This is a vast mountain range, all of which are dark stones, emitting a creepy air mechanism, while in the mountains, there is an endless fog. Vaguely, there is a terrible roar, just like thunder!

At this moment, two figures appeared rapidly at the edge of the mountain, suspended in the void, it was Cui Hao and Da Shen Shi.

The tone was very dignified, and he said positively, "boss, my father's paradise lost should have been found by the owner of the restricted area. This is definitely not his means! There is no fog here in the information I got!"

Nodding, Cui Hao naturally felt the strangeness in the fog. However, his eyes were firm and said, "don't worry, little stone, I have the boss. No one wants to take away paradise lost!"

There was a strong killing intention on the stone, and he said, "boss, my father's means are not so easy to crack! I'm sure they can't break into the core of paradise lost! These fog is to prevent outsiders! It seems... Very powerful!"

In the way of array, Cui Hao is much more powerful than hitting the divine stone. It's not too much to be called the master of array. After thanking him for a moment, he nodded and said, "yes! It's really terrible, quite not simple! The strongest of this array is its core!"

Cui Hao said this, and the perspective golden light also shot out, and suddenly the surrounding kilometer range became clear.

"Little stone, let's go in!"

At that moment, under the leadership of Cui Hao, he and Da Shenshi rushed into the fog.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The fog floated. At the moment when Cui Hao and Da Shen Shi broke in, they suddenly and violently flowed. At the same time, a terrible smell filled the air. The big array hidden in the fog was activated!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Soon, terrible flames burst out from the ground, just like fierce magma.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The sound of the hurricane roared through the air, and the void cracked inch by inch. A creepy black wind was circling. Ghosts generally killed Cui Hao and Da Shenshi!

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong......"

A wonderful note rang through, as if it contained some strange magic, which would make people fall into a coma and completely lose themselves!

In an instant, Cui Hao and Da Shenshi triggered all kinds of changes in the array, and all kinds of attacks began to emerge one after another! It has to be said that this array is really strange and powerful. However, Cui Hao has the help of perspective golden light, and he is strong and arrogant with playing God stone, which has stubbornly blocked waves of attacks.

Since he dared to break into it, Cui Hao naturally didn't want to wait to die. He soon began to pinch the formula to observe the changes of the array. Then he affirmed the position of the array eye that was changing all the time, and kept moving forward with the magic stone!

"Hua Hua..."

Suddenly, the figure of a cold white browed man appeared. The figure was very real, but when walking, it was like a phantom. The whole person turned into a hazy fiery red phantom in an instant. The speed was amazing!


At such a rapid speed, this hazy fiery red phantom shot. In his palm, there was a strange giant flame hammer waving, which seemed to be intertwined, converged, roared, hammered, shook the world and fell directly towards Cui Hao!


The fire hammer was really too fast. In an instant, it completely collapsed the void, and such a terrible hammer suddenly hit Cui Hao's head. It seemed that it was going to explode his head!


When Cui Hao suddenly suffered such an attack, he burst into a drink. At this moment, his body just trembled and clattered. The huge flame hammer will fall down, and his body will burst into pieces, with the complete collapse of the void!

"Ha ha..."

Seeing the scene, the cold white browed man laughed, but then he was stunned and shouted a bad sound in his heart!

It's not Cui Hao's body at all. It's just a remnant? Is the speed of the other party so fast?

With a shiver in his heart, the cold white browed man heard a cold voice behind him, "want to kill me, go to hell!..."

A strong and incomparable boxing intention burst out and wrapped the cold white browed man in an instant. Cui Hao's original mother fist contained infinite mysteries and fell with a bang!

"Ah! Not good!..."

A strong death crisis filled my heart. At this moment, the cold white browed man hurried, turned his body, and the huge flame hammer in his hand suddenly swept across to block!

Unfortunately, he overestimated himself. Cui Hao's original mother fist avoided the flame hammer like a ghost, and then hit the white browed man!


The white browed man screamed. There was a huge blood hole in his chest, which was completely pierced. His body was fragmented, coughing up blood and dying.

"Who are you?"

He had no time to resist. He had been pinched by Cui Hao's neck like carrying a dead dog. His strong power immediately imprisoned him.

"Beast! I'll kill you!..."

Bai Mei's cruel man shouted angrily, but it didn't help, and Cui Hao began to use his strange soul secret!

Although the cold-blooded man with white eyebrows was also extraordinary, he soon gave in and was controlled by Cui Hao under Cui Hao's perfect chaotic soul and special soul secret method.


Kneeling on the ground, the white browed cold man was respectful, and his seriously injured body made him frown in pain.

Urging the perspective golden light to help him recover, Cui Hao said, "what's your origin and why you attacked us? Tell us in detail!"

At the moment, the cold man with white eyebrows hurriedly opened his mouth and explained his origin in detail.

It turned out that he was an eight star top God mondocchi in the immortal world. In those years, he also guarded the frontier and fought with dark creatures. Since he saw the cruelty of the frontier, he deeply knew that the future of the immortal world was only afraid of being destroyed. Therefore, he took refuge in the restricted area in an attempt to save his life.

Unlike those strong immortals who submit to the less masters in the restricted area, mondocchi is a subordinate and has a certain degree of freedom. Moreover, his strength is strong and respected. Mondocchi came to hunt Cui Hao and hit the God stone this time. The four young masters of the four restricted areas have arrived and entered the legendary paradise lost. He also explained that not only himself, but also an eight star God came to hunt them, but he was in different areas and had not arrived yet!

After learning this news, the God stone is angry. There can be no loss in paradise lost!

After calming him, Cui Hao asked in detail. Mondocchi didn't know much about this. He didn't know much about the top secret of paradise lost!

So Cui Hao put him in the first prison world. Then he took the stone to the road again.

There were many crises along the way. With their own perception of the array and strong strength, they ran around and rolled. Finally, they approached the deepest part of the fog step by step!

At this time, a figure appeared, but it was a cold old man, the eight star God!

Therefore, the two sides did not have any nonsense at all, and directly opened a big war!

The eight star God is not strong, but he is nothing in front of Cui Hao. Soon, the cold old man was defeated and captured by Cui Hao!

Following the same pattern, Cui Hao controlled the cold old man and became his master.

The cold old man's name is Andrew. His situation is similar to that of mondocchio. He lost confidence in the frontier, so he took refuge in the restricted area and wanted to save his life!

After accepting Andrew, Cui Hao carefully calculated that he had accepted two eight Star Gods, seven seven star gods and sixteen six star gods all the way! Such a huge force is absolutely against the sky!

Cui Hao is very excited. How much will its strength expand when such a camp joins the earth God city? Even with their joining, Cui Hao has 100% confidence that he will win the stormy war against the world leader!

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