On the huge and incomparable colored clouds, the crown of the king of wisdom on Cui Hao's head is blooming with non black and non white brilliance of wisdom. On the opposite side, the head of the immeasurable cosmic God "creation" is the same. The ancient and cracked crown of the king of wisdom is shining and echoing each other!

Such a scene is like two kings looking at each other!

At this moment, the White Gold giant of the cosmic God "creation" suddenly issued a strong attraction. Suddenly, Cui Hao was led by him and fell into the middle of his eyebrows!

At this time, the original brand of the 2999 regiment around him was shocked, and then, one by one, rushed into the ancient cracked crown of wisdom!

Cui Hao feels the same for every brand that rushes into the crown of wisdom, and there will be a strange syllable ringing through!

Syllables are ringing, all strange and awkward, but they give people a pure and incomparable, as if they were notes from a distant and desolate era. Each note is different, some represent water, some represent fire

If we have to say that they have something in common, it is that the notes give people a common character, as if heaven and earth have just been opened up. The voice of heaven and earth is mysterious, simple, vicissitudes, pure and grand

Sitting in the eyebrows of the cosmic God "creation", listening to the notes, Cui Hao was shocked. The unique charm was deeply imprinted in his heart. In a trance, Cui Hao seemed to see the confusion of heaven and earth. Then, the notes sounded one by one, containing the mysterious power of enlightenment, opening up heaven and earth and nurturing all things!

Pregnant! yes! Cui Hao deeply felt the pregnant breath in this note!


The head of the huge and boundless cosmic God "creation" was shocked and cracked. One of the white and golden blood flowed out, but there was no blood smell. Instead, there was a fresh and mysterious special smell from the origin of mother and fetus, full of charm.

"Clatter, clatter..."

The White Gold blood made a sound and quickly penetrated into Cui Hao's body.

Suddenly, a terrible force began to wash Cui Hao's body, and stirred up with the blood in his body, like a knife scraping, which made him hum and tremble with pain!

It really hurts!

The cultivation reaches the level of the creator God. A drop of blood can fill the sea and a drop of blood can crush the mountains. Such a stream of blood rushes into Cui Hao's body. His extreme physical body is faintly unable to carry it! At this time, Cui Hao understood why the three levels were set up. If there was no extreme physical body, the first step of inheritance would be to explode the body!

Is it so easy to obtain the inheritance of a creator God?

they hurt! they hurt! Pain

With drops of white and golden blood rushing into Cui Hao's body, he showed his teeth in pain. Finally, his extreme body was unable to carry, and there were some cracks!

Fortunately, at this time, the influx of white and golden blood weakened a lot. However, in the mud pill Palace on the top of the cosmic God "creation", a dreamy light burst out and burst into Cui Hao's mind!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

A loud, deafening sound resounded through, with a full 3000 sounds, just like the smell of spring thunder and the initiation of all things.

With this loud noise, the endless vast information flow instantly filled Cui Hao's chaotic soul!

At this moment, the already transformed chaotic soul is shaking. The information is too huge and the load is too extraordinary!

"Hold on! Hold on!..."

Gritting his teeth, Cui Hao insisted. Although he had to bear the pain of his soul all the time, he was still unwilling to give up.

At the same time, the ancient and cracked wisdom crown was shrinking and leaped up suddenly, flying towards the illusory wisdom crown above Cui Hao's head. It emitted pure, fresh and wonderful breath, full of infinite wisdom charm, and quickly invested in Cui Hao's wisdom crown, making it undergo some transformation

In the center of Cui Hao's eyebrows, there is a chaotic fog swirling around at the moment, which is very mysterious. At the moment, it is emitting an atmosphere of detachment, high above and overlooking invincible! In a trance, Cui Hao felt that he was incarnated as a creator, overlooking the world he created and any living creature.

Indifference and arrogance rippled in his heart, but when he saw the creatures, the indifferent heart rippled out a glory like a loving father.

At this moment, Cui Hao's heart reached a wonderful state: "Tao is affectionate but ruthless, Tao is ruthless but affectionate!"

Hundreds of millions of wonderful lights are shining in his heart, blooming, forming a special light, as if he wants to penetrate all things in the world. He overlooks flowers, birds, fish and insects, mountains and rivers, and feels the changes of years and the passage of time.

All things in the world are condensed in the soul, and a strong and incomparable aura was born. It merged with Cui Hao's chaotic soul. In a moment, Cui Hao was obsessed and intoxicated

"Creation! Creation!...... Life and death..... Guided by wisdom, create the life of wisdom!......"

The aura is constantly bursting out. Cui Hao's mind is not as ethereal as before. He has realized a lot of things. He has never had such a profound understanding of life. Moreover, the aura brewing in his mind is becoming stronger and stronger


At this time, the inexhaustible universe God's "creation" skull was dried up, and the essence of its infinite power was all converged. In its mud ball palace, a dreamy brilliance with profound wisdom and infinite intelligence came into Cui Hao's body.

With the continuous influx of dreamy brilliance, the soul is completely materialized and completely integrated with Cui Hao's chaotic soul!

Got it!

At this moment, Cui Haoming realized one thing, that is, how to create the world and how to create things!

"I'm the foundation, I'm the first of the three thousand roads! 2999 mysterious brand, inspire!..." roared, Cui Hao was very excited.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With his roar, sure enough, there suddenly appeared layers of halos around Cui Hao, layer by layer, just 3000 layers. The next moment, these halos converged and turned into a dazzling light spot, which rushed into his limbs and bones.

Three thousand layers of halo, containing the mystery of three thousand roads, spread all over Cui Hao's limbs and bones!

When Cui Hao accepted the inheritance and understood some things, the ancient and cracked wisdom crown, which was reduced countless times, soared and fell on Cui Hao's head, integrated with his illusory perfect wisdom crown.

It seems that this is the unity of homology. There is no conflict and accident in this integration. Everything is very smooth. Then, the sound of clicking continued, and the ancient wisdom crown broke. Among them, the light containing infinite wisdom poured out, and merged with Cui Hao's wisdom crown again, gradually turning from illusion to reality!

Wriggling, the crown of wisdom becomes more and more real. Its blooming glory is confused with black and white, contains an incredible aura, and gives people a feeling of the source of infinite wisdom!

At this moment, Cui Hao's whole body was surrounded by a lot of brilliance, like an invincible king. The crown on his head was infinite wisdom, his eyes were detached and ethereal, and he was still receiving a gift from the cosmic God "creation"!


The white and golden blood continues to integrate into Cui Hao's body. At the moment, they have more rushed into the 3000 bright light spots in Cui Hao's body, injecting infinite power into it, and these light spots are also expanding and shrinking. In it, there is an indescribable great power brewing! The three thousand bright spots are like three thousand roads. The brightest is Cui Hao's Dantian, which represents his ID and is the foundation of three thousand roads!

Understanding does not mean inheriting. It's like a person who can read. He may not be able to solve his doubts, but he has completed a very important step. At the moment, Cui Hao is in this state. He has obtained the inheritance of the cosmic God "creation", but if he really wants to practice inheritance, he still needs to take the most important step!

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