Walking on the narrow path, Cui Hao felt that he had crossed an endless distance with each step. Around him, there were all kinds of strange bubbles, colorful. In each bubble, he saw strange small worlds in horror and urged his perspective eyes. Cui Hao looked at a trivial bubble beside him, and suddenly, The scenery inside is constantly expanding and expanding. In a trance, Cui Hao seems to see a magnificent world, in which the territory is huge and boundless. There are all kinds of creatures, birds and animals, dynasties, empires, changes of imperial power and constant fighting!

Cui Hao was shocked. It was just a small bubble. What are the huge bubbles? What kind of heroic world is there? With this curiosity, Cui Hao continued to urge his perspective eyes to look at a big bubble. He didn't know if he didn't see it. He was startled at the sight! He saw a more magnificent world, in which the creatures flew to the sky and fled to the earth, and the strength opened mountains and cracked rocks, which was more extraordinary and vast! This is just one step, one of countless bubbles!

Such means really frightened Cui Hao, and he stepped out step by step. Each step seemed to span an infinite distance and witnessed countless bubbles. Step by step, he stepped out 2990 steps. Later, Cui Hao saw a body, tall, powerful and fierce. Although he turned his back to him, it gave people a feeling of ferocity and terror!

Tough man! Peerless man!

After turning around with his body, Cui Hao saw the man's face clearly and suddenly had such an idea in his heart! It's not how muscular he is, nor does his face look ferocious. He's just a powerful man with full masculinity. Standing there, his body exudes a strong breath, which makes Cui Hao have the idea of going backwards and losing the enemy.

Looking at Cui Hao, the big man grinned "Little guy, are you the Challenger this time? Well, I feel your body is very strong. I hope you can pass the first level and physique test! Next, you will enter the world of gravity, which is specially created by the master. Among them, there are 2999 special creatures like me, which are created by the master. We have different forms and characteristics , there are strong and weak. You can get the body refining skill left by killing one! "

"The world of gravity is rich in various refining resources, but you will be the target of attack by all special creatures! Every time you successfully kill 50 special creatures, you can get a recovery period of 100 years. During this period, no special creatures will come to kill you. If you take the initiative, you will give up the recovery period. When you successfully kill them all, I will fight with you, as long as you kill them I passed the pass smoothly! Little guy, I must remind you that six people broke through the pass before you, but they all failed. You have the opportunity to give up. Once you give up, you will be directly expelled from the tomb! "

Hearing this, Cui Hao was surprised. The man in front of him felt very powerful and ferocious. After defeating 2999 special creatures like him, he had to face a war with him. It was too difficult. There was no chance!

The big man took a panoramic view of Cui Hao's expression, ha ha and said with a smile, "are you afraid? Little guy, if you choose to give up now, you can! However, if you are a guy with egg yolk, I really hope you can fight! I have been guarding here for too long since I was created by my master. I really hope someone can complete the master's first level!..."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded silently and said solemnly, "senior, I'm willing to try!"

Nodding, the big man praised, "well, I'll open the entrance to the gravity world for you!"

Soon, his palms bloomed, and a dark hole with endless recklessness appeared.

When he went to accept the inheritance, Ah Fu told Cui Hao that he had to pass three levels. Moreover, he also promised that these three levels were not very difficult for Cui Hao. However, seeing this first level, Cui Hao really had a depressed impulse to spit blood. Is it not difficult?

In the end, Cui Hao gritted his teeth and rushed directly into the mouth of the lacquer black hole.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that in the world of gravity, only physical strength can be exerted, and all other forces are limited by rules..."

At the moment when Cui Hao rushed into the dark cave, the big man's light words came out, which immediately made Cui Hao very depressed. However, since it was the examination of the flesh, such a rule was reasonable.


It was like a meteorite falling from the sky. With a loud noise, Cui Hao's body fell heavily at the foot of a low mountain. Almost at this moment, a huge force, at least hundreds of millions of kilograms of weight, suddenly oppressed him. Even Cui Hao's body stumbled, showing that he fell on the ground and whispered a strong gravity!


Running the strong physical power, Cui Hao turned over and jumped up, moved his limbs, and found that he could not perceive the chaotic soul, even the causal cage, etc. he had only a strong physical body left.

"Ha ha... I'm so lucky she Xiong. This time I met the intruder first! Different from the external atmosphere of the gravity world, it's nearby!"

Just as Cui Hao moved his limbs, laughter came from nearby. Then, the ground rumbled like an earthquake. A strong man with a human head ran over and looked at Cui Hao road with hot eyes "Hahaha... My master created me to fight. Unfortunately, I haven't really fought once! Come on, let's fight!"


With such a laugh, the she bear came suddenly, the torn air roared, and the bear claws fell like an epoch-making world.

Feeling the ferocity of this claw, Cui Hao was also full of fighting spirit. He laughed and punched with a bang, upright and rolling like a mountain!


With a terrible noise, Yu Xiong's body was smashed like a shell and fell heavily on the low mountain, suffering some minor injuries.

Turning over and jumping up, Yu Xiong's eyes suddenly turned blood red and fell into a violent state. He roared, "powerful, I rank 731 in the world of gravity. You can hit me with one punch. It's really worthy of being a challenger. Die!"

With such a roar, Yu Xiong murders Cui Hao again and wants to kill him.

Hearing Yu Xiong's roar, Cui Hao was really shocked. His strong body only ranked 731?

At that moment, Cui Hao broke out mercilessly. He has never really broken out like this since he became a ten thousand fire immortal Dharma body. His fierce physical strength was like a mountain torrent. The two sides fought fiercely together. A moment later, Yu Xiong was knocked out of his brain bag by Cui Hao and fell to the ground. On the ground, there was another secret script, body frenzy! In addition to the secret script , there are seven or eight precious things needed for body refining.

This battle makes Cui Hao think of online games on the earth. Monsters are set with strength and ranking, waiting for players to challenge. Once defeated, they can obtain the skill books and materials attached to the monsters. At this moment, they are equivalent to a player who broke into the world of gravity. In addition to him, the other 3000 strong bodies are the special beings who claim to be strong The means left by the creator cosmic God.

Without hesitation, Cui Hao put away these things. He carefully looked through the art of body frenzy, and soon admired it with interest. Even if he became an immortal Dharma, Cui Hao was not a profound mess for body refining. It can only be said that it was a coincidence, but the art of body frenzy gave him a new theory about body refining, body frenzy, power transformation and so on Solution.

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