In the central area of the war, three terrible forces were full, which made everyone avoid the battle with fear. In a moment, the old man with blood eyes was beaten violently by Cui Hao. Although he did his best, he was still restrained by Cui Hao. It was a one-sided battle!

"Lei Guang, you fool, will you give me a hand quickly? His fist technique is terrible! One fist is one world, is he a master?" roared, the old man with blood eyes was going crazy!

It's too strong. Cui Hao's flesh crushed him. Even his sword with quality beyond ordinary top-grade artifact can't cut him. Moreover, his fist technique is terrible. It's all inclusive, one fist in the world, and each fist falls. The old man with blood eyes tried his best to resist, still spitting blood and losing the enemy!

"Hmm? So strong! Too strong!..."

Lei Guang frowned. There were hundreds of millions of thunder shining in his eyes, as if all the thunder in the whole world were hidden. A gorgeous robe with various lightning patterns appeared on his body.


The gorgeous robe surrounded by thunder is quite extraordinary. As soon as it emerged, Lei Guang was greatly assisted. The whole person suddenly became domineering, as if he had incarnated into an extremely terrible thunder, which could erupt at any time and destroy everything in the world!

"Thunder kills all sides, now!"

Lei Guang drank so much that a bright ancient thunder spear suddenly appeared in his right palm. It was covered with mysterious and ancient thunder inscriptions, as if branded with the essence of thunder, containing a sharp, domineering and masculine atmosphere!

Seeing this spear, Cui Hao's eyes lit up, because the thunder spear was not an artifact, but a strange ancient artifact. Under a slight trembling, there was endless power of thunder. In a trance, it seemed to turn into an invincible God of thunder!

"Cui Hao, I must admit that you are very strong. Take my spear!"

With such a loud roar, Lei Guang instantly turned into a vague shadow, and his great will burst out, and he had been attacked like a ghost. The terrible ancient spear suddenly pierced out and killed Cui Hao!

"Come on! Let's die together!..." he laughed proudly. Cui Hao had great pride in his eyes!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The terrible war is going on, and the flame is becoming more and more fierce. The extremely solid void of Zhangu has collapsed. The three figures are disillusioned. There is a smell of great terror, which is as fierce as destroying the sky and the earth!

"Ah! Ah!..."

In such a war, there are screams, and the collapsed void is like a black hole. You can only vaguely see three fuzzy virtual shadows, which can't be seen at all!

Although it is not clear how the internal battle is, the people on Cui Hao's side are full of confidence. Why, because the seven color terrorist flame is still raging, and the causal world is also bursting out with unparalleled power. They are ruthlessly and quickly harvesting the lives of powerful gods, which is quite ferocious!

Since Cui Hao has more than enough heart to control the causal world and colorful flames, it shows that he is absolutely in an advantage in the battle!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

Ruilin roared fiercely. The Ananda sword in his palm turned into an indescribable sword light. It flickered indefinitely, giving people a dreamy and dazzling feeling. Each sword was fierce and unparalleled. In his eyebrows, the indefinite sword spirit was brewing, and it seemed that a big killing move would break out at any time.

"What a terrible Kendo!..."

The three nine Star Gods besieged and blocked Ruilin, but they were gradually in a weak position. They were shocked and shocked on their faces. Unexpectedly, this murderous young man was so strong!

"Ang! Ang! Ang!..."

Cui Wushuang incarnates Kunpeng and runs rampant. As the divine fetus of heaven and earth, his body and soul defense are almost flawless. He flies into Peng and falls into Kun, stirring clouds and rain in all directions. His speed is incredible and attacking enemies in all directions!


Kunpeng's Giant Claw stretched out and instantly pierced the chest of an eight star superior God. Then the Giant Claw shook and the other party screamed and turned into a blood mist!

Under the shadow of the cause and effect world, every strong party who is hit and killed will be attacked by strange cause and effect in an instant, and their separation will disappear. This kind of cooperation can be called extinction!

Similarly, the situation of Kongkong and Cui Wushuang is similar. Kongkong, who is incarnated as a giant void beast, is arrogant and unmatched. It's a ferocious mess, with its mouth open and surging. One claw has the power to push mountains and seas!

"Peng! Peng! Peng!..."

Mengyao was fighting with a nine star superior God. Her attack was very simple and incomprehensible. It seemed that it contained great mystery. She was slapped by the other party, and immediately collapsed into an air flow. Then, the air flow filled the air, and immediately enveloped the nine star superior God, making her scream hysterically. Under the great shock, all the gods and souls died!


After killing the nine star superior God, Mengyao's figure reappeared and her face was pale. However, there was a touch of pride in her eyes!

Without stopping, Mengyao rushed directly to the nearby battle group and launched an attack!

In the battlefield, the most ferocious killing should be Xiaohui. He has killed six of the ten mercury people in succession. Originally, one of these mercury people was killed by Bai Ziyou, but it was restored in an instant. But Xiaohui's great destruction fingerprints appeared to destroy even some of its origin. He died miserably in an instant!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

His eyes turned into a deep and incomparable ink. Xiaohui was like a dark king. He kept attacking. Ten mercury people were originally vicious, but they were defeated and fled by him!

The scene was chaotic, but the trend was very obvious. Except for the terrorist battle that could not be seen in the central area, Cui Hao had the absolute upper hand in the other war groups!

Although the storm is fierce, there are still several Nine Star Gods on the side, and the eight Star Gods are reluctantly resisting, it is obvious that they are surviving and in danger!

Looking at the battle in front of them, the ten masters were stunned and could not believe their eyes, because it was really incredible! The performance of Xiao Hui and others has been enough against the sky, and Cui Hao is beating two great gods. It's like a dream!

This guy is too fierce, isn't he?

"The battle... Is so fierce!"

"Cui Hao, we must firmly draw into our camp!..."

"You guys, have you forgotten that he was already our camp on the day he became the first city Lord! Ha ha... Great, with such combat power and such a group of subordinates, we will be the strongest in the future!"

In a strange and incomparable way, the top ten dominating messengers were talking about it. They were too shocked because Cui Hao showed incredible strength!

At the same time, the battle was also going on miserably. A moment later, there were only two Nine Star Gods, four eight Star Gods and seven Seven Star Gods left on the violent side. They were surrounded by Xiaohui and others and were carrying out the final slaughter!

"Hateful! I'm a nine star God, and I fell into such a field?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

A nine star God looked up at the sky and sighed. He had done his best, but he was still defeated by Cui Wushuang. Later, he died reluctantly under the sharp sword of Ruilin

"Kill all!......" Xiao Hui drank violently and gave an order.

At the moment, there are only two or three big cats and kittens left among the 10000 strong gods on the strong side of the storm, and all the seven color flames gather to start targeting the remaining strong ones on the strong side of the storm. At the same time, the causal world is also concentrating and its power is soaring!

Looking at each other, Xiao Qi and Mengmeng are ethereal, constantly looming and launching attacks. Moreover, the void ripples they send out are also very strange, which makes it difficult for the nine star gods

After another moment, only two nine star gods were left in the strong side of the storm. However, facing the siege of Cui Wushuang, Xiaohui and other people, it was only a moment later!

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