Forced to escape into the desperate mud plow black marsh, Bai Zizi and Meimei are determined to live and die together. At the same time, the green divine bird also flew back to the Tianji Pavilion of the God city of thunder. According to the rules, it was quickly passed out, destination, outside Huangyan God City, riot, Xinghai, Earth Alliance!

It has to be said that the efficiency of Tianji Pavilion is amazing. Soon, the green divine bird arrived at the Earth Alliance and was received by Xiaohui.

Meimei has disappeared for more than 40000 years. For such a long time, the Earth Alliance has not stopped looking. However, Xiaohui and others are almost desperate for so long. At this time, the green divine bird has arrived!

After receiving the sound and images from the green divine bird, Xiaohui excitedly and nervously set out for the first time. He took Ruilin and Xiaoqi, Mengmeng, and they hurried to the far-off mud plow black marsh.

At the same time, Xiao Hui also sent a message to Tang Xiao, who was more than half a distance away from the God city of thunder, and asked him to take his brother of the Earth Alliance immediately and take the lead in rescuing Meimei!

Tang Xiao's strength has also improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. He inherited the mantle of Taoist Sanfeng of Wuzu. His yin-yang Avenue is powerful and unparalleled, and he can fight against the general six-star God!

When Tang Xiao was on earth, he founded the most well-informed CIA of the United States. He has a strong ability to analyze and collect news! Over the years, he has been in charge of news and spies in the Earth Alliance. The Earth Alliance is growing larger and larger. Naturally, there are many own spies, among which the most elite exist, all of which are composed of shrewd superior gods, known as the eyes of the Earth Alliance!

After receiving the news, Tang Xiao led the crowd to the mud plow black marsh for the first time. Although Xiao Hui told him to be careful, because Meimei was being chased and killed by two strong men suspected of being the Seven Star God, Tang Xiao did not hesitate. Over the years, he had already become good friends with Cui Hao. As a strong man in the earth and a member of the Earth Alliance, he naturally wanted to help!

Because of this green divine bird, the Earth Alliance, in addition to Cui Wushuang and Kong Kong Kong Garrison, almost made the best of the best, and the news was soon transmitted to Huangyan divine city

Huangyan holy city, the city Lord's residence and the big housekeeper have returned. They are ashamed to report to the city Lord Yuntian.

"Master, I'm sorry, the old slave didn't finish the task. The little girl still doesn't know her life or death! But fortunately, I got the exact news. Lei Peng and the black devil have been chasing her for some reason!"

With his hands on his back, Yuntian waved his hands in a vigorous tone "Don't be ashamed, you've done a good job! At least, we have the image memory crystal of the black devil's father and Lei Peng's flirting with Meimei. It's a powerful medicine to throw it out at an appropriate time! Moreover, I've learned from my first response to the earth alliance that the little ash, with most of the elite of the Earth Alliance, directly killed the Lord of thunder god City, because Cui Hao is the daughter of a little beast Son, I passed a green bird, please help! "

Hearing the speech, the housekeeper was delighted and hurried "Master, in this way, my plan is still successful and will inevitably provoke a war between the two sides! There are many strong men under the Lord of thunder. As long as Lei Peng fights with the beasts of the Earth Alliance, they will be dead! By the way, now the interior of the Earth Alliance is empty, should we take advantage of the emptiness to attack? The Earth Alliance is growing day by day, which makes the divine city like a mountain in the back, or as soon as possible Get rid of it! "

Shaking his head, Yuntian smiled "No! The Earth Alliance also has Cui Wushuang and several experts. Their strength is very strong! The most important thing is that the whole earth alliance is in a terrible array. I'm not sure I can break this array unless I pay a heavy price! I'm already thinking about how to do it. It's better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

The housekeeper naturally dared not disobey my master's orders. He respectfully crawled on the ground and said, "master, wise!...."

About this storm, Cui Hao, who is accepting the test of the inheritance of the cosmic God, doesn't know at all. At the moment, he is also very distressed. He successfully accepted the mysterious changes of the 3000 water system, but he doesn't know how to condense and brand!

The second level, the most difficult, is how to condense the original brand of the primary world after understanding the three thousand mysteries. It's too difficult!

After sitting around for ten years, Cui Hao's mind flickered with countless methods and made countless attempts, but it still failed to condense! This level can be said to be the most difficult point of the second level. As long as we break through and condense the original brand of the world, it's just a matter of time!

After sitting for ten years without any results, Cui Hao became upset. Finally, Cui Hao spent ten days to calm himself. Then, turning his hand, he took out the world box, opened it and began to observe the black feathers in it.

This black feather is the real feather of the master of chaos formula. It is no small matter. It is of incredible benefit to understand the mystery of the world.

Urging the perspective eye, the black true feather in the world box began to grow larger and larger, and the vein expanded infinitely. In it, countless pieces were perfectly divided, and each piece was perfectly re divided


Every time he looks at the black true feather, Cui Hao will have such feelings. This is a natural perfection. All changes and divisions seem to follow the supreme principle of heaven and earth.

"The world, perfect, divided..."

After watching for a hundred years, Cui Hao had a strange feeling in vain. He was excited. Vaguely, he felt that something was going to jump out of his heart. However, he couldn't really jump out. It was very uncomfortable.

In this way, Cui Hao continued to realize that a thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years

"Hua la..."

In Cui Hao's palm, there are three thousand unreal and incomparable air currents rotating, like water flow. This is the manifestation that he has achieved a real mastery and understanding of the mystery of the three thousand water systems.

At the moment, Cui Hao is manipulating them for integration, but no matter what, there is always a feeling of incompleteness.

To understand the Tao, you can meet but not ask.

Many times, even if you sit for millions of years, you can't see its true essence. This is the so-called difficulty of seeking Tao.

At a certain moment, a wonderful twinkling light was caught by Cui Hao, who forgot both things and me. In an instant, he turned into a huge star. The stars around him were bright, swirling around him, turning into a nebula, gathering a sea of stars, a wonderful wave, and he seemed to condense into one with the whole universe.

At the next moment, Cui Hao turned into a hard rock, a grass and a fish. They coexisted in the same big world and became a part of them.

After deriving all things, he turned into a sky high above, overlooking everything with a overlooking attitude, a detached, absolutely, and the charm high above suddenly rippled in his heart.

Still sitting, Cui Hao forgot both things. The vicissitudes of life in his left eye, the changes of years, the birth and disappearance of stars in his right eye, and the gathering and scattering of stars, the destruction and rebirth of the universe.

Understand the mystery of all things in heaven and earth and condense the traces of Tao

At this moment, the blessing reached the soul. Cui Haowu smiled. The 3000 kinds of water systems rotating in front of him were mysterious and changeable. Soon, they merged into a small water ball, and a perfect and incomparable atmosphere filled the air!

"Ha ha, it's done!" looking at the little water polo, Cui Hao smiled happily.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, breaking through this difficulty, and the next thing is easy to handle. He stepped on his way and soon came to a new big bubble. And when he stepped into the moment, one strand belonged to the mysterious and turbulent wave of the wind and filled his soul.

At present, Cui Hao began to absorb quickly and realized it!

So, in this way, Cui Hao began to move forward one by one, condensing the original brand of the world.

If this scene is seen by the strong in the immortal world, I'm afraid I'll be shocked to death. Even the main God will envy me to death! This opportunity is against the sky!

Of course, for Cui Hao, the benefits are unimaginable. The mysterious magic power is the foundation. Only by consolidating the foundation can he make extraordinary achievements in the world, rules and causality and continuously improve!

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