cui Hao, his highness Liye, Jiuzhi Taoist, two senior divine crystal masters bronfel and Rondo, three intermediate divine crystal masters and 19 junior divine crystal masters, still have 12 places left, which is naturally an amazing wealth, Earned a lot of benefits for Yuntian.

Compared with the traditional primary gambling competition, the primary gambling competition to be started in Huangyan Shencheng will undoubtedly surpass too much in terms of scale and momentum. In addition, Cui Hao's gambling with Yuntian and the ownership of one billion divine crystals have attracted much attention!

In this way, after ten days of preparation, finally, the city master's house with everything ready issued the final notice. Tomorrow, the gambling stone competition is just open!

After waiting for many days, Cui Hao could not wait. On the eve of the competition, someone came to visit.

This is an old man in a sloppy Taoist robe. He has a waxy yellow horse face and a black eyebrow. He gives people a taste of embarrassment. He looks lazy and loose. He directly named himself to see Cui Hao.

Cui Hao didn't dare to underestimate this old Taoist. He received him personally. He is the famous nine finger Taoist and the wonderful flower of Shenjing alliance!

"Taoist priest... It's terrible!"

At the moment when he first met the nine finger Taoist, Cui Hao was shocked, because he felt a terrible Qi opportunity in this person, handling the heaven, earth, sun and moon. The momentum was more terrible than Zhuge Zhibo and Xia Hou! However, this person seems to be ill. Faintly, Cui Hao also feels an extremely evil and dark breath, which surrounds his side and erodes him. Moreover, this breath has a familiar smell.

Subconsciously, Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes, and suddenly saw that the old Taoist body turned into a terrible thunder light. It seems that he himself is a fiery and unparalleled thunder ball, and on it, there is a trace of black gas, strange and stubborn, which is the smell of dark chaos and frenzy!

With a frown, Cui Haoning finally said, "elder, you are sick! The power of darkness and chaos has invaded the source, which is very troublesome!..."

Hearing the speech, Taoist Jiuzhi was surprised. Then he was ecstatic and said with a smile, "little guy, can you help me get rid of it? Yes, I fought side by side with many friends and with dark creatures. As a result, I could only suppress this root cause, but I felt it growing slowly in my body!"

Cui Hao once witnessed the dark creatures with his own eyes and knew their origin. He nodded and said, "yes, it is indeed growing slowly. With the majestic power of the thunder system in your body, you will be fine in a short time! As for the elimination... A few hours should be enough for me!"

At the beginning, Cui Hao had tried in the ancient city guarded by Xuanyuan sword. Seeing through the golden light had little effect on this dark energy, but the power of chaos had an obvious effect. He was very fond of the nine finger Taoist and decided to help.

Originally, Taoist Jiuzhi just asked. It can be seen that his body is eroded by the power of dark chaos. This is not a very difficult thing. He doesn't think Cui Hao can solve it.

Hearing the speech, Taoist Jiuzhi was stunned for a moment, then he was ecstatic, his eyes lit up and said with a smile, "little guy, you can't lie to me? It's hard to do. It's a trouble! My old man has suffered enough from this thing! If you can really help me, say it, I'll give you all the reward!"

With this saying, Taoist Jiuzhi stared at Cui Hao with burning eyes. This is already a knot in his heart, and naturally he hopes to resolve it.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao smiled and said, "senior, if I say I'm like old friends at first sight, I'm willing to help you free of charge?"

Touching his nose, Taoist Jiuzhi smiled, "hahaha... If so, I'll make a lot of money! Little guy, I came to you this time. I'm just curious and talkative. What kind of little guy is he who has great confidence in his gambling skills. When I saw him today... He's not only powerful, but also a kind-hearted good boy!...."

He smiled bitterly. Hearing that the nine finger Taoist said he was a good child, Cui Hao was speechless. He then said curiously, "senior, how did you get infected with the dark, chaotic and crazy tide? This thing... Does it exist in the immortal world?"

After hesitating for a while, Taoist Jiuzhi solemnly nodded and said, "yes! And I can tell you that no man's land is the focus of their invasion! In fact, there are many secrets in the immortal world, but I can't tell you in detail, unless you can become a world leader or a master level Shenjing master, or a master level tool smelter and alchemy master, you are qualified to know!"

It seems that he thought of some past events. The nine finger Taoist sighed and spoke in a quiet language "The sky is falling and a big man is standing on it. This sentence is often said by a good friend of mine. His wind system is full and superior God. He is still standing in no man's land. It must be miserable if he doesn't hang up! The battle is very fierce. Now the twelve main gods cut themselves, and the bottom of the immortal world is reduced sharply again. If the dark creatures break through the defense line..."

Hearing the words of Taoist Jiuzhi, Cui Hao's face changed. Unexpectedly, the immortal world is not absolutely safe, hiding huge hidden dangers!

As if worried that Cui Hao was too frightened, he waved his hand and the nine finger Taoist smiled "Don't be afraid! Although our side is in an absolute weak position, the four masters also prepared a lot of backhands before they left. In addition, the 108th world Master, as the master, must take turns to guard, and you won't be broken in hundreds of millions of years! However, you little guys should be alert to danger in times of peace and understand that there is no way to finish the egg under the cover of the nest. In fact, every divine crystal master They are all contributing to the defense against dark creatures, so, little guy, I look forward to you joining us! "

Taoist Jiuzhi didn't tell in detail about resisting dark creatures. However, he used it miserably, which was enough to shake Cui Hao's mind and realize how strong the unknown danger in the no man's land was!

Although, in Cui Hao's heart, he always thinks that the earth is his own home and the immortal world is just a post station, he doesn't want to see the immortal world reduced to a paradise for dark creatures. Cui Hao has an instinctive aversion and disgust to the dark chaotic tide.

After such a conversation, Cui Hao began to use the power of chaos to get rid of the trouble for the nine finger Taoist

"You! You!... you are the son of chaos!" surprised, the nine finger Taoist said so.

In this regard, Cui Hao touched his nose and said, "I don't know, maybe..."

Because of the power of chaos, the attitude of Jiuzhi Taoist towards Cui Hao has changed again. He is very kind and even has a sense of respect.

Two hours later, the nine finger Taoist sent out a long roar of excitement, and the power of darkness, chaos and frenzy on him was completely removed.

After the long roar, Taoist Jiuzhi looked at Cui Hao with a smile and said, "thank you, little guy! I look forward to the growth of you, the son of chaos! I hope you can fight side by side with you in no man's land one day! You are the son of chaos and play an important role in resisting dark creatures!"

After pondering for a while, the nine finger Taoist stared at Cui Hao and said solemnly "I know that you are not a native creature in the immortal world, but it is the place where the strong powers of the universe gather and the base camp of this universe! The dark creatures were born to destroy this universe. The immortal world has a dominant defense means and is the biggest safe haven for us. Therefore, every creature with conscience should strive to protect it! Otherwise, it is like If the immortal world is destroyed, the end of the universe and endless creatures is not far away! "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was calm on the surface, but shocked in his heart. The reason why Taoist Jiuzhi solemnly told himself so much is that he still valued himself as the son of chaos.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao also solemnly said, "elder, don't worry, even for my relatives and future generations, as long as I Cui Hao have the ability, I will go to no man's land to fight! However, I still have a lot of private affairs and my strength is still weak."

"Ha ha... Little fellow, it's enough to have you. Remember my words, at least you have the strength comparable to the nine star superior God. Otherwise, don't go to the no man's land. It's really dangerous there!" ha ha smiled, and the nine finger Taoist felt relieved.

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