As the Centennial period approaches, more and more elixir elixirs on the square have succeeded. Most of them are middle-grade divine elixirs and top-grade divine elixirs. All their divine elixirs come together and will make careful and fair judgment. Now, only a few people are still pregnant on the field, Jin Yao, Li Yao Tian and so on.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

Different from other alchemists who only gestate divine elixirs with their own flame, Cui Hao's hands move with beautiful posture. Under the misty phantoms, countless hand formulas have been formed and go towards the Dan furnace. This is the unique means of Dan Zun, which can make the pregnant elixir more perfect. Moreover, Cui Hao has modified it and become more and more extraordinary.


One day, Li Yaotian's hands were empty and roaring. The lid of the Dan stove was suddenly opened. Suddenly, a strong Dan fragrance and dense purple gas rose out. Then, a purple pill with strange patterns flew out, glittering and translucent. The longan laughed. It seemed that there were hundreds of millions of stars shining and magical.

"Dan, it's done!..."

Overjoyed, Li Yaotian stretched out his hand and it fell into his palm. It is the best of the top-grade divine pills, Ziji Xinghui divine pill!

Li Yaotian was very satisfied with this result. With the birth of his divine pill, several great alchemy masters' Divine pills were released one after another, all of which were of the same grade as Ziji Xinghui divine pill. Among them, Jinyao was the one whose quality exceeded one end, and he refined a big five element divine pill, which was superior in both efficacy and characteristics.

Now, there are only two people sitting in the field, Cui Hao and Xiao Tiangong!

In the twinkling of an eye, another year has passed, and there are only three years left from the Centennial period.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!..."

On this day, the Dante stove in front of Xiao Tiangong suddenly vibrated, as if something hit in it. This scene surprised many experts who knew the Dante way. The Dante hit the Dante stove with full spirit, which is a sign of the birth of the best God Dan!

In fact, according to Xiao Tiangong's previous alchemy materials, Jin Yao knew that he was refining the best God pill, life and death leaving meteorite God pill. This pill contains a powerful Qi of life and death and has an extraordinary effect on experts cultivating the way of yin and Yang. However, it is very difficult to refine. Unexpectedly, Xiao Tiangong succeeded!

There was a happy color on his face. Xiao Tiangong's depressed mood finally improved a little. He hurriedly operated his technique, shot out a lot of divine yuan power, and then shook his hand towards the cover of the Dan furnace!


The lid of the Dan stove rises to the sky. In it, surging black-and-white glow gushes out, accompanied by beautiful notes. A black-and-white and two-color pill the size of a bullet rushes out, sending out a strong breath of life and death. It is perfectly intertwined and integrated, which makes people think of Yin-Yang Tai Chi.

In a hurry, Xiao Tiangong grabbed it, put it into his palm, watched it carefully, and his face was suddenly unhappy!

Because the fragrance of this black-and-white two-color divine pill is obviously insufficient. Moreover, it is not round, and the surface is a little uneven!

Quasi best God pill!

With Xiao Tiangong's eyesight, he naturally saw the quality of this divine pill. Originally, he was confident that he could refine the best divine pill. If Cui Hao's human flame had not come out, his pregnancy pill would have been affected more or less

In fact, not only him but also Jin Yao have been affected. Otherwise, the quality of everyone's God Dan will rise to a higher level!

Holding the life and death elixir in his hand, Xiao Tiangong's face is gloomy. He has a bad feeling in his heart. Cui Hao, I'm afraid to surpass himself this time!

Year after year

Soon, two years have passed, and there is only the last year left from the Centennial period. Countless supporters of Cui Hao in the earth God city are worried that he will exceed the deadline! If you exceed the limit, even if you refine the divine pill of renniu, you are out!

On the square, the hearts of countless strong onlookers are hanging high. Jin Yao, Li Yaotian and others are anxious to rub their hands. My little younger martial brother is amazing. However, there is only the last year left. What if the limit is exceeded?

