After the sneak attack of tapir entropy, the next journey was very smooth. It took more than a year. Cui Hao and others finally returned to the riot Xinghai again!

Since GUI 73 led the guard army of Huangyan holy city to defeat him, and he, including the four masters, became prisoners, rumors began to spread in Huangyan holy city. The original powerful guard army was not even enough to completely suppress everything in the holy city. The whole guard army has shrunk by more than half, and people are terrified and can't live forever!

No way, the impact of that war was really too great. The Earth Alliance showed extraordinary power. It is said that Cui Hao, the leader of the Earth Alliance, personally suppressed turtle 73 and subdued it, including the four masters. This kind of great skill is shocking!

The earth alliance wants to attack Huangyan Shencheng. That's 100%. Now, his power has expanded to 800000, and many powerful Keqing have joined. Coupled with turtle 73, his power has completely surpassed Huangyan Shencheng! In this regard, Yuntian was naturally very anxious, but he had no way. He simply lived like a year and suffered extremely!

On this day, there was a big banquet in the Lord's house of Huangyan God city. The important leaders of the guard army and some big families in Huangyan God city sent representatives for only one reason. It is said that the Lord of Yuntian has found a powerful helper to strengthen his existence more than turtle seven three!

At this moment, on the most luxurious seat, there is a man in black sitting there, his whole body seems to be boundless darkness, and the light seems to be unable to shoot into him, as if his body is a black hole!

With a smile on his face and a low attitude, he poured wine for the man in black robe in person, "ha ha... Brother purgatory, you took the trouble to come here. Please taste more delicious dishes. These are the top ingredients in Huangyan divine city!"

"HMM..." the man in black just nodded faintly, but didn't touch the glass.


This is definitely a famous figure. Among the eight Star Gods, he is a terrible existence ranking 39th in the star monument. He broke out with all his strength, which is comparable to the general nine star gods! It is said that this man practices the two mysteries of darkness and wind system, and only by integrating them perfectly can he be ranked in the 39th place!

If turtle 73, who ranks 73 among the Seven Star Gods, is the top power, then this purgatory can be called a super first-class expert. He is a powerful general under the command of the Dark Lord God!

The sky is still so, and the other representatives of Huangyan Shencheng family who sit with them are silent and dare not say more.

In this way, after eating and drinking, purgatory officially settled in the Lord's house of Huangyan divine City, and this news is completely confidential under the arrangement of Yuntian!

In fact, Yuntian and this purgatory don't know each other at all, and the other party is not a good man or woman. The reason why he came to help is that he was entrusted by one person

Earth Alliance, this day is very lively, because the big leader returns, and Xiaohui and others come with him! Such a situation naturally greatly boosted the morale, and Cui Hao also generously rewarded the strong gods under his command. Later, he personally presided over a large-scale banquet to entertain the core of the Earth Alliance and a group of elite backbone, guest Qing, etc.

Today, the Earth Alliance has already developed into a super power with 800000 people. There are hundreds of powerful Keqing. Coupled with the joining of many strong players of the Bai family, it is becoming more and more powerful!

At the banquet, Cui Hao took out some very eye-catching Taoist crystals and gave them to some of the most meritorious strong. Of course, others also got some precious things. Cui Hao made it clear that he would attack Huangyan holy city soon, and everyone would reward him for his achievements, even seal the border and crack the earth!

After his blood surging morale, the cohesion of the Earth Alliance has improved a lot again. The terror of turtle 73 has been accepted. Everyone is confident that Cui Hao can break the holy city!

Such a banquet lasted three days. Cui Hao was very publicity. He wanted to pass the news!

At the end of the banquet, Cui Hao ordered the four masters to summon and spread the news by using the power of his family!

In fact, since the surrender of the four masters, their family forces have basically integrated into the Earth Alliance. However, after all, they are old-fashioned forces, and some details still remain. Under their spread news, the news that the Earth Alliance will attack Huangyan Shencheng in a few days immediately spread and everyone knows it!

The message conveyed by the Earth Alliance is very simple. Huangyan divine city is about to attack the city. People without business leave immediately. Otherwise, don't blame the accidental injury!

Every large-scale siege will have very serious casualties. Therefore, the strong who generally live in the divine city will leave first. Even if the God city changes its owner, it will recognize the shops and mansions left by the strong gods. However, in order to show their obedience and support, these powerful gods who own the industry must pay one tenth of the wealth of the industry to each other!

The strength of the Earth Alliance is well known. Therefore, a large number of strong gods will soon choose to take the super transmission divine array of the divine city and leave. The atmosphere in Huangyan divine city is suddenly dignified, and the war will start!

After the banquet, Xiao Hui began to preside over the preparations for the war. Many main forces of the Earth Alliance gathered together. Everyone was gearing up. I wish I could go to a war immediately!

Cui Hao disappeared again after hosting the banquet, because he had more important things to do.

Earth Alliance headquarters, the core place, on an island in the middle of a lake.

The lake island has pleasant scenery, and the void is filled with a special mysterious atmosphere, which makes people relaxed and happy. This person is the residence of big leader Cui Hao. Twin sister Hua, Meng Ying, Vivian, meihuiko Ono and five confidants live here.

On the green grass, there are clean and tidy cushions, and many wine spiritual fruits are placed at will. Cui Hao is sitting there with five confidants. He is telling the five people about his trip to the God city of thunder Lord.

After hearing that Meimei gave birth to her son and died, MEIHUIZI Ono burst into tears and sobbed constantly, while the other four women were also full of tears. Then, I heard that Cui Hao said that there was a special human on earth, and there was a real spirit. Meimei's resurrection was expected. They were excited and full of expectations one by one!

Cui Hao did not hide the fact that the earth creatures are free souls, but also firmly said that he would not only revive Meimei in the future, but also reshape the earth, so that the once familiar relatives, 10 billion earth humans, could all be resurrected! Such an idea naturally makes them very excited!

After telling these stories, Cui Hao introduced Bai Zizi and Bai Xiaoyu to them. MEIHUIZI Ono cried with tears, holding Bai Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu also liked her grandmother.

"Ziyou, meet your mother and several aunts!..." respectfully, Bai Ziyou knelt down and saluted.

In fact, in terms of age, Bai Zizi is much older than the twin sisters. After all, he is a four-star God who has practiced for millions of years. However, because Meimei is his wife, he can only call her so.

"Good boy! Good boy!..."

Having learned about Bai Zihe and Meimei from Cui Hao, MEIHUIZI Ono was very satisfied with her son-in-law and nodded with satisfaction. Later, she comforted Bai Zizi not to be too sad. Cui Hao will certainly revive Meimei!

White fish is very lovable. In addition, Meimei has died. The five women love him very much!

Subsequently, the walker house was arranged by Cui Hao in the old nest of the Earth Alliance. He left a lot of liquid chaos and presided over by Da Bai and Xiao Bai. I believe that Xiao Hui and others of the Earth Alliance will benefit a lot!

Of course, because this thing is too precious and against the sky, only Xiaohui, Ruilin, Mengmeng, Xiaoqi, Kongkong, Cui Wushuang, Mengyao, Bai Zizi and Bai Xiaoyu have the right to arrive at the walker's house and feel it.

They are the real core existence of the Earth Alliance!

The war was finally set by Cui Hao as three years later, because he needs to prepare well. In addition, he wants to use these three years to do something.

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