On the green grassland, Cui Hao walked at will. His body was wriggling all the time. His muscles, blood and fascia were all trembling in a special way. Looking at the relaxed and happy scene in front of him, he was very comfortable.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful place in the gravity world!" Cui Hao was in a happy mood and watched the beautiful scenery.

In vain, he frowned, because, looming, he felt a breath approaching, which gave him a vague feeling, but there was a feeling of palpitation!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Soon, the whole grassland began to tremble, becoming more and more intense, and a black spot was rapidly expanding, expanding

This is a guy who is dark all over, just like a dark rock. He has a white corner on his head and full of pride in his eyes. Every step he took seemed to shrink to an inch, and his barefoot trampling on the ground made the ground buzzing and shaking, giving people a feeling that it was like taking root. Yes, that's the feeling!

Looking at the dark man, Cui Hao's expression became more and more dignified!

He clearly felt that the dark man's breath was as powerful as a mountain, too majestic, like an endless sea. At the moment, although it was calm and calm, once it broke out, it must sweep the world and destroy invincible!

Looking at each other fearfully, Cui Hao said, "who are you?"

Staring at Cui Hao, the dark man said, "you broke into my territory and didn't know who I am? I can feel your breath different from the big world. Should you be a tester? Well, your body is not weak and worth my Blackstone shot! I'm the ninth Blackstone in the gravity world. You're honored to die under my fist!"


This was the first time Cui Hao met the special existence of the top ten in the world of gravity. His heart was cold and suddenly nervous. The black stone in front of him made him feel terrible. Moreover, there was an indestructible smell, and Cui Hao was vaguely uneasy.

With a grin, Blackstone shook his fists, which made the void buzzing. Then he stepped out one step and smashed it!


With this fist, the void burst, and the huge fist came out in the air. It was powerful, majestic and powerful!

"What a powerful punch!..."

Even Cui Hao couldn't crack the void of the gravity world with one punch. His heart was palpitating. He roared and hurriedly fought back!

The original mother fist mainly adopted the light fighting fist technique. Cui Hao immediately fought with the black stone. Just for a moment, he swallowed blood and retreated again and again! The attack of black stone is really terrible. It deserves to be the ninth ferocious character. The majestic explosion of physical strength is like a volcano, and Cui Hao is shaky.

The enemy was so ferocious that his flesh almost crushed Cui Hao, and he soon fell into crisis.

The fierce war began. Cui Hao went all out to fight. In the end, the situation became more and more dangerous. Even the original mother fist that had degenerated again could not change the situation. He was in danger.


Reluctantly resisted the power of Blackstone's fist. Out of guard, Cui Hao was hit directly on his left arm by the other party's strange whip leg. Suddenly, the sound of clicking sounded, and the pain swept through his body. His whole left arm burst into a large amount of flesh and blood, and his arm bone was broken into four or five pieces. It was very sad!

Cui Hao's heart was filled with a strong death crisis when he was attacked by the other party. At this time, he roared with a try attitude "Blackstone, you're really ashamed! You've been practicing for many years. I'm so weak. I'm only a few thousand years old now. I already have such strength. For a hundred years, as long as you give me a hundred years, I promise to blow your head out!"

This is the most obvious way to drag the enemy. Unexpectedly, Blackstone stopped and said proudly, "tester, you underestimate me, Blackstone? Damn it! I'll give you a hundred years and see if you can blow my head! However, I won't let you go, so you'll stay on my grassland and I'll kill you in a hundred years!"

When saying this, Blackstone is very proud and confident!

Stunned, Cui Hao didn't expect that his low-level aggressive method had an effect. He hurriedly said, "my body refining method must have a powerful flame. You don't have it on the grassland! If you have seed, take me to a place with terrible flame. If I practice in it for a hundred years, I will burst your head!"


Hearing Cui Hao's words, Blackstone was really angry. He made a rumble "Tester, you are so ignorant! When the gravity world was born, I was the first rock in heaven and earth. My master gave me strength, heavy, hard and three attributes. You dare to provoke me! OK! As you wish, I will take you to the sea of fire of death, which is one of the most dangerous areas in the whole gravity world. I hope you won't be burned!"

Blackstone is worthy of ranking ninth. He is extremely confident in himself. He really agreed to Cui Hao's suggestion, which surprised and pleased him. In particular, when Cui Hao heard that Blackstone said that the sea of Death fire was one of the most dangerous areas in the whole gravity world, with terrible flames, he was immediately excited and wanted to jump up!

Now his accumulation has been very thick. At least he can absorb a lot of powerful flames and make his body degenerate more than once. At that time, maybe he can really blow up Blackstone's head with one punch!

Maybe it's because the body is a stone. Although the black stone is powerful and messy, in fact, its intelligence is not very high. Otherwise, if it's other special lives and killed directly by killers, where are so many troubles?

At present, Cui Hao and Heishi, who were seriously injured, set out. They hurried on their way for three months and crossed many regions. Finally, they came to a sea of terror with endless heat waves sweeping the world.

Looking at the boundless sea of fire, Cui Hao couldn't help but sigh, "what a big sea of fire, it's much broader than the fire field in Kunpeng's secret land!..."

At the outermost edge of the sea of fire, there is a dark flame. The heat wave sweeps the world and winds around, as if to suck away people's souls. It's very strange!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

As soon as he appeared in the outermost part of the sea of death, Cui Hao felt the dreamy human flame vibrate in his body, sending out a pleasant fluctuation.

Pointing to the sea of death, Blackstone said, "enter it and practice. I won't disturb you in a hundred years. However, if you haven't come out of it in a hundred years, I will enter it, find you and kill you!"

With a faint smile, Cui Hao pretended to be proud and said, "don't worry, in a hundred years, I will go out of the sea of death and blow your head!"

With these words, Cui Hao suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed into the sea of death!

"Hoo Hoo..."

In the sea of death, dark flames swirled around, blazing and domineering, and Cui Hao immediately went deep into it. At the same time, he ran the immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire and began to exercise his body.

When Cui Hao rushed into the sea of death, the dream human flame in his body suddenly became very active. Dark flames rushed into Cui Hao's body and were soon absorbed by him. Then, he fed back a dark flame, which was more suitable for Cui Hao's body refining after its purification and refining.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The dark flame flows around Cui Hao's limbs and bones, constantly tempering his body, while Cui Hao sits cross legged and begins to absorb the flame and cultivate the immortal Dharma body of ten thousand fire.

Time passed quietly. Gradually, Cui Hao forgot the black stone outside the sea of Death fire and immersed himself in the cultivation of ten thousand fire immortal Dharma body. He constantly absorbed the flame, tempered himself and his body, and constantly improved and improved

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