It seems that he wants to prove what he said is true. When the body of Ti emperor was shocked, it suddenly sent out a light that is neither black nor white, just like Cui Hao's, and this is the light of the extreme state of the flesh, which is very helpful to the outbreak of the strength of the flesh.

Seeing such a situation, Cui Hao was moved in his heart. He didn't start immediately and asked "Lord Ti, I'd like to ask you if you feel that you have to touch some incredible great breath after you reach this physical extreme state. However, there is still a layer of separation. You need to spend endless years accumulating and waiting for the extreme state to reach the limit and break through in one fell swoop. I want to know whether this is the state above the physical extreme state?"

Cui Hao didn't lie. That's how he felt when he stepped into the extreme state of the flesh. However, this diaphragm is obviously very difficult to break through. He must save endless years and have a chance with the help of a large number of lights of the extreme state of the flesh!

Hearing the speech, Ti Di was surprised. He widened his eyes and shouted, "what? You, what did you say?"

Looking very excited, Ti Di thought repeatedly and asked in vain, "Cui Hao, let me ask you, the light of the extreme state of the flesh born in your body is bred from the Dantian?"

Although it was not clear why Ti Di would ask like this, Cui Hao replied honestly "No, it's from all my limbs and bones. It seems that they were born from 1.296 billion acupoints on me. They seem to connect a mysterious place. In it, I can feel that they contain a kind of noble and great power, but there is a diaphragm and I can't absorb it. I can only absorb the light of the extreme state of the flesh!"

"Unexpectedly! Unexpectedly, it's true! Ha ha..."

Hearing Cui Hao's words, Ti Di danced excitedly. He must be incomparable "Cui Hao! My master's conjecture before endless years is right! The birth power of creatures is triggered by Dantian, which is the method of creatures! Dantian is a small universe, not as complete as an individual, but a real universe! My master once said that only the most rebellious perfect chaotic son is qualified to open the physical universe. You are a perfect bastard Son of chaos! "

In this regard, Cui Hao did not hide, touched his nose and said with a smile, "it seems that... I should be the son of perfect chaos!"

With Cui Hao's affirmation, Ti Di became more and more excited and said with a smile, "when I was born by my master, it was actually a special situation. The light of the extreme state was born in Dantian, but I never felt any special place and great power. Therefore, I am not as good as you in the success of the art of body refining!"

With this, the emperor laughed and hit it with a fierce fist!


His fist was so ferocious that even if this place was the source of the gravity world, the void burst, and a fist hit in the air, it was a ferocious mess!

In the face of all this, Cui Hao laughed, pinched his fist and hit the original mother fist!

Although they have a feeling of sympathy for each other, they are in different positions, and a life and death war is inevitable. As Ti Di said, this is his destiny. In World War I, either you die or I die!

Soon, the two fought together, and their bodies were filled with the light of non black and non white, just like two invincible physical emperors fighting for hegemony!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Three days and three nights have passed, and the fighting between them has become more and more fierce. The source of the gravity world like a peach blossom garden has been destroyed in a mess, and large tracts of emptiness have collapsed. The two figures are like an invincible holy mountain colliding. Each blow seems to crush the world and kill!

Such a war is absolutely shocking. It is the effect achieved by pure physical strength, which is absolutely shocking!

How many people have reached the extreme state of flesh? Even the perfect son of chaos like Cui Hao did not reach this state at once. How many wars and life and death have he experienced in the great world of gravity?

The war between the two is becoming more and more fierce. A strong breath that almost suffocates the ordinary upper God is spreading, and the two figures are fighting like no response!


The emperor slapped out with one hand, like a big millstone that wiped out the world, rolling down, making people feel endless despair and helplessness!


In the face of such a slap, Cui Hao made a horizontal blow, as if a strange Python turned over. At first glance, this blow was ordinary, but actually it really turned corruption into magic, containing infinite martial arts mysteries and perfect integration!


With the loud noise, the emperor vomited blood, but laughed "happy! What a happy! Your physical strength is similar to mine, but your boxing is better than mine! However, I still have some taboo means to protect my life. You and I are still undecided!..."

"Lord Ti, be careful! Kill!..."

The two men were fighting heroically. Cui Hao felt that his whole body was boiling with blood. This kind of fighting had made him feel like a temper. It was like beating iron, picking up trash and leaving a brilliant essence.

Cui Hao became braver and braver, and the emperor was also cruel. Finally, both of them were injured, and the War reached the strongest moment.


After resisting the cruel and strange back whip leg of Ti Di, Cui Hao felt his whole body burst, and he also roared and punched Ti Di's chest!


Like hundreds of millions of thunder, Cui Hao's fist shrouded in the light of the extreme situation broke out, and suddenly penetrated the body of the emperor!

"Ha ha ha..."

After such a blow, the emperor became illusory, but he was laughing happily. He looked at Cui Hao and said, "Cui Hao, little friend, I'm very happy to meet you! I'm known as the physical emperor, and you will certainly go to a higher level in the future and reach the supreme state of the physical body compared with the beautiful universe as my master said. You are the supreme of the physical body!..."

When I said this, the emperor of the body was already illusory and was about to dissipate. At this time, it seemed to feel something. At this moment, the whole gravity world suddenly rang through a grand, noble, mysterious and blood boiling drum. It seemed to come from hundreds of millions of sky drums. It was really blood boiling!

Hearing the drum sound, Emperor Ti smiled and dispersed in vain, leaving only the sound echoing between heaven and earth. "Heaven drum beat, Faluo ring, this is the master's highest praise for the first two levels! Cui Hao, Xiaoyou, in the first level, you caused heaven drum beat, I hope, in the next level, you can make Faluo ring! Heaven's road is about to appear, move on..."

The emperor's voice became weaker and weaker in the loud and dignified drum sound. Finally, it dissipated into the invisible. At this time, the whole gravity world began a terrible collapse and concentration in vain!

This scene is absolutely shocking. Cui Hao is still calm. He is waiting for the emergence of Tianlu.

The fall of Ti Di didn't leave anything for Cui Hao, because Cui Hao defeated each other and has set foot in the realm of the extreme state of the flesh body!

The boundless and magnificent gravity world is condensing, condensing, and the speed is amazing. Cui Hao stood at the source of the gravity world and watched such magnificent changes, which gave him a special feeling

Soon, the whole gravity world was concentrated and formed a dark and simple ladder. The ladder was long and long. One end was inserted into the depths of the void, and I didn't know where it led to.

The heavenly road appears!

Seeing this scene, Cui Hao smiled faintly. He stepped out step by step and already stepped on the road of heaven.

Then Cui Hao stepped out warily step by step. Every time he took one step, the ladder behind him would mysteriously disintegrate and disappear. During this period, nothing happened.

Cui Hao has a hunch that he has passed the first pass perfectly and opened the road to heaven. After that, no one can get this inheritance again!

The world of gravity is the first level, so what will be the second level?

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