"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The bright red flame intruded into Cui Hao's body. Suddenly, his limbs and bones bloomed together, which was a hazy dream brilliance. In an instant, the dream human flame in his body vibrated and sent out a wave, just like the king was provoked by the rural landowner. He was very angry!

As soon as the wave appeared, the invading bright red flame suddenly trembled and suddenly integrated into the dreamy human flame. At the same time, the flame giant man shouted, and all the bright red flames rushed out of his body and integrated into Cui Hao's body. Finally, a fiery red bead like a flame also rushed out, and his scream suddenly stopped, with a sound of his body, Scattered and collapsed, turning into a material like diamond glass.

"How cool!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao was very comfortable, especially the fire red beads rushed into his body and were instantly absorbed by the dream human flame. His whole body was warm and comfortable. A feeling of crispness filled his whole body. His physical injury healed and seemed to go to a higher level!

Although he knows that his immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire has a strong restraint against the flame, especially the dreamy human flame, which is almost like an emperor in the fire, Cui Hao can't take the initiative to urge it. Now, under the bright red flame invading the flesh, it is provoked and erupted!

Good chance!

At this moment, Cui Hao keenly grasped this excellent opportunity, roared, broke out completely, and fiercely attacked the king of ice!

Such a sudden change was unexpected for the ice king. She shouted sadly and angrily. Her whole body expanded and sent out a stronger ice smell. She fought with Cui Hao! After his husband was killed by Cui Hao by strange means, King Hanbing began to put all his eggs in one basket!

The battle between them was very fierce. However, when only the king of cold ice was left, Cui Hao immediately gained the upper hand. After a big war, he took his palm, and then blew it with a fist!

The fall of the fire king and the ice king surprised Cui Hao to obtain many precious materials and two body refining scripts, namely, the body refining of fire and the body refining of water.

Learning these two scripts with relish, Cui Hao started his own fight again!

Killing 50 special creatures can exchange for a hundred years of recovery. After a war with the flame king and the ice king, Cui Hao felt a strong sense of crisis, so he became more and more cautious.

Soon after Cui Hao left the place where he had just fought, a figure appeared out of thin air. It was the mighty man! At the moment, there was a deep shock in his eyes. Finally, with an incredible language "This man... This man has condensed such a terrible flame, which is the supreme in the fire! Moreover, I feel a perfect taste of the flesh breath. How does he do it? Is he really expected to reach the extreme state of the flesh? Even..... He is expected to reach the state predicted by his master in the future. The flesh is unparalleled, and he is Daewoo himself The realm of Zhou? Great hope! Little guy, I'm looking forward to your growth... "

So murmuring, the mighty man got excited, clattered, flashed, and disappeared!

Cui Hao didn't know that xiaoweimeng had such an evaluation of himself. His immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire was learned from Dan Zun and Qi Zun. In fact, they only put forward a direction for the later development, condensing the supreme flame and tempering the flesh body. The universe is destroyed and I am not damaged. The flesh body is comparable to the universe!

How the immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire develops in the later stage and whether it can continuously absorb all kinds of flames. Dan Zun and Qi Zun are not clear. They just put forward it in combination with the theory of alchemy. To what extent, Cui Hao still needs to explore and move forward by himself.

At this moment, Cui Hao is walking in a mountain. He has the existence of the crown of wisdom. His understanding speed is amazing. He has a deeper understanding of the body refining secrets he obtained before. He has improved his speed, strength, attack skills, etc. and even knows the method of madness.

Cui Hao has a feeling that his ten thousand fire immortal Dharma body is a grand and solid frame, just like the iron frame of a high-rise building. If he wants to really turn it into a high-rise building, it is not enough to absorb all kinds of flames. He needs to add bricks and tiles, and these body refining secrets are the best bricks and tiles and what he needs!

After understanding this, Cui Hao was very excited and threw himself into the battle. Then, he met two more than 1000 special creatures. Naturally, it was easier to kill and obtain the secrets left by them.

In this way, Cui Hao began his fight!

The whole gravity world is very vast. Sometimes, Cui Hao meets two or three enemies in a row. Sometimes, he may not meet a special creature in a month. He goes to enjoy the beauty of the gravity world!

In the most dangerous time, he met a special rock giant ranked 29th. His strength was really terrible. It was good that his speed was not as fast as Cui Hao. However, he still hit Cui Hao hard with one punch. Finally, he ran away desperately, and then he escaped!

When he was seriously injured, he recovered himself by seeing through the golden light and body refining materials. Cui Hao also began to try other body refining methods. At the same time, he devoted all his attention to body refining and flesh body. His experience and strength in this aspect are steadily and rapidly improving!

Cui Hao got carried away and fought while walking. Unconsciously, he killed 50 special creatures. It took a total of one year and three months. Then he searched a quiet valley and began to practice in isolation.

For three months a year, at least half of the time is spent in combat, and the inspiration brought by these battles and 50 body refining secrets need to be really digested! Among the fifty special creatures, the most powerful are the king of fire and the king of ice.

In a quiet valley, Cui Hao was grinding many precious body refining materials into powder at the moment. Then, he quickly rowed on himself with a special liquid, like a ghost symbol. Suddenly, his naked upper body was soon covered with these powders.


With Cui Hao's last stroke, many ghost symbols on his body began to shine together, and many powders burned together. The sound of hiss continued, and a strange force began to penetrate into his body for tempering

Cui Hao is sleeping in a strange posture on a lying cow stone. At first glance, it seems like a Buddhist dream on the earth. The whole person gives a feeling of laziness and comfort. At this moment, his body trembled and operated in a slightly undetectable way. The flesh, fascia and bones of his whole body were tempered in a special way

Beside a stream, Cui Hao's dignified hand held a pale flame, which scattered a bone piercing cold, which made the void slightly distorted. The cold was so strong that it was terrible!

Finally, Cui Hao suddenly took a deep breath, like a whale swallowing, opened his mouth, and with a whew, the pale flame was immediately swallowed into his stomach!

How cold

Strong as Cui Hao, he trembled after swallowing this flame. It was cold, too cold! Immediately, he began to run his whole body, and his muscles operated in a special and incomparable way. At the same time, the dream human flame in his body trembled slightly, clattered, and directly swallowed up all the remnant clouds, expanding himself. At the same time, he fed back a cold current to Cui Hao, stimulating 1296 million mysterious acupoints in his whole body

Ten years later, Cui Hao stopped closing, with a satisfied smile on his face.

In the past ten years, his body became stronger and stronger. He knew 50 methods of body refining, and the primitive mother fist became more and more pure and terrible. He had thoroughly digested the benefits brought to him by the 50 special creatures.

Fight, start again!

With blood surging all over his body, Cui Hao threw himself into the battle again without hesitation!

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