After the fall of the first ancestor dragon, there were more than 1000 small worlds in which the corpses were born. Cui Hao has now broken through 300. During this period, he also arrived in several small worlds with ancient flavor and met powerful creatures. However, the strongest creatures did not know the disappearance of men and women on the stone carvings. On the contrary, under the accumulation of atmospheric luck, he finally brewed a second aura of destiny, Cui Hao was satisfied.

In a small world shrouded in black fog, a terrible black shadow was covered in the black fog. The whole body was shrouded in fog. It was unreal and just like chaos. However, there was an air of majesty and terror, which made the world tremble.

"Chatter... Delicious food... Destined to die!"

Chattering and laughing, the terrible shadow broke out, revealing a huge lacquer black dragon claw, which contains a terrible charm of destruction. It seems that everything in heaven and earth will fall under its claw, which contains real great terror!

"Hum! I don't know what to do!..."

Cui Hao broke out, and the original mother fist was in the air, bursting into a boundless and bright light! Soon, under the terrible power of the original mother fist, the shadow was hit hard, and it was a strange black dragon. Under the golden light of Cui Hao's perspective, it was found that its body was actually a dragon tail!

The shadow is the dragon tail of the ancestor dragon!

Its breath is old enough. Under a series of terrorist means by Cui Hao, the black dragon was seriously injured and dying, and was captured and subdued. Subsequently, Cui Hao controlled it again with the soul secret method and pressed it.

The black dragon stammered, "they came to my world. At that time, I was just pregnant and my strength was not too strong, so they hid. They seemed to be looking for the elixir of immortality, but in the end, they failed. I saw the woman crying sadly and the man sighing, saying that God was unfair and why I was looking for the elixir. I don't know..."

Hearing this answer, I don't know why, Cui Hao was very sad and had a feeling of empathy.

Time passed like this, one year, ten years, a hundred years

In more than a thousand years, people arrived in 327 small worlds, and Cui Hao also killed 327 powerful creatures. Of course, Xiao Qi, Cui Wushuang and others have also been instructed and trained by him, and their strength has been greatly improved.

Three hundred years later, people have wandered through 723 small worlds, and the aura of destiny on Cui Hao's head has accumulated three.

However, he never encountered the existence like the white bone man and the black dragon again, nor did he explore the news of the two men and women.

On this day, Cui Hao and others entered a small world. When they arrived here, hope shouted, "benefactor, this is the small world! At first, the seven people known as the giant demon king were the second batch of people holding the destiny compass. They were sent into this small world by me!"

Hope to shout like this, Qingluo is already excited!

At the first moment Cui Hao accepted hope, Qingluo asked her about her mother. She wanted to say that her mother, King Xianghu, was one of the second batch of creatures. She came with six other guys known as the giant demon king. After they arrived in a small world, they were sent to the strongest lucky people. As a result, hope didn't know, Hope just waited for millions of years according to the regulations, and then left.

The small world where Xianghu king and others were captured is this small world!

"Lord Cui Hao, please, you must save my mother!" Yingying bowed and Qingluo begged.

In more than a thousand years of wandering in many small worlds, Qingluo really saw the horror of Cui Hao. No matter what kind of opponent, he easily rolled over and was almost invincible. Therefore, he begged Cui Hao at the first time.

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and said, "Qingluo, don't be polite! Your mother, they and I are in the same universe, and I can't stand idly by because of your unparalleled relationship with you. Don't worry!"

With Cui Hao's promise, Qingluo was relieved. However, considering that her mother has been missing for tens of millions of years, she is still worried. Will there be an accident for her mother for such a long time?

In the gate of time and space, Cui Hao sensed the breath of the small world and finally said positively, "this small world... Is not simple! It is more extraordinary than the white bone small world!..."

Mang Huang! overbearing! honorable! proud! Great! Vast

In this small world, Cui Hao felt this, and his expression was dignified for the first time! In this atmosphere filled with the whole small world, in a trance, Cui Hao seemed to see a giant dragon, majestic, overlooking all things in the world!

It is certain that this small world must have been born in a very important part of the ancestral dragon's skeleton. It is more extraordinary than the ancestral dragon's claws and tail!

Therefore, hope controls the door of time and space and begins to look for the strongest person.

"How big! This small world is much bigger than other small worlds!..."

Soon, everyone found this situation. This small world is really vast and huge. There are towering trees everywhere to block out the sun. I don't know how many years it has grown. The boundless jungle is almost thousands of miles. There are mountains towering one by one, countless rivers intertwined, flowers, birds, fish and insects.

Moreover, to Cui Hao's surprise, the birds here have strong lethality. When passing over a plain, Cui Hao saw a large-scale battle. Both sides are human and each other's strength is very strong. Led by them, they have the lethality comparable to the superior God!

Below, there are mountains, lakes and swamps, and there are dynasties. This small world is definitely an extraordinary world bred by development! Although most of its creatures are not half step magical powers, they are not much worse. They are many times stronger than the earth!

The gate of time and space carries Cui Hao and others forward. Finally, it passes through a powerful vigorous wind layer and reaches a mysterious place!

Here, the sky is as blue as a wash, and everywhere is full of a magical atmosphere. Mountain peaks rise from the ground. In the far distance, there is a vast blue lake. On it, there are many islands, surrounded by stars and the moon. In the center, there is an island blooming Silver and white brilliance!

"Benefactor, this small world atmospheric transporter is in that silver island! Be careful, this small world is not simple!" he pointed to the front and hoped to speak like this.

"Well, I know!" nodded, and Cui Hao smiled expectantly.

At this time, Qingluo nervously displayed some secret method on her face, and a strange and ethereal fresh aroma began to fill her body, disappearing

With this aroma, she quickly cheered excitedly, "mother's breath! Lord Cui Hao, my mother, she, she is not dead! I have felt her breath. It's on an island closest to the silver white island. You must save her!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao nodded and looked dignified!

At the same time, on a green island closest to the silvery white Island, gorgeous palaces are continuous, and each palace floats in the air, blooming a strange color.

Many palaces are wrapped in a bronze hall. In it, many beautiful women in gauze fly around, singing and dancing. All of them are stunning beauties. Moreover, their breath is not weak, and most of them have the strength of superior gods.

In the bronze hall, there are many layers of spaces, which are mysterious and mysterious. In the deepest space, there are beautiful women dancing, and a handsome man with a beautiful face but an obscene smell hidden in the depths of his pupils sits upright. Behind him, there are a group of beautiful women serving him. He holds a charming and charming woman who is almost Soul-catching and enjoys the music, The man's palm naturally swam on the woman, and the other party made a delicate sound.

At a certain moment, no one noticed that there was a glimmer of surprise and joy in the eyes of this beautiful woman. However, it soon converged on this color of joy!

This woman is the mother of Qingluo and the fragrant fox king, one of the seven giant demon kings of the super beast alliance!

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