It took more than 3000 years to fully understand the secret of blood, and Cui Hao couldn't help laughing at the moment when he was awake, because the harvest this time was really too great!

Cui Hao's physical transformation reached a certain bottleneck, and the progress was extremely slow, while the blood secret provided him with a new direction. Moreover, Cui Hao had a hunch that if he broke through this bottleneck with the blood secret, his physical body would have a huge transformation!

Of course, this can not be completed in three or two days. It takes a long time to accumulate!

Excited, Cui Hao sat cross legged and calm as water. After that, he began to use the blood secret method to stimulate the blood in his body. Suddenly, every drop of blood erupted into an unparalleled power of terror, just like a mountain torrent and tsunami, which rang through Cui Hao's body

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this moment, Cui Hao's whole body began to bloom a light red halo, very strong, full of a masculine and blazing taste.

In this way, a new round of body refining began.

Twelve thousand years, a long time, is too long for ordinary people to turn the sea into a mulberry field. For the strong in the immortal world, it is just a period of time. Basically, they have condensed the existence of the divine personality and are immortal. As long as the universe is not broken and the immortal world does not collapse, they will always exist for such a long time.

Twelve thousand miles is enough for too many things to happen. For ordinary mortals, I don't know how many dynasties will change. Over the years, many major events have taken place in the immortal and divine world. For example, four great gods who broke into Guixu God's possession and tried to hunt and kill the main God have all fallen! Instead, their divinity was obtained by the LORD God hidden in the Guixu God. The Twelve Gods jointly sent a message to the whole immortal world, calling on the strong and free strong under their command to guard Guixu God's possession and kill the invaders. The four who have made the greatest contribution will be given a big round superior God's personality!

Such a big event has caused great turbulence in the whole immortal world. The originally precarious forces of the twelve main gods are strong again!

For example, in the strange no man's land, there was a sound of startling war. Moreover, it was said that there were terrible dark creatures who wanted to invade and were blocked by the strong ones in the resist fairy world. The two sides fought fiercely, and a powerful eternal artifact fell!

For example, many of the mysterious world masters who have practiced for endless years have stopped wandering in no man's land and returned to the immortal world to buy all kinds of materials. It is said that they are in response to the world Master qualifying!

The whole immortal world has 1080 realms and 1080 realms. Each of them is respected. Moreover, they are nominally under the command of the four masters. Although the four masters have disappeared for endless years, even the LORD God will not provoke them at will. This group is too huge and terrible!

The twelve main gods have also built huge territories in the immortal world. However, there is no way to make the gods in the territory mellow and peaceful. These territories are the territories under the command of the twelve main gods.

Recently, in these territories, there is a new star rising in the land boundary belonging to the Dark Lord God. He has concluded a soul contract with a terrible dark eternal artifact, which has an amazing influence. Moreover, it is said that this person has just become the superior God, and he has hit the Seven Star superior God in one breath. Moreover, what he shows is the mysterious magic power of the light system! This man claims to worship the sun! It is said that the Yang worshipped the heaven very arrogantly. After becoming the seven star superior God, he soon closed down and threatened to go further and become the Lord of the world in a million years!

These are really big events. Everything shocked the four sides and made countless strong gods in the immortal world talk about it one after another. In contrast, what happened in Huangyan, one of the 108 sacred cities in the immortal world of Nuo Da, in the 19yang world of 108, is a small thing.

For example, more than 10000 years ago, a guy named Cui Hao founded a bandit force of the Earth Alliance. It is suspected that there is a strong force behind it. There are two eight Star Gods guarding it, threatening to attack the city and seize the Huangyan God city! Moreover, he became a blockbuster and even won the title of intermediate divine crystal master. Now, this force is becoming more and more terrible and huge, accumulating strength like a snowball!

The immortal world has existed for a long time. There are many strong gods. In order to survive and win a better living space, the law of the jungle and intrigue each other. Therefore, when a big opportunity is in front of us, many real strong people are moved.

This opportunity is to attack the city!

Capturing a holy city has great benefits. It is an irresistible temptation for the superior gods. Therefore, after Cui Hao clearly expressed the signal of Cui Hao's siege, many strong people came to take refuge, and Xiao Hui, who presided over the Earth Alliance, has only one requirement, the lowest, the superior God level!

Although the threshold is very high, there are still a large number of superior gods who can join the Earth Alliance. Therefore, the earth alliance expands and expands at an amazing speed!

Xiao Hui has a good set of management under his command. Stick and sweet jujube coexist. He soon taught the strong of the Earth Alliance well. Moreover, he also specified many plans and purchased a large number of equipment to prepare for the siege.

For more than 10000 years, it is nothing for the strong people in the immortal world. Many of them have existed for millions of years, even tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years. However, for Xiaohui, Ruilin, Da Shenshi, Kong Kong Kong, Xiaoqi, Cui Wushuang, etc., it's too long. Over such a long period of time, their strength has developed rapidly, which is a mess!

Xiao Hui still ranks first. His achievements in the dark destruction are almost thousands of miles a day. The dark destruction integrates with it, coexists in a strange and incomparable way, and constantly provides him with some feelings of killing and destruction!

Cui Wushuang, after ten thousand years of honing, has long lost his original childishness. His starting point was originally a mess, but he was the divine fetus of heaven and earth. Now, not only the Kunpeng method was perfected by him, but also accumulated a large number of combat experience, self perception and so on. His strength, even Xiaohui, can not be easily defeated!

After wandering around the immortal world for 3000 years, he finally understood the first sword of the six reincarnations in the fight again and again. Although it was the first sword, his strength soared too much. One sword came out and once killed a five-star superior God on the spot. Moreover, looking at the power, he seems to have a lot of spare power!

Xiaoqi and Mengmeng also made rapid progress. In particular, Xiaoqi absorbed the void Tao Shenjing left by Cui Hao, and the whole person also rose. The ability of void together can almost be comparable to Mengmeng! After ten thousand years together, the two happy little friends have long been deeply affectionate. Now, they are waiting for Cui Hao to return and preside over their wedding!

In contrast, the progress of Kongkong's strength has slowed down a lot. He is a giant void beast, and it takes a long and boundless years to become stronger. However, his flesh is much stronger, which can be called an invincible meat shield. He is also healthy when he strikes the general four-star superior God.

For thousands of years, the relatives around Cui Hao have really grown up one by one. Under Xiaohui's management, the power of the earth alliance continues to expand. Not to mention Xiaohui and others, only the superior gods and Keqing under his command are enough to attack the city!

In the headquarters of the Earth Alliance, in a picturesque garden, there are several women sitting there. They are chatting. It is the twin sisters, Meng Ying, meiko Ono, Vivian and Meimei.

Except Meimei, who is Cui Hao's daughter, all the others are Cui Hao's confidants. Since Cui Hao left suddenly, they have been waiting for him to return, day after day, year after year, and for thousands of years, they have been really close.

Although all the girls are young and beautiful, and they look like a nation and a city, they all exude an old and incomparable smell, especially beauty. They are the strongest one with the strongest smell of old age. They have a feeling of withered old trees and dying!

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