Under the attention of the public, before Cui Hao still sat on the Dante stove, his expression changed from the initial ease to dignified, more and more dignified. However, there was a faint color of joy in his eyes!

As the refiner of divine elixir, Cui Hao feels that the divine elixir in the furnace is changing cleverly and miraculously. However, it seems that it still lacks some things, and the breeding is very slow in vain, and even tends to collapse!

Such a change is beyond Cui Hao's control. The divine pill in the furnace is the king of thousands of drugs and pregnant pills. Later, there is the strange color light emitted by the statue of Dan. Moreover, the Dan spirit and array spirit have also joined their own power. The most strange thing is that they contain a little clear light, that kind of energy, unknown, mysterious, great and invincible

At one moment, Cui Hao felt a chill in his heart, because he felt the divine pill in the Dante stove, trembling, and wanted to collapse and separate!

too bad!

Cui Hao is extremely anxious, but he has no other way. He moves his hands and continues to pregnant pill.

"Hey! Am I going to lose this crazy gamble?" Cui Hao was depressed and frowned!

At the moment, Cui Hao's state is the focus of attention. Everyone was surprised to see him look like this. What's the situation? Is it that alchemy failed?

Only the alchemist himself knows the situation of the divine pill in the Dan furnace!

Seeing such a situation, Xiao Tiangong sneered. Yang Jitian also lit up in front of him, and the corners of his mouth provoked a radian

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, it seemed that Cui Hao felt anxious and desperate. The towering jade carvings of Dan Zun and Qi Zun suddenly roared together, and the dense white gas rushed out, intertwined with each other, turned into an air column, and suddenly rushed into the Dan furnace!

"Hmm? There's a turnaround!..."

Cui Hao didn't stop all this. When this dense white gas rushed into the Dan furnace, he felt that the divine pill in it was obviously stable and the state was improving!

Such a change is surprising, and with the dense white gas constantly rushing into the Dan furnace, the jade carvings of Dan Zun and qizun are cracking!

Finally, under the gaze of countless people, they collapsed together, and the last dense white gas meandered into the Dan furnace like a dragon and snake.


At the next moment, the Danlu in front of Cui Hao suddenly shook, and a terrible breath burst out, pure, vast, with a special aura!

"Hoo Hoo..."

With the outbreak of this breath, in an instant, the world was dark, and the whole bamboo forest was shrouded in a huge robbery cloud! The robbery cloud was so extraordinary that it showed nine colors. Moreover, under the creep transformation, it turned into a huge King character!

Looking at this scene, Jin Yao roared, "Dan King thunder robbery! Nine colors! My God! It's nine colors! My teacher Dan Zun was at the peak of that year, but he refined a king Dan among the best divine pills. The Dan became thunder robbery, showing five colors, which..."

"What a terrible smell of thunder robbery! This pill must be against the sky!..."

The nine color King Dan thunder robbery is brewing and shrinking, but the oppressive force of terror is soaring. Under this oppression, everyone is extremely depressed and has a feeling of suffocation!

Wang Dan, this has gone beyond some taboo between heaven and earth. Therefore, when it becomes a pill, heaven and earth will fall thunder robbery.

At this moment, a terrible force pressed down. Cui Hao was locked by this Qi machine. He was a refiner and was one of the same origin with the divine pill in the Dan furnace.

Facing all this, Cui Hao is not surprised but happy!

Perhaps, for other alchemists, this kind of thunder robbery, the king of nine color pills, is extremely terrible. If they can't resist it, they have to take their own life. But in Cui Hao's eyes, it's too weak to even be regarded as heaven's curse. It's easy to deal with it by themselves!

In his heart, Cui Hao has a strange resonance with the divine pill in the Dan stove. It's a very wonderful feeling. At the moment, he can't wait to stop the thunder robbery and see what divine pill he has refined!

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