After killing Lei Peng, Cui Hao's Revenge anger calmed down a little. He took Lei Peng's space God ring, and his collection satisfied him very much. There were a large number of God crystals and all kinds of rare treasures. In addition, there was a strange small bottle with five drops of thunder shining liquid in it, which was the power of the LORD God! This is a really good thing, a good thing that the LORD God will not give easily!

The two battles of life and death are over, and all the strong gods who witnessed it feel that it is worth the trip. From today on, the five tyrants of the divine City, once the Lord of thunder, have become the four tyrants! While lamenting, Cui Hao's arrogance also makes everyone palpitate. It's incredible!

There is no shortage of dark horses in the immortal world. Some hermits are even close to great perfection. For example, Zunxiu is a group of low-key, powerful and incredible existence! After this war, Cui Hao is really famous, and everything about him will soon be known!

If it is said that before accepting the inheritance of the cosmic God "creation", Cui Hao may be afraid of this swagger, but now, his wings are full and naturally fearless! The scenes before her daughter's death are still fresh in my mind. Cui Hao naturally wants revenge and takes revenge on the damn people!

Originally, after the first World War of life and death, Cui Hao wanted to take Xiaohui and others back to the riot Xinghai, but some of the rewards promised by Mr. Shuijing had not been fulfilled. He claimed that the super auction would be held soon. He had a good friend named beast Zun, who had a lot of divine animal blood essence and would also come to the auction. Therefore, he wanted Cui Hao to wait for some time.

After learning about the super auction, Cui Hao was also very interested. He just killed the black devil's ancestor and Lei Peng. He also gained a lot. It's good to take a chance at the super auction.

It was one month before the super auction. Originally, it was Lei Peng's turn to preside over it. He was killed by Cui Hao. This fat difference also fell into the hands of Hisai, the strongest of the four bullies. In order to show his respect for Cui Hao, he personally sent a senior VIP order to participate in the most important small auction of the super auction. Moreover, as long as Cui Hao sells the treasures he needs, We will give you a huge discount of no revenue.

Therefore, Cui Hao sold many things he didn't need. Then he carefully counted his wealth. Tao Shenjing and other things didn't count. There were 12 billion pure Shenjing! There are also all kinds of rare treasures, refining tools and massive precious things needed for alchemy. In short, there is so much wealth that even some eight Star Gods are very jealous!

In addition, there are five drops of the power of the Lord of thunder and three drops of the power of the Lord of darkness. These are really good things that Shenjing can't get!

Even Cui Hao could not imagine such a huge amount of wealth when he first entered the immortal world!

Since we still need to wait for Mr. Shuijing to collect all kinds of precious things promised, we should stay in the God city of thunder for at least more than a month. Therefore, Cui Hao took advantage of his leisure to go out with Da Shenshi and others!

First of all, they swept up the Shenjing gambling stone shop in the God city of thunder Lord. After wandering around the gambling stone shop one by one, Cui Hao smashed out more than a billion Shenjing in three days, and exchanged a lot of Shenjing gambling stones. They are really good things. With perspective golden light, he is sure to make a profit without losing.

In this way, he continued to sweep for seven days. Cui Hao visited the gambling stone square and even the gambling stone street in the God city of thunder. As long as it is good, he can take it directly!

Cui Hao's crazy scavenging has naturally attracted the attention of countless people. In particular, he is a famous strong man at the moment. He is very conspicuous everywhere! In recent days, the Lord of thunder god city began to spread detailed information about Cui Hao, including his participation in the primary gambling competition in Huangyan God City, and he even captured and subdued turtle 73 alive, which was a murderer listed on the star monument on the seventh floor of the Star Tower!

Although the black devil ancestor and Lei Peng are the strong among the Seven Star Gods, their ranking has not entered the top 100 in the immortal world!

After seven days of scavenging, Cui Hao, Ruilin, Xiao Qi, Da Shenshi, Meng Meng, Bai Zizi and Bai Xiaoyu gathered here to eat spiritual fruit and drink wine.

His mouth was almost salivating. He hit the divine stone and shouted, "boss! I'm suffocating! You just search every day, but don't cut the stone. There must be a lot of good things among those divine crystal raw stones? Why don't we have an interesting activity, stone cutting?"

"Cut! I think you are greedy and want to get some benefits?" she cut, and Xiao Qi joked.

"Nonsense, is this the kind of person I beat God stone?" righteousness said, but the saliva at the corner of his mouth betrayed it.

With a smile, Cui Hao waved his hand and suddenly a lot of divine crystal stones rolled down like a hill. He said with a smile, "each of these divine crystal stones has real good things, among which there are several contained things. Even I am shocked! You can cut them. When you finish cutting, pile them up and get what you need!"


His eyes glowed with gold and flattered the God stone. "Boss, I can't. I found that my admiration for you is like a flowing river... I'm in love with you! What should I do?"

