Yang Jitian has obtained a great opportunity in the immortal world. It seems that his own blood and soul are connected with a Xianyuan world. Therefore, with the joint support of a dark eternal artifact and three great fullness, he has successfully obtained the coordinates of that Xianyuan world! Now, they are waiting for the world Master qualifying that will open in a million years. The Taiyi world Master who is best at the void will appear at that time. Only he has the ability to successfully find the place of the fairy world according to coordinates and induction in the void!

The words of the demon who stepped on the sky rang through. Cui Hao, Xiao Hui, Ruilin and so on were all surprised. Then, they almost thought of a possibility, the only possibility, the great world of Honghuang Xianyuan at the same time!

Yang worship to heaven is also the soul of freedom bred by the six reincarnations. It is one of the most talented sons of human beings on earth. It is entirely possible that he can reach a contact with the Honghuang Xianyuan world again! It's just that this wolf's ambition, a really cruel and ruthless man, if he really set foot in the vast world of Xianyuan, I don't know what kind of waves will be set off?

"We must stop him!"

Almost instantly, Cui Hao made such a decision in his heart. At the beginning, the earth was attacked by the tide of darkness and chaos, and almost the strong came out of the great world of Honghuang Xianyuan, which saved the earth. Sanqing, Fuxi, Nuwa, the twelve true immortals, Buddha and Xuanyuan, these supreme beings in the earth legends, chatter blood. Naturally, such friendship can't be ignored!

At this moment, Cui Hao thought of Xuanyuan's broken body and Xuanyuan sword. Up to now, the broken divine boat is still in his first prison world, and Xuanyuan sword's trust and hope for himself.

"We must stop Yang worshiping heaven and others! In today's Honghuang Xianyuan world, only the seriously injured great saint is sitting down, which is too dangerous! There is the mother source of all people on earth. Perhaps, reviving them and reshaping the earth will be the most critical factor! Moreover, the immortal spirit is also very important for them to practice immortal Dharma. I must compete for the Honghuang Xianyuan world!" The light in his eyes flickered, and Cui Hao thought to himself.

Later, Cui Hao thought for a moment and asked the Lord treading on the sky, "I've heard some news about the worship of the sun to heaven before. It's said that he is now the first genius of the Dark Lord God city. He is amazing. He is protected by a dark eternal artifact. I don't know how to find him and kill this man? He is my fated enemy. I'm uneasy if I don't kill this man one day!"

Hearing the speech, the demon who stepped on the sky was stunned and said sorry, "I don't know his specific location, but I suggest you don't do it now! Now, there is an eternal artifact around him, guarded by the three great consummation, which is too strong!"

Cui Hao was also silent when the devil stepped on the sky said this. Although his strength and the "other side" of the supreme treasure are absolutely terrible, he is far from reaching the point of sweeping the supreme god of the great perfection. The matter of killing the sun to worship the heaven must be considered in the long run and planned in detail!

After telling Cui Hao this message, the demon lord stepping on the sky thanked him again for not killing and left!

When the Lord of heaven left the city hall, he was immediately noticed by many powerful gods, whispered and speculated.

The dark hair was flying wantonly, and the devil stepped on the sky said, "don't guess. I tell you, I'm not against Cui Hao. I'm far from his opponent! The first city Lord is worthy of his name, and I admire it!..."

With these words, the devil stepped on the sky and left.

Although he had never witnessed the war, this remark was personally sent out from the mouth of the demon who stepped on the sky, which caused a great sensation for the first time. The news spread like wildfire. Cui Hao's name as the first city Lord was a bit solid again.

Because of this news, Yang Jitian, who knew this in the Dark Lord God City, was angry. Unexpectedly, successive plans failed! Now, he is at the most critical moment of some kind of cultivation. He can only ask the dark eternal artifact beside him and the three great fulls to protect him quietly, waiting for Cui Hao to take the bait.

