It's hard to calm down. Cui Hao is sober again at the moment, but he is inexplicably sad in his heart. Then, he is a Lin and whispers, it's dangerous!!!

Indeed, Cui Hao just reacted at the moment. Just now, under that power, the whole person has almost completely fallen. If it lasts for another moment, he is afraid that he will be completely attacked by a strange and incomparable power!

The reason why Cui Hao can wake up is that the independent protector of the crown of wisdom broke out and experienced for a long time, which finally defeated the terrible and strange power and restored his Qingming!

Almost at the moment of Cui Hao's recovery, the chaotic blood rushed into his body retreated rapidly. It seemed that he knew he had lost the opportunity and returned in vain.

It did not leave, but appeared in the void not far from Cui Hao, shaking violently and burning!

Staring at this mass of chaotic blood that was constantly burning and emitting a terrible smell, Cui Hao's mood was quite complex. At this time, he found that he didn't know when he burst into tears!

What is this? Why do you cry in vain? Is it because of the back of Weian? Did he... Fall? Why did he appear in the remnant, or was it left by his plundering and falling? Is it related to black robe? Why do you feel so cordial? Is it because each other was born with chaotic blood?

At this moment, at least several doubts lingered in Cui Hao's mind. Take a deep breath. Cui Hao tried to keep all the doubts in his heart, and then he made a decision!


With a flash of heat, Cui Hao seemed to be a vague shadow, and he hit it again to eliminate it!

Regardless of its secrets, Cui Hao felt he had to destroy it, otherwise there would be great trouble!

When Cui Hao hit the fist again, the chaotic blood suddenly burned up. It was extremely violent. An unspeakable great terrorist force filled the air. Suddenly, Cui Hao who hit the fist burst out!

Yes, it's avalanche!

"Woo woo..."

Hysterical and terrible screams resounded, and chaotic blood completely melted the void. What's more amazing is that its power is really terrible. In an instant, it turns all the surrounding kilometers into a paste state, and the looming pale gold rule chains are collapsing and invisible!

Such a scene made Taoist Jiuzhi and others stunned. Moreover, the scope of destruction was still expanding. In vain, when they reached the extreme depths of the underground palace, the ground rushed out an extremely terrible force, which could stop its invasion and extinction!

Of course, when it spreads to the depths of the underground palace, there are only afterwaves of this destructive power, but it can also be seen that there are extraordinary things in the depths of the underground palace!

"You guys, don't resist. I'll bring you into my small world first!"

Cui Hao was frightened and shouted loudly. He suddenly appeared next to the nine finger Taoist who fled in a panic.

"Hua Hua......"

Waving, Cui Hao put the four away. Then, he looked at the scene in front of him with great dignity!

Destruction is still spreading, but it's nothing for Cui Hao. His body resists the aftereffects of this terrible force. However, looking at the rule chains that collapse in the central area, Cui Hao is also very nervous!

The core of chaotic blood combustion is an area with a radius of 300 meters, which has completely turned into a pool of chaotic color. With an extremely terrible evil smell, it gushes out. Soon, black and deep airflow gushes out and rushes like a long river. This is the raging tide of dark destruction!

"No! What a pure and strong tide of dark destruction!......"

Seeing all this, Cui Hao was surprised and hurriedly urged the power of chaos to hit it. However, the effect was very limited, and it became more and more surging. At the same time, Cui Hao had a feeling of palpitation. It seemed that there was inexplicable terror at the source, which was getting closer!

Without hesitation, Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes, and the golden light burst out. Vaguely, he saw a very fuzzy shadow at the end of the dark and strong tide of destruction!

The black fog was swirling, and there was a kind of almost crazy atmosphere. The dark shadow was very dark. He tried hard to get rid of some taboos, and made a grand and excited voice "son of perfect chaos?...... Hahaha... The most perfect gift, everything you will belong to me!..."

Black robe!

After hearing the sound, Cui Hao felt a shudder. He instinctively wanted to escape!

Black robe, an arbitrary black robe, a black robe to defeat the God devouring emperor and a black robe to sneak into the creation of the cosmic God. These peerless murderers can't compete with themselves today! Even if I step into the third layer of chaos formula, I'm afraid it's not enough!

At this moment, Cui Hao thought of only one thing, escape! Thirty six strategies, walking is the best policy. In black robes, you can't deal with it at all, even if the other party is bound by many conditions

"Hmm? No! I... why can't I move?"

Shocked, Cui Hao was shocked. His face changed dramatically. He didn't know when he was bound by bright lights. This was the light of the burning of chaotic blood. Cui Hao didn't care before, but now it has become the biggest trouble!

"Break it for me!..."

For the first time, Cui Hao tried his best to urge the power of chaos to break the shackles.

However, the exertion of the power of chaos is like adding fuel to the fire, and the power of this restraint is even stronger!

Panic! At this moment, Cui Hao panicked!

Soon, Cui Hao showed the golden light of perspective and the crown of wisdom one after another. They were all useless. He was bound by death and couldn't move at all! This light is the essence of chaos after blood burning, in a complete mess of terror.

"You... Can't escape! Perfect furnace tripod! My black robe... The best furnace tripod to turn over!..."

The mysterious voice was intermittent, and the vague figure solidified a little. At the same time, there was a roar. It seemed that black robe was making some efforts!

Like insects stuck to the spider's web, Cui Hao's face was embarrassed at the moment. He watched the shadow of the black robe become more and more solid, and the sense of crisis became more and more intense!

This is a biting crisis he has never had before. Under such a crisis, Cui Haosheng vacates only despair. The other party is really too strong. Once he breaks through some kind of boundary prohibition, he has no resistance at all and must be captured in an instant!

"Hey! I didn't expect that Cui Hao would fall like this in the end?" he sighed in his heart. Cui Hao was extremely unwilling!

The shadow of the black robe was shaking, blooming black awns, resisting some force and issuing an angry roar. Then, it became more and more clear!

Death is drawing near!

The time passed by minute by second. For Cui Hao, it was like a year, and the black shadow of the black robe was shaking, blooming black awn, and gradually solidified, as if it wanted to turn from illusion into reality!

At this moment, Cui Hao really wanted to block the entrance of the dark destruction tide with a radius of more than 300 meters. Unfortunately, this can only be thought about in his heart.


At this time, a terrible vibration rang through, as if it came from an endless place, but the afterwave was still very strong. With this loud noise, an angry roar from the black robe also came intermittently

"How dare you break my good deed? Hateful!..."

In such a roar, Cui Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that he could move, and at the end of the tide of dark destruction, many dark shadows were clear, collapsed and turned into invisibility!

As the strange shadow of the black robe suddenly collapsed, the momentum of the fierce rush of the dark destruction tide was also stopped, and it was also collapsing and disintegrating. At the same time, a small and exquisite white paper crane with the size of a palm floated out of it

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