Cui Hao went deep into the Taichu ancient mine. When he broke through the twisted and folded void, the more terrible and violent array force was brewing. Even he could not completely hide his body and appeared in an ancient and long corridor.

The whole corridor looks boundless. There are many murals on the right wall, which are obviously made by the master. Although there are only a few paintings, they give people a lifelike feeling and seem to fly out of the murals.

This mural roughly tells the process of a man gradually rising from the micro, sweeping all the way, and finally becoming more and more powerful.

The whole corridor is full of a particularly terrible air machine, but it is nothing to Cui Hao. He moves forward quickly and reads all kinds of murals at the same time.

The man's experience on the mural is absolutely legendary. He has experienced too many wars. When he sees the picture that he wants to sublimate as much as possible based on the universe, all the murals are gone. To be exact, they have been erased, and there are still traces of erasure!

Finally, Cui Hao came to the end of the corridor. It was a dark hole. No one knew what was inside!

This is definitely the deep place of Taichu ancient mine. The power of super array is becoming more and more violent. Even Cui Hao is excluded and can't use its power.

"Qiang Qiang..."

At this time, a series of intense clang sounds came out, and a ferocious huge blue spider climbed out. The smell of its whole body was too terrible. The eight spider claws were like diamond casting, shining cold texture, as if they could break everything!

"Hmm? Dead object? The mural man's Mount!!!" Cui Hao found the clue with a frown.

Although the big spider is very ferocious, it is not a living creature. It has no vitality. On the contrary, it is filled with a strong smell of death, as if it were a soul seducer from the nether world. It is the same as the main character's seat on the corridor mural. It should be it!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

Eight spider claws sweep across and cut the void. They are as sharp as the supreme blade. There is an unspeakable creepy smell brewing on the claws of this big spider. Even Cui Hao must face it squarely.


Without hesitation, Cui Hao's body twinkled, and his fist had been smashed out. He fought with the big spider!

The roar was earth shaking and destructive power was everywhere. However, this place is very strange. It withstood it and did not collapse.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The eight spider legs are extremely fast. They attack strangely from different angles. Their hardness can barely carry Cui Hao's fist. The two sides have a fierce war!

The war lasted for a moment. Finally, Cui Hao gained a great advantage. He punched like a mountain, one punch heavier than another, and finally hit the big spider hard!

"Puff, puff..."

Another moment later, Cui Hao finally succeeded in pulling out the three spider legs. At that moment, there was a momentum of pulling out the mountain and being unparalleled. The big spider struggled without pain and did the same. Cui Hao pulled out the remaining spider legs and put them away.

This spider leg is a good thing. It is definitely the top material for refining utensils!

Later, Cui Hao punched three times in a row, which killed the big spider who had lost his spider leg.

Step, Cui Hao rushed into the dark hole.

Just after entering, two Li Xiao came. It turned out that they were two headless men wearing armor and terrible breath. One of them was armed with a spear and the other was armed with an ancient war knife. They killed them directly!

"Puff, puff..."

The spear was extremely extraordinary. It was suddenly shot out. Suddenly, there was a terrible smell of cold ice. It was too strong. It seemed to freeze everything! Moreover, in this dark atmosphere, its power is also particularly terrible!

Similarly, the war knife was also very strange. It made a howling sound, and a wave of terrible soul attacks were launched. A knife cut out, as if to destroy everything!


Anxious, Cui Hao didn't bother to talk nonsense with these two headless people. He broke out directly. The original mother fist was shot out with great momentum and overbearing!

The dark environment naturally can't affect Cui Hao. He has the ability of night vision, and the war is fierce at this moment!

The war lasted nearly an hour. Finally, Cui Hao killed two headless people. Their strength was really terrible. They absolutely exceeded the general level of fullness. Although they could not reach the level of the LORD God, they were also absolutely terrible!

He put away the spears and swords of the two headless men, and Cui Hao moved forward with all his strength.

The darkness ahead seemed boundless. There was no light and no sound. There was only loneliness and senhan. Cui Hao kept moving forward, but he found in vain that he had lost his way, and his induction to the core place was vague and unclear!

"Master, I'll guide you! I've thoroughly refined the eye ball of the array. Now, I should be able to mobilize half the power of the super array“

When Cui Hao was anxious, the array spirit played the role of timely rain again. Hearing the speech, Cui Hao was overjoyed.

With the help of the array spirit, Cui Hao finally found a direction in the solitude and darkness. He moved forward at full speed, one day, ten days, one hundred days

Even if the direction was clear, it took Cui Hao a hundred years to see a glimmer of light. The dark and silent world is really vast and strange!

For hundreds of years, great changes have been taking place in Taichu ancient mines. Countless strong gods have fallen, and only three or five people have escaped in a hurry. This has naturally caused an uproar in the whole immortal world. Similarly, it has also attracted the attention of some real strong ones.

Tianji Pavilion sent the highest explorers to pay close attention. They were shocked to find that the whole Taichu ancient mine seemed to be recovering. There was a terrible heartbeat like thunder, and there was a breath of swallowing!

Of course, this is not the most terrible. At the edge of Taichu ancient mine, there are hidden Shenjing raw stones that crack, and the Shenjing turns into a thick glory and rises into the sky! Not one or two, but massive!

Not only in the marginal zone, but also in the Taichu ancient mine, many original divine crystals are also collapsing. Divine crystals, heterogeneous divine crystals, Taoist divine crystals and divine crystal wonders are transformed into various air currents and converge towards the central area!

Every moment, the original divine crystal stone is collapsing, and in this case, the Taichu ancient mine is also collapsing, collapsing and collapsing from the outside to the inside

Big event!

Such a thing, anyone can see, is a great thing!

This ancient mine at the beginning of the year, even after the LORD God set foot in it, left quickly, containing incredible secrets. Such drastic changes really frightened many peaks. They all secretly guessed what was the situation?

The earth world, Xiaohui and others are also worried. Cui Hao personally went to Taichu ancient mine. Now, such amazing changes have taken place in the ancient mine. Is it related to Cui hao? Is he in danger now?

In a beautiful and mysterious area like a peach blossom garden, Yang Jitian was sneering and got the top secret from Tianji Pavilion. He smiled all over his face. Satisfied, quite satisfied!

"Hahaha... Originally, I wasn't sure about that, but now I have gained control. The magic well is branded on me. I can let go and do a big job! As for Cui Hao, little beast... It's cheaper for you to die in the hands of the king of the eternal night!" he laughed and said to himself.

Yang Jitian knew a lot of Xin secrets, so he decided that Cui Hao must be finished this time.

Everything is going well. Under the divine power of the king of the eternal night, even a master will have to stop cooking, not to mention Cui Hao. He's dead!

Cui Hao didn't know that the outside world was boiling. He moved forward at full speed for a hundred years. Only then did he break through the dark and lonely place and come to a place!

This is a very strange world. There is no sky or land. There is a strange light fog everywhere. At the end of the light fog, Cui Hao looks for induction and finds something. It is a creeping meat strange door, such as the heartbeat of thunder. There are a large number of colorful lights pouring into it. Its breath is becoming more and more terrible!

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