If Cui Hao doesn't hesitate, the giant palm has captured the master of xuehuang world! However, he dared not gamble. What if the leader of xuehuang world really blew himself up? Moreover, the other party said he was willing to cooperate with the rescue of dusk snow, so maybe there is another way?

At this moment, Cui Hao's mind twinkled with thousands of thoughts, and at the same time, a figure suddenly appeared beside the leader of the xuehuang world, staring at Cui Hao ruthlessly. It's not the sun worshipping the sky, which one is it?

"No! This guy wants to rescue the leader of xuehuang world?" Cui Hao felt bad at once!

Cui Hao couldn't understand why Yang sacrifice to heaven can appear and disappear like this. Then, his sudden appearance around the Lord of xuehuang world must be to save people!


The huge palm wriggled slightly. Suddenly, Cui Hao made a quick decision, turned the locked target into Yang worship to heaven, and slapped it directly, which contained the invincible style and a terrible mess!

"How fierce!..."

At this moment, there was a strong and incomparable death crisis in Yang Jitian's heart. His face changed greatly and his flesh hurt incomparably. He threw out a rune. At the same time, he heard the leader of xuehuang world.

"Don't resist. I'll take you into my little world first... Come on! Come on! Come on! We're all going to die here!..."

Entering other people's small world is taboo, because life and death will basically be controlled by each other! However, the current situation is really too dangerous. The snow Phoenix world leader, who incarnated Pang Daxue Phoenix, hesitated and nodded!

She was really frightened by Cui Hao. Just now she even sent out threats and compromises. Naturally, she didn't want to stay and die! Moreover, the leader of xuehuang world knows that his so-called words of cooperation are just cheating Cui Hao!


At the moment when Cui Hao's terrible giant palm was about to be photographed, the talisman offered by Yang Jitian soared and burst in vain. Among them, strong and incomparable time fragments were flying, glittering and dreamy, and suddenly fell on his giant palm!

Light and rain were flying, and the power of time was strong and turbulent. It constantly acted on this huge palm. Suddenly, a mysterious and ancient charm rippled. For a moment, the chaotic and explosive space around Cui Hao suddenly stood still, as if trapped in an eternal stillness.

For such a moment, Cui Hao was still and completely frozen!

"Bad! This is... The instant talisman in the rumor?" Cui Hao roared in his heart. Cui Hao knew that he was in trouble, but it didn't help!

At the same time, a cloak appeared behind the worship of heaven, looming and seemingly invisible. It was outlined by mysterious and unpredictable textures, and perfectly integrated with the whole void. It seemed that it could be completely integrated in an instant!

Although he was fixed by the instant talisman, Cui Hao recognized at a glance that the cloak should be the key for Yang worship to freely integrate into the void and dissipate the invisible!


The sun worshipped heaven and waved, and a sky blue light appeared. Then, the huge Phoenix body of the snow Phoenix world Lord disappeared! Cui Hao can't be more familiar with this scene. It's a manifestation of the small world's collection of creatures.

"Worship the heaven and seek death!..."

At this moment, Cui Hao's hatred for Yang sacrifice to heaven was almost overwhelming!

Finally, I was going to succeed. I didn't expect this guy to stand in the way and make myself on the verge of success!

"Cui Hao, you fool, your little lover has only a wisp of spirit breathing now. There is only one of us. That person is destined to be me! Don't be arrogant, I'll make you regret!..."

The cloak on Yang Jitian's body bloomed and disappeared out of thin air, and the voice of the leader of xuehuang world also resounded through heaven and earth, making Cui Hao's face livid!


A moment later, the light and rain on Cui Hao dissipated, he regained his freedom again, and Yang Jitian had long wondered where to escape!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!..."

In his heart, Cui Hao was very angry. Seeing Gengjin's creatures, he hit them directly, and immediately set off a terrible wave of destruction!

After venting his anger, Cui Hao stopped, took a deep breath and began to fall into thinking.

It's normal that the mysterious cause and effect can't lock the whereabouts of the leader of xuehuang world. After all, she has been included in the small world of Yang worship to heaven. As for Yang worship to heaven, with that strange cloak, she can't find each other at all!

Calm down, Cui Hao realized a problem in vain. Why is Yang sacrificing to heaven so extraordinary and has so many treasures?

Whether it's the instant talisman or the cloak integrated into the void, it's rare. When did he get it? There are too many opportunities for this person, right?

Without the trace of offering sacrifices to heaven, the plan this time could only fail. Cui Hao didn't know what to do for a while, so he had to move on and think about countermeasures.

At the same time, in the land of Gengjin, in the depths of the void, a cloak behind the figure extends. The whole person seems to jump between the endless void in an instant, and can't capture the trace at all. It is the Yang worshipping the heaven!

At this moment, the eyes of Yang worshiping heaven have a strange light, full of a magnificent and penetrating taste, straight out, clearly see a figure, and it is Cui Hao!

Seeing cuihai's angry roar, he destroyed Gengjin creatures everywhere. Yang Jitian provoked a dark radian around his mouth and muttered to himself, "Cui Hao, Cui Hao, although you are strong, I am not a vegetarian! Now, I don't control the tide of dark destruction, and I don't get enough secrets and treasures. When I save up, I can kill you without strength!"


At the next moment, the body of Yang worshipping the heaven disappeared, and a green gourd appeared in place, with leaf vines on it, as if it were a real gourd, and there was a strange smell at the mouth of the gourd, which was impressively a small world that was not too big!

The small world is extremely rare, but it is nothing for Yang worship to heaven.

This is a small sky blue world. There is no sun and moon. Sky blue light is everywhere, and the huge snow Phoenix, the main incarnation of the snow Phoenix world, is on one of the ice sheets.


The body shook, and the snow Phoenix world leader turned into a human form again. He turned his hand, took out a divine pill, swallowed it, and quickly began to recover himself!


At this time, a figure appeared out of thin air, handsome and unrestrained, carrying his hands and having his own romantic Qi. It was the sun worshipping the heaven!

With an unspeakable gentle smile on his face, Yang Jitian dodged and appeared in front of the leader of the xuehuang world. He said tenderly, "are you all right? Just now, I'm really worried!..."

With this saying, Yang Jitian's palm stretched out in vain, and suddenly touched the cheek of the Lord of the snow Phoenix world.

"Yang worship heaven, what are you doing?"

Her face was cold in vain. The snow Phoenix world leader scolded her, and her body twinkled. She wanted to avoid it.


At this moment, the void around her suddenly rolled violently, and illusory chains suddenly appeared, which seemed to contain the original mystery of the small world, and suddenly wrapped around her, making her unable to move.

This is the means of the master of the small world. There is no doubt that this is the masterpiece of offering sacrifices to heaven!

"Beast, do you dare to attack me? Don't you know who my father is? Huang Wang! My father is Huang Wang!......" shouted angrily. The leader of xuehuang world was very angry.

In addition to anger, the leader of xuehuang world is more worried and regretful. She is in each other's small world, and all her killer maces are used. At this moment, she really falls to the bottom of the valley, which is the weakest moment!

Completely imprisoned, his life and death destiny was suddenly in the hands of this person!

The Lord of xuehuang's world was imprisoned and Yang worshipped the heaven. Then he laughed and said, "Oh!... why bother? Lord of xuehuang's world, you can cooperate with me, but you have to resist! In that case, I have to turn my face! King Huang, what a scary name, I'm going to be scared to death, ha ha..."

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