The divine stone is flattering, and Xiao Qi has taken the lead in cutting. Soon, a strange dream light rushes out, and he sprinkles a pool of clear water. Suddenly, the sound of nature resounds through. The sound of nature comes from the clear water, and the sound of nature is accompanied by mystery. This is a Taoist divine crystal!

The first piece of the original cut out the Taoist divine crystal, which is undoubtedly very shocking. Even Xiao Hui can't sit still. Ha ha, I just found one and tried the fun of gambling stone cutting!

Naturally, they do not have perspective eyes than Cui Hao. Everything has already been spied clearly, so they are more excited and exciting. Therefore, this group of "amateurs" began to cut stones. Even a senior Shenjing master, no, even a great Shenjing master, would be silly?

The success rate is 100%. Moreover, there are many good things, such as exotic top-grade God crystal, Tao God crystal, dual attribute Tao God crystal, void Tao God crystal, and even two strange things God crystal. This is really against the sky!

At the moment, Cui Hao has a dark stone the size of a watermelon in front of him, emitting a special smell of archaic minerals. It is pure. Obviously, it is not a miscellaneous stone on the edge, but a real first-class product!

The price of this original divine crystal stone in a gambling stone shop is 32 million divine crystals, which belongs to the existence of the treasure of the town store. After seeing it, Cui Hao took out 32 million divine crystals and bought this original stone!

Is it worth it?

Others will be deterred when they see such a sky high price, because it is really too expensive, but in Cui Hao's opinion, it is not expensive at all. It is worth it!

He didn't pay attention to the original stones like a hill, because Cui Hao knew what they were and they were very precious. There were many Taoist God crystals. However, even the two original stones containing strange things and God crystals were far inferior to this one!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Cui Hao quickly solved the stone, accompanied by the falling of the stone skin. Finally, it was completely untied. Inside, there was a palm sized crystal brand, not gold, not jade, not stone, not iron. On the front, there were some mysterious textures, like cicada wings, and between the textures, there was an ancient seal character, which was an immortal character!

"It can cause a weak induction of the six cycles in my body. It's not simple! Moreover, it involves immortals!"

Because Meimei's soul is really spiritual, Cui Hao really knows the importance of immortality and immortality to himself. Therefore, he attaches great importance to this suspected immortality related thing cut from the original stone! The six reincarnations in the body once gave birth to the great world of Honghuang Xianyuan. It has an induction to this brand. It can be seen that it is extraordinary!

At this time, the precious divine crystal was cut out one after another, and hitting the divine stone giggled, because he cut out a chaotic strange thing, which turned out to be a precious stone, the destiny divine stone! This kind of thing is too tempting to it. For fear of falling into the hands of others, this guy snorted and swallowed it in his stomach with a satisfied smile.

Holding the brand, Cui Hao began to try various methods to refine with the power of chaos. It's useless! Refining with chaotic soul is useless! It's useless to be branded with the true spirit of the flesh! Perspective golden light, useless! The crown of wisdom shines, useless!

After trying various methods, Cui Hao finally found that all of them were useless!

Therefore, he began to try to contact the six samsara. However, there was too little refining and could not be urged at all.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Just when Cui Hao was almost desperate, the strange little tree in his body shook, and the roots of the 1.296 billion acupoints extending around Cui Hao squirmed at the same time. A moment later, a ray of clear light was born, mysterious, noble, majestic and unparalleled.

"Hua la..."

At this time, the three leaves of the chaotic little tree swayed. In the center was a vague and dreamy virtual shadow. Sitting there, it was like an invincible existence coming out of the long river of time. The smell was ancient, primitive, ignorant and invincible

It is the true spirit bred by the small chaotic tree. The big brand is very. At the moment, it raised its illusory hand. Suddenly, a wisp of clear light was born at its fingertips.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Qingguang was burning, an indescribable terrorist force was born, and suddenly rushed into the brand.

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

This non gold, non jade, non stone, non iron brand with an immortal character cracked. The power of Qingguang combustion was integrated into it, and suddenly some terrible transformation took place!

Dense colorful lights are bursting out. They look gorgeous and beautiful, as if they are about to rise.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

In this dense color light, mysterious and unpredictable tiny light clusters burst out, with a total of 3000. After its light, 3000 tiny and strange fragments are suspended, surrounded by a soft light like running water. Countless mysterious and unpredictable characters continue to jump out of the fragments, mysterious, obscure, grand, mysterious and ancient

At this time, the true spirit of the chaotic tree shook a little, and there was no outbreak of power. The three thousand fragments were shocked together. Then, they suddenly gathered to form a complete shining jade disc, which was also true and illusory. At once, it was deeply branded in Cui Hao's perfect chaotic soul, which was fully absorbed and understood by him!

At this moment, Cui Hao's perfect chaotic soul was shocked, almost disintegrated and collapsed, while he was shocked and blurted out "the first treasure of the legendary fairy way, 3000 jade plates of creation“

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