His waiting was also doomed to be futile. After learning the news, Cui Hao made more rigorous arrangements for the whole earth God City, especially his relatives and five confidants, and made careful arrangements to ensure their safety!

After more than 5000 years of recovery, the Dagen stone, which was cracked everywhere under the scourge of heaven, has recovered again. The breath is much more terrible than before. Even Cui Hao has some palpitations. This guy really deserves to be the only child of the peerless fierce man of the God devouring emperor. The potential is too terrible!

Beating God stone was a restless character. After recovering, he immediately shouted to Cui Hao to go with him to a place where there was a gift left by the God devouring emperor for them! Moreover, Da Shenshi patted his chest and said that the emperor had already arranged everything and there would be no danger!

Cui Hao was very curious about the gift of the God devouring emperor. He hesitated when he learned that the place he was going to was in a no man's land. However, in the end, he couldn't carry all kinds of requests and flattery of the God stone, so he had to agree.

Anyway, it's still early for the world Master qualifying. Cui Hao has plenty of time!

Now, the development of the earth God city has been completely on track, and Cui Hao does not need to make too many arrangements. Therefore, after some arrangements, he left with the God stone, target, no man's land!

No man's land, the only place in the immortal world is much more terrible than the desperate situation. It contains too many unknown Jedi, because it means absolute death and mystery. Therefore, the strong gods almost turn pale!

In the no man's land, there is a crazy smell everywhere. The deeper it goes, the stronger it becomes. Generally, the soul strength of the five-star and six-star gods can't bear it! Moreover, once trapped in the depths of no man's land, strong as gods will lose their sense of direction, lose themselves, and finally fall into it!

Nevertheless, no man's land is still a place for many strong people, because it also contains great fortune! The four ancient mines, the birthplace of Shenjing raw stone, are located in the no man's land. Moreover, the so-called frontier war is also deep in the no man's land.

In the first battle with the Lord of heaven, Cui Haoji had an epiphany by coincidence and broke through the bottleneck. At the same time, he saw the next road clearly. At the same time, all the boundless feelings began to condense. At the moment, his heart is filled with a fearless and invincible mind. It is accepting the accommodation of the vast feelings and quietly undergoing some earth shaking changes!

Faintly, Cui Hao had a hunch in his heart that this change would last for 100000 years, and on the expiration of 100000 years, all his feelings would turn into a strong and invincible idea, and he would break through the second layer of chaos formula and soar to the sky!

Although it will take a long time, everything will go on naturally. Cui Hao is almost sure that after this transformation, he will have a terrible will like the great God and the LORD God!

There is a famous saying in the immortal world that the will of the LORD God must not be disobedient! Even the powerful superior God will collapse in front of the LORD God's will. It is a terrible force that is fearless, fearless and invincible!

Self will, which is the final presentation and crystallization of the second layer of chaos formula. Cui Hao is looking forward to what degree his will will reach? Is it comparable to the LORD God? Even... Beyond!

Cui Hao's plan is very good. In 100000 years, when his own will changes, he will break through the level of the second prison world at one stroke. At that time, he will practice the third level of chaos formula. For such a long time, I must have returned to the earth God City, and then challenge the Jiuyang world leader, and then participate in the world leader qualifying

Next, with the "other shore" of Zhibao, Cui Hao and Da Shenshi moved forward at an adverse speed. Guided by Da Shenshi, everything went well. Finally, they reached the edge of the famous no man's land!

"Woo woo..."

Ahead, there was a black fog, and he couldn't see clearly. Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes and immediately found a huge grand canyon in the distance ahead. From a distance, you can hear the whistling ghost roar from the depths of the dark, as if communicating with the nether world.

"What a strange place! No man's land is really not easy!"

Observing the Grand Canyon with perspective eyes, Cui Hao suddenly felt numb and creepy, because around the Grand Canyon, there was a vast expanse of white everywhere, and the skeletons rolled one by one, which was creepy!

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