Above the hall, Cui Hao first provoked the sun to worship the heaven, which made the other party lose face. Although he later released arrogant words to fight on the world Master qualifying, it also encouraged Cui Hao's arrogance. Immediately after that, the verbal battle between him and the ghost craftsman Xiao Tiangong who came to help is even more surprising and incredible! If Cui Hao is powerful, people believe that after all, he is the first city Lord and must be extraordinary. However, alchemy and artifact refining are a kind of technical work, which requires the guidance of famous teachers and the honing and practice of endless years. Cui Hao's breath is not particularly old and is qualified to compete with Xiao Tiangong?

Don't talk about others. The elixirs and weapon masters in front of the hall are incredible. Where are these fierce people coming from? They want to seize the position of craftsman God with one mouth. They are really arrogant!

Xiao Tiangong was dazzled by Cui Hao's angry beard, but there was no way. He could only press his anger at the bottom of his heart and wait for the competition to erupt again! He is quite sure of his own alchemy and weapon refining. Unless Dan Zun and weapon Zun come back from the dead, who is his opponent? Even these great masters are competitors, but they are 99% sure to crush them!

Finally, Cui Hao flew away. Under the stunned gaze of a group of alchemists and tool refiners at the door of the hall, he calmly paid 20000 divine crystals and obtained two tokens. He is also qualified to participate in the alchemy and tool refining competition.

Cui Hao can imagine that the battle in the hall will soon spread, and he was not disturbed because he was at the forefront of the storm. After returning from the no man's land, Cui Hao was determined to make a good vertical and horizontal move and grow his power as soon as possible!

Now I have this qualification!

After leaving the hall, Cui Hao followed the waiter's guidance and came to an area full of bamboo houses. There was still a month before the competition really started. All participating alchemy and tool refiners were arranged to wait in these bamboo houses for a while with special waiter service.

Therefore, Cui Hao simply stayed here and waited for the arrival of the competition.

As Cui Hao guessed, what he did today was like a storm all over Zhutao and Linhai at the first time. Everyone was talking about it. Moreover, I believe the news has been transmitted to the immortal world. Before long, all the strong people in the immortal world will know about it!

This is definitely a major event. First of all, Cui Hao, the first city Lord, expressed his attitude, and the four great gods under the four masters also showed their attitude and unanimously resisted the LORD God alliance! This can be regarded as the first clear surface attitude of the four masters after the establishment of the LORD God alliance, not surrender, but opposition and hostility!

That night, the moon was bright and clear. Cui Hao sat on the bamboo bed and quietly studied alchemy and tool refining in his heart. Although he is quite sure of this competition, Cui Hao is still preparing with all his strength.


At one moment, Cui Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and felt something.


His body is like a vague shadow. Cui Hao has left the bamboo house. It's easy for him to appear in the depths of the bamboo forest.

All guests know that it is absolutely forbidden to enter the depths of Zhutao forest sea, because there are too many dangerous arrays hidden in them, which were arranged by Dan Zun and Qi Zun personally, but now Cui Hao is going deep!

After understanding the one yuan array, Cui Hao definitely has the style of a super master in the way of array. Although the arrays in the depths of Zhutao and Linhai are terrible, he still broke through them one by one. Finally, Cui Hao stopped in front of a dreamy light wave and looked dignified for the first time!

Cui Hao was no stranger to the light wave. He saw it at a glance. It was a one yuan array!

Although you are familiar with this array, it is arranged by different people. Naturally, it has some different effects. There is no doubt that this array is arranged by Dan Zun and Qi Zun. So Cui Hao began to observe it carefully

An hour later, Cui Hao showed a determined smile on his face and suddenly flashed away. He was ethereal and dreamy, like a colorful butterfly. Finally, he hid into the array.

After entering the array, his vision immediately widened. It was a vast green grassland, on which there were many stone tablets, on which some things were engraved. Cui Hao ignored it and went to the northeast of the grassland for the first time.

Three hours later, Cui Hao's figure appeared in a strange valley. The whole valley was divided into two parts, half of which were piled up with a large number of waste vessels, and half of which were piled up with waste pills like small hills. In front of the valley, there was a huge jade monument engraved with several big characters, Dan Zun, the tomb of the couple!

"Woo woo..."

Five elderly people who looked very old knelt down in front of the tombstone and were crying. In front of the tombstone, two fuzzy shadows were rapidly disappearing, turning into sporadic light spots, and finally collapsed into invisibility.

"This is... Dan spirit and instrument spirit?"

After appearing here, Cui Hao found out what the vague collapse was. Dan spirit and tool spirit are unique to Dan Zun and tool Zun and one of their strongest means. Now, they have disappeared.

"Several senior brothers, master and mother have really fallen. Now, even the Dan spirit and tool spirit have completely disappeared... Unwilling, I hate that my skill of refining tools is not strong enough to help master keep the position of craftsman God!..." a white haired old man choked and was very sad.

"After all, I still can't go back to heaven," ah! "Master and teacher are so amazing morning glory that the ultimate inheritance is only a little inherited by us, the real essence of which is dissipated. Unfortunately, unfortunately...

"Master, master, go all the way..."

The five elders sobbed and sobbed. They were the five registered disciples of Dan Zun and Qi Zun. All of them have followed Dan Zun and Qi Zun for endless years, and they have deep feelings. Of course, they also have extraordinary ability to refine tools and pills, but they are much weaker than Xiao Tiangong.

When Cui Hao appeared here and witnessed such a scene, he was very moved. His body flashed and fell in front of the tombstone.

"Ah! Who is it?..."

"Who are you? How can you break into the array?"

"Are you... Cui hao? Bold child, dare to break into the depths of our bamboo forest, you touch the taboo!..."

Cui Hao's sudden appearance surprised the five registered disciples, and then they were angry one by one! They are not only alchemists and tool refiners. Among them, three have the strength of the eight star God, and immediately release their breath. Their weapons are already in their hands.

"Senior brothers, don't do it, your family!..."

Cui Hao was naturally not afraid of the five named disciples, but in order to avoid unhappiness, he hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Hmm? What do you call our senior brother?..."

Hearing the speech, the five people were stunned. Some monks couldn't touch their heads. At this time, Cui Hao's body flashed slightly. Suddenly, two illusory bodies appeared, holding hands. It was the Dan spirit and the tool spirit!

"Ah! You! This... Dan spirit? Tool spirit?"

Originally, the five people were still in doubt. Seeing this scene, they were shocked and looked at it strangely.

At this time, Cui Hao's body shook again and said, "there are not only Dan spirit and instrument spirit, you see, what is this?"

With Cui Hao's words, another vague body appeared, which was the array spirit.

If the previous Dan spirit and instrument spirit made the five named disciples incredible, when they saw the array spirit, they all breathed quickly. They knew what it meant!

At this time, Cui Hao slowly said, "I once explored in Kunpeng's Secret territory and happened to meet the space-time old man who was chased and killed by the twelve God envoys at that time. After some assessment, he gave me an inheritance, which is the inheritance of Dan Zun and Qi Zun. Therefore, the five of you are my senior brothers!"

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