After staying in the paradise lost for more than a month, Cui Hao said, "little stone, we should leave!"

Hearing the speech, he said with a sad face "Boss, I also want to leave with you and go to the immortal world, but it will take me at least a million years, or even longer, to refine the paradise lost. In addition, my father left me some precious secrets and ordered me to practice them before leaving. Otherwise, it will be easy to fall, and our enemies will be strong in the future! Also, I will slowly refine my father's invincible tower, although now However, with ah Jin's help, but I'm just preliminarily branding my soul. "

Speaking of this, there is some joy in playing God stone "Boss, with the help of my father, I have made some changes. Now, my power contains a part of the power of chaos! Of course, I can't compare with you, but I finally have the qualification to urge the invincible tower in the future! Boss, I suggest you don't leave for the time being. We haven't been in the no man's land for less than 10000 years. You might as well stay and use you The accumulated chaotic power makes ah Jin run the cultivation space in the invincible tower, which can accelerate his cultivation in time! "

Originally, Cui Hao intended to leave. Hearing this, he immediately moved in his heart and asked, "ah Jin, I have enough chaotic power. How many times can you speed up?"

Hearing the speech, ah Jin said with a smile, "it's a piece of cake. As long as you have enough chaotic force and keep accelerating a thousand times, it's no problem! As for how long it will last, as long as you have enough chaotic force, I can continue all the time!"

Cui Hao was very excited by ah Jin's answer. He immediately took out the chaotic power liquid he had hoarded. After seeing these, ah Jin exclaimed, "what a pure chaotic power! You are really a monster! A monster more abnormal than my master God devouring emperor!"

Just after this feeling, ah Jin felt wrong. He stared at him angrily. Ah Jin hurriedly smiled and said, "little master, I don't mean that. The monster in my mouth means genius, super genius!"

According to the power of chaos provided by Cui Hao, ah Jin said that it can last for about 90000 years if only time acceleration is maintained! This answer makes Cui Hao very satisfied. 90000 years, 1000 times time acceleration, that is, 90 million years of cultivation!

From entering the cultivation to now, Cui Hao has only lived for more than 60000 years. With such strength, what degree can he improve in 90 million years?

Before going to the no man's land, Cui Hao had made detailed arrangements for the earth God city. In addition, he was already on the right track. With the rapid development, the earth God city will become more and more powerful! Xiaohui, Ruilin, Xiaoqi, Mengmeng, Cui Wushuang, Mengyao, Kongkong, Bai Zizai and gui73. These strong people gathered together, and Cui Hao had no worries about his future, so he chose Choose to enter the invincible tower and start the long cultivation under the acceleration of time!

In the final analysis, the reason why Cui Hao can rise is the determination of the heavenly beads and chaos of all things. But compared with other practitioners, in addition to the strength of perfect chaos, his biggest advantage is not brought by chaos, but the original mother fist, the fuzzy martial word of self birth, and the crown of wisdom. These three are the things that really belong to his self birth!

And these things are getting stronger and stronger. They need a lot of insights from Cui Hao and massive accumulation. As the master of the first prison world, every moment, Cui Hao can accept all kinds of experiences and insights from the huge world, which are classified by his heavenly heart, dispelling dross, leaving the essence and accumulating.

It is precisely because of this reason that Cui Haocai can be so extraordinary, because he is not alone in practicing, but the essence of countless life wisdom and perception is integrated into one. Now, Cui Hao is pregnant with one hundred and twenty-nine thousand and six hundred real creatures who are truly created by themselves. They are more extraordinary and bring Cui Hao many insights and aura.

Inside the invincible tower, there is a strange area, where pieces of time are flying. There is a powerful force of time flowing, and the speed is amazing. Among them, there is a figure sitting around, not others, but Cui Hao!

With the acceleration of time a thousand times, Cui Hao emptied his mind for the first time, fell into boundless perception, wandered inside and enjoyed himself.

Forgetting everything and himself, Cui Hao's mind is unprecedented ethereal and quiet. Countless spiritual lights are flashing and absorbed by him. Some are very simple, some are very strange, some are the perception of life, the cognition of things, some are the perception of martial arts and mysterious understanding. In short, all these things appear in Cui Hao's mind, absorbed by him and transformed into Own things!

Time has passed bit by bit, ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years

The years are running away, and the sentiment is also accumulating. The more in-depth sentiment, Cui Hao feels more and more simple. He forgets to eat and sleep, completely forgets himself, and plunges into the sentiment.

Originally, Cui Hao had reached a very profound and rebellious level on the basis of perception. At the beginning, he had branded a whole 2999 kinds of mysterious origin, but now, he has started over again and started to understand and study from the root, which is more and more extraordinary!

Forgetting himself, Cui Hao re studied and analyzed from the most superficial essence of metaphysics and martial arts. All his feelings have become more thorough and truly become his own things. This feeling of starting over again also makes him feel a sense of rapid improvement! Still, many feelings come together all the time, and he is tireless in his feelings.

Cui Hao's eyes changed from bright to ordinary, from ordinary to simple, from simple to pure, and his whole human temperament was also biochemical, washed away lead, and became ordinary and extraordinary!

Ten thousand years have passed, twenty thousand years have passed, thirty thousand years have passed

Cui Hao has spent 30000 years in the case of accelerating a thousand times in time, that is to say, he has been practicing and understanding for 30 million years!

30 million years, what kind of concept is this? How terrible precipitation and accumulation will there be in such a long and long time?

Finally, Cui Hao woke up. His eyes were very thorough and pure, but this purity contained a sense of vicissitudes after endless years!

"Thirty million years have passed......" Cui Hao uttered such a sigh in the faint.

At the moment of waking up, all the feelings were condensed in the original heart and branded on the perfect chaotic soul. Suddenly, the fuzzy martial word in tianwu armor rushed in and soon received a large amount of light injection. It was clear and clearer to the naked eye. It was still a martial word, wriggling and changing, There is a breath of martial arts supremacy flowing!

"Hahaha... Now I really understand something! In the past, I was too arrogant, precipitation and accumulation were far from enough! I didn't understand the mystery thoroughly!" Cui Hao laughed and was very happy.

Today, Cui Hao still hasn't broken through the suppression of avoiding heaven orders. However, he can feel that he has improved too much, at least several times! If we continue at the same pace and break through the suppression of heaven avoiding orders, it will not be difficult!

However, all things have a certain amount. Just like a container containing water, it has a bearing limit. Cui Hao has an understanding that he still needs to improve his soul and body. Otherwise, the accumulation of perception will become very slow, even if there is time to accelerate!

Cui Hao is not dissatisfied with this. He is very pleased and happy with the great changes that have taken place in the past 30 million years!

The most direct factor brought by the rapid improvement of perception is not that the martial word is really clear and begins to change, but the rebirth of the original mother fist! Cui Hao is also thorough about the mysteries of this martial character, but he has an intuition that this thing is still changing. Once it completes some changes, it will become the thing he relies on most!

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