With the white holy light, Cui Hao and other seven people appeared in a mysterious place, filled with milky white holy light everywhere, and occasionally a trace of golden light flickered. This is a huge white sphere, which is really too big. People can't help but feel small like a mole ant.

It vaguely exudes a vast and unpredictable power. It seems to carry a great and invincible power. It doesn't matter if it is not triggered. Once triggered, it will burst out the terrible power to destroy the sky and the earth!

Facing the white sphere, Cui Hao was extremely frightened and gave birth to a strong death crisis! Subconsciously, he urged the power of chaos to envelop Xiao Qi and others. If anything bad happens, first put them into the first prison world!


The huge white sphere turned slowly, which seemed to be inspired by the light on Cui Hao's seven people. It was like the breath of the birth of the universe was spreading. Soon, a fuzzy old man with white hair came out of the white sphere and made a strange but pure sound.

"This is your last chance, little guys of the super beast alliance. The destiny compass has collapsed. If the last chance still fails, I will deploy the super array around here, which will be open to all the creatures in the universe! Spread the news everywhere and come here to find great opportunities!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was surprised, but he didn't care about inheritance. He hurriedly bowed his hands and said respectfully "Elder, what's your name? I'd like to ask you something. Did a couple come here and take a bead called Wanjie heavenly pearl? Do you know? And what's the situation of the previous two groups of super divine beast alliance members who came here?"

The white haired old man ignored Cui Hao's inquiry, but said in stiff words, "you must have many questions, and I'll answer them for you one by one! This is an image I truncated, not a separate body and a remnant soul, and there is no wisdom!..."

With these words, the white haired old man paused and then said "I am the master of the universe of destiny, the God of the universe! Because I tracked a treasure and broke into your universe, I was attacked by the original will of the universe and was seriously injured. However, I also succeeded in locking the position of the treasure! However, just when I was ready to do it, the strongest couple in your universe called themselves the ancestor dragon and Phoenix. Me and They fought a great war and finally tore apart part of the origin of the universe, which killed them! "

"Of course, I myself also suffered the burning of the cosmic will, the furious attack of the universe, and the serious injury plunged into a deep sleep. I slept for 100 billion years, and the altar of heaven that I left behind was acquired by three little creatures of the super animal alliance, which paid a heavy price in accordance with the guidance of the soul, which woke me up and absorbed some residual essence of the dragon and Phoenix's remains. Ten percent strength... "

"There are rules everywhere between heaven and earth, and a cosmic God like me must pay enough price to damage the original will of other universes! If I can guide this universe to produce a large number of strong people and give alms to the universe, I can dissolve some punishment. Therefore, I made a deployment based on the remains of the ancestors of dragon and Phoenix“

” After their fall, the corpses became two huge and boundless worlds, which were all inclusive and gave birth to endless creatures. They died of hatred. All the pregnant creatures resented evil. The more they adhered to the great fortune, the more internal evil. They killed evil and gained great fortune. When they absorbed enough atmospheric fortune, they could naturally sense the residual origin of the ancestors of dragon and Phoenix and obtain their inheritance! This step is very difficult ! if you have the power of the great universe, you can barely try. If you are too weak, you will die! "

At this point, he paused and then pronounced, "I have left five auras of destiny in each of the two worlds. If I get enough luck, I can attract their blessings. In case of crisis, I can use it to leave the world immediately! If someone can get ten auras of destiny, he will have the honor to talk to me..."

After listening to the words of an image left by the God of the universe, Cui Hao and others were shocked! The things mentioned in it were really shocking!

In addition to Cui Hao, Xiao Qi, Meng Meng, Cui Wushuang and others are stupid and deeply aware of the precious and horror of this inheritance!

They have never heard of the ancestors of dragon and Phoenix. However, since they can arouse the original will of the universe, they must be a supreme existence thousands of times stronger than the LORD God and the master! And the God of the universe is even more amazing. It will be hundreds of billions of years when they sleep. When they leave, they have laid a back hand

Besides, how terrible the super array on the edge of the forest of death is. Tens of thousands of super strong people lie dead, which all shows one thing!

After saying these words, the white haired old man said stiffly, "I have told you everything that should be told. The grace of awakening has been rewarded. Whether you have this blessing depends on your own creation..... Within a million years, the gate of time and space will serve you and take you to......"


With this sound, a portal suddenly appeared in the white giant sphere. It was as faint as glass, bright as stars, and surrounded by a faint dense color fog. Although it was impossible to really see what the portal was, it gave people a feeling of endless and immortal.

Looking at this portal, everyone felt that it was extraordinary, but Cui Hao raised his eyebrows, because he felt that there seemed to be a special low spiritual existence in the portal, which was somewhat similar to his own creative energy, but it was far less pure and extraordinary than his own aura.

Just when Cui Hao secretly compared, a little girl jumped out of the door. Her apricot eyes were wide open and angrily shouted, "Hey, you guys, what are you doing? Come in quickly!"

"Is this... A spirit tool?"

Everyone was stunned. They thought it was the spirit of the gate of time and space, but Cui Hao knew that she was actually a relatively low spirit! This was the first time he saw other spiritual bodies besides the creatures he created. He smiled and said, "little sister, what do you call it?"

"Little fart boy, who's your little sister? When I was created by my master, this universe may not be perfect! I was the first child created by the master's universe avenue of practice!" staring at Cui Hao, the little girl was very angry.

Others may not understand the little girl's mind. Cui Hao has also created countless creatures of the soul of freedom. He can feel some fluctuations in her heart. It is a kind of sadness of heart death, just like the mood of a discarded child.

"It's a pity that you were abandoned here by your master. How about you follow me?" asked Cui Hao with a smile.

In fact, Cui Hao knows that even if he is sad and dissatisfied, this low spirit essence will not betray his master. However, they already have seven emotions and six desires belonging to real creatures. Cui Hao plans to use this to realize some idea.

Sure enough, Cui Hao's words made the little girl more angry and shouted, "nonsense! Nonsense! Nonsense! My master just ordered me to guard here. Those who have a task don't abandon me!..."

She said so, but her tears couldn't help falling. In that way, she was really like a little girl.

Seeing Cui Hao talking and behaving like this, Cui Wushuang and others were stunned. What does this mean? They feel that monk Zhang Er is confused. This little girl is a tool spirit of the gate of time and space. Why did Cui Hao deliberately tease her? Moreover, Cui Wushuang and others also felt it. It seems that the little girl's mind is not high!

Smiling, Cui Hao turned his palm and said with a smile, "don't cry, little girl, let me invite you to have a candy?"

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