The way of array is as vast as clouds and smoke. When Cui Hao was on the earth, he once practiced the great expansion of heaven. In fact, it is a branch of the way of array, which is almost insignificant compared with the three thousand of the whole array. Over the years, he spent a lot of effort and made great achievements in the way of array, barely reaching the realm of a master. However, it is still far from condensing a one yuan array. This time, taking advantage of the rare opportunity of time acceleration, Cui Hao decided to make a big breakthrough in this regard!

Time accelerates, which is far from incredible for ordinary strong people in the immortal world, because they have practiced for millions of years, or even longer, and their growth space is basically saturated, while Cui Hao has unlimited potential. Only with the sharpening of these years can he make great progress.

At this moment, with the acceleration of time, Cui Hao, who was caught in a burst of enlightenment, forgot his things. The whole person kept making handprints on his hands. Suddenly, with his actions, streamers burst out and turned into a powerful array!

Three thousand array channels are three thousand arrays in different directions, and each subdivision can be divided into 1296 million arrays. When they are perfectly integrated with each other, they can be transformed into an array channel, which is a one yuan array. It took ten thousand years, that is, thirty million years. Cui Hao carefully understood all kinds of the three thousand array Tao. Some were obscure, some suddenly, and some were ignorant. These arrays finally left some marks in Cui Hao's heart more or less.

When the last understanding of the three thousand array Tao was completed, Cui Hao opened his eyes. He was tired, confused and painful. These expressions were all integrated into his eyes.

"How can it be so? Three thousand array, why do I feel confused?" whispered Cui Hao at a loss.

Chaotic, indeed, Cui Hao at this moment is really chaotic. There are endless array brand marks in his mind, looming, real and illusory, which makes him feel crazy!

This feeling, more and more intense, more and more intense! Cui Hao was surprised. He knew he was too reckless. What he just did was too greedy to chew! For example, a container can only hold one liter of water, but it forcibly squeeze in more water, which will burst at any time!

Fortunately, Cui Hao's perfect chaotic soul is strong enough to resist the sky. Although this feeling of madness is getting stronger and stronger, it has not collapsed yet. Stick to it and want to accommodate it!

The endless perception of the array turned into a brand, and more is not the better. At this moment, Cui Hao deeply knows this truth.

A strong sense of crisis lingers in my mind. Cui Hao is preparing to try various means. The crown of wisdom on his chaotic soul vibrates, clatters, rotates, and sprinkles the light of the origin of wisdom.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Suddenly, it was as if the dry earth suddenly came a shower. Cui Hao's perfect chaotic soul, which could not bear the weight, cheered. An unspeakable wonderful taste lingered in his mind. It was getting stronger and stronger!

This strengthening is not a transformation, but an internal growth. The infinite wisdom of the light of the origin of wisdom has opened up the internal capacity. The feeling of becoming more and more crazy and uncomfortable has finally been well alleviated.

"How cool!..."

It's like the first sip of cold water after a marathon in dog days. Cui Hao is so comfortable at the moment, which comes from the comfort of the perfect chaotic soul!

When the crisis was over, Cui Hao breathed out a long breath and felt a lingering fear!

This time, the crisis came and went quickly. However, without the help of the wisdom King Crown, Cui Hao had only one ending, and his soul collapsed and disappeared!

This sentence is still very reasonable. At the moment, Cui Hao enjoys the benefits brought by the crisis, the internal improvement of the perfect chaotic soul, and completely accommodates the previous perception of the Tao. Moreover, because of the addition of a large number of light from the source of wisdom, he feels as if he has more infinite inspiration and starts to feel excited!

This time, Cui Hao didn't systematically choose the array contained in the array. He kept feeling, burst out inspiration in his mind, and tasted it carefully. It was quite like riding freely. In this state, time is passing bit by bit

Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, thirty thousand years, thirty-five thousand years

Soon, another 35000 years passed. Cui Hao trembled and slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, in his eyes, the spirit of the vicissitudes of years became stronger and stronger, because under the acceleration of a thousand times, he spent a full 35 million years!

Such a long time has brought great benefits, especially with the integration of a large number of the light of the source of wisdom, Cui Hao seems to have injected a dose of stimulant. His perception ability of the array and so on. The leap forward progress can be described as fierce!

For 35 million years, it was really a long and incomparable time. Cui Hao uttered a long sigh, which made him feel like a dream!

Stretch out your hand, the power of chaos is winding around. Soon, they all shake again and evolve into countless smaller silk threads. Then, they begin to evolve in an unimaginable but infinitely beautiful way!

"Wow, wow..."

The power of chaos is swirling, from the simplest yin-yang array to the three talents array, the four images array, the five elements array, the Six Harmonies array, the seven stars array, the Eight Diagrams array, the nine palaces array and the ten square array, which are constantly changing, perfect and shocking!

At the moment, Cui Hao has an unspeakable pleasant enjoyment on his face. Watching the continuous changes of these arrays makes him very satisfied. These are the crystallization of his 35 million years of perception!

If this scene is seen by a master of array Tao in the immortal world, it will be more shocking, because Cui Hao is absolutely perfect in the connection of array changes, there is no trace of defects, perfect thrilling! Moreover, this perfection continues. The array becomes more and more complex and becomes a composite array, followed by multi effect array and large array

With a pleasant smile on his face, Cui Hao controls the chaotic force in his hand and changes

Time passed slowly. Finally, the chaotic force in his hands turned into a complicated, dense and dazzling array, which was changing all the time. At this time, Cui Hao's expression was also very dignified, because it was not easy to maintain its changes!

Finally, the array was no longer fission and squirmed in a cumbersome way, while Cui Hao sighed, his palm suddenly closed, and it finally disappeared into invisibility.

After completing these, Cui Hao left the invincible tower, because his perception of the array path of 3000 has reached an extreme bottleneck. Now, with only one step, a slight step, he can condense a dollar array. However, this step has completely baffled him. He has been thinking hard for 500 years, but still fruitless, so he had to stop.

After leaving the invincible tower, Cui Hao met with Da Shenshi and stayed for a few months. Then he looked for a secluded place and directly entered the prison world on the first floor.

Cui Hao felt that he needed to adjust and look for new inspiration. If there was still no aura after thousands of years, he would return to the invincible tower again to practice alchemy and utensils. It's time to go back when you finish these practices!

In fact, Cui Hao has already been prepared for not understanding the one yuan array at one time. Although he has many inherent advantages, it is not difficult to achieve the great master of weapon refining and elixir refining after understanding the one yuan array. Is it so easy to break through?

Therefore, Cui Hao emptied his heart and began to wander around the prison world on the first floor.

This is what some strong people often do. It is also the method that many strong people often take when they reach the bottleneck. Looking at all things in the world and observing all forms in the world may touch and break through!

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