
With Cui Hao waving the heaven and earth xuanhuang mother gas tripod, the moment he smashed the lightsaber, a terrible smell of terror filled the air, sweeping the impact like a river falling into the sea, which immediately changed the face of the Lord of light and shouted a bad sound in his heart!

In the eyes of the LORD God of light, there is an incredible heaven and earth as big as a mountain. The xuanhuang mother Qi tripod is too powerful. It stirs clouds and rain in all directions, and the void completely collapses. The faintly visible pale gold regular chains appear, and they all retreat in front of it

The chain of rules, what a terrible existence, is retreating!

All this was just a flash. The LORD God of light had no time to escape. The lightsaber in his palm had collided with the xuanhuang mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth!

"Puff, puff, puff..."

In an instant, the lightsaber shrouded in the terrible power of the LORD God of light shook, and then it collapsed. It felt like a long sword pinched by mud hit a large iron block.


The momentum is like breaking bamboo. The dark yellow mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth explodes a large area of heaven and earth. It is sweeping and looking down!

Finally, after the heaven and earth xuanhuang mother gas tripod easily smashed the lightsaber, it continued to smash at the body of the LORD God of light, which weakened its power.


With a roar, the LORD God of light instinctively wanted to avoid it, but he was firmly locked by it. However, he could only make his hands move again and again at this critical moment, forming strange distorted light waves to welcome him! At the same time, his whole body began to burst out a burning light, and the power of the LORD God quickly diffused, forming a light egg with ancient texture on its surface.

This strange distorted light wave is actually a very extraordinary and mysterious void folding and twisting means. If the general strong encounter it, the attack will be guided to other voids at the moment.

This kind of defense means is very rebellious. Unfortunately, Cui Hao's heaven and earth xuanhuang mother gas tripod is even more rebellious. It is swept by a loud noise. Its rolling generally explodes the distorted light wave, and then, mercilessly, hit the light egg at once!

The burning light turns the power of the LORD God into a light egg. The texture on its surface is simple and mysterious, and it has an indestructible feeling. But under this smash, it is still weak, like an egg facing a big hammer, which is broken at one blow!


In an instant, the milky white light egg was smashed in an instant, and the hidden Lord God of light screamed, flew out of the sky, coughed up blood, and the body was further reduced in a big circle!

Just now, the LORD God of light became weaker when he fought with Cui Hao's three thousand separate bodies. Now, when the dark yellow mother gas tripod in heaven and earth was smashed, it suffered an unprecedented heavy blow!

This scene deeply shocked everyone!

A Lord God was smashed by Cui Hao's tripod and vomited blood. What does this mean?

"Woo woo..."

At this time, a bright light rushed up in the distance, and a green, blazing branch was suddenly born out of thin air.

It is carved like a kind of top-grade divine jade. It has an endless breath of life, and emits a brilliant glow. The green glow is blazing. With a puff, it hits the dark yellow mother Qi tripod in heaven and earth, and suddenly shivers into a large light green ripple, which quickly spreads out, which can block its crazy smashing posture.

In the light green ripples, a very elegant voice resounded through "little friend, can you quit the regiment for the time being, otherwise, we have to meet your swordsmen!"

Needless to think, Cui Hao knew instantly that this was the voice of the Lord of life!

If it weren't for dusk snow, Cui Hao might consider one or two. After all, the Twelve Gods are not easy to provoke. However, at the moment, he was anxious and naturally had no patience to quarrel.

However, Cui Hao continued to urge a large number of chaotic forces into the dark yellow mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth. At the same time, he issued an angry and indisputable roar, "I don't want to be enemy with you! I'm not interested in the so-called world tree fruit. What I need is the xuehuang world leader in the tree house! Who dares to stop me and never die with him! If you don't believe it, you can try!..."

At the same time, the LORD God of life far away made a voice, "believe you, if you dare to move our fruits, you can't bear the anger of the five Lord gods!..."

The LORD God of life is strengthening his appearance. The attacks they are now suffering are not only from Cui Hao! Of course, such words are actually a compromise. If this kind of thing is before, it is absolutely impossible, because the Lord is majestic and inviolable!

Seeing this scene, the strong gods besieging the LORD God were full of horror and surprise!

Fierce! Cui Hao is really fierce!

At this moment, the terrible explosion sound is constantly transmitted from the ground, and the whole world tree is filled with a violent atmosphere. The dark gray Petrochemical state covered on the surface is dissipating. Mr. Da tries his best to maintain it. Similarly, he is facing the siege of many powerful people.

The LORD God of light suffered the most. Now, a group of great consummation and powerful gods are besieging and hunting! In this regard, although the other five main gods also help one or two, they also have their own small calculations.

Roaring wildly, being besieged like this, the LORD God of light burst into anger. However, his lightsaber was smashed by Cui Hao, and he was hit hard by the xuanhuang mother gas tripod of heaven and earth. He could only resist reluctantly and fell into the disadvantage.

Several camps are fighting in disorder and each has a plot. With his own strength, Cui Hao finally won the acquiescence of the six main gods and allowed him to rescue the xuehuang world leader in the tree house. Of course, if you have the main deity, you can constantly connect with the universe and make up for it. The six main gods don't have to be so oppressed!


Like a blink, Cui Hao rushed to the tree house and put away the huge consumption of heaven and earth xuanhuang mother gas tripod.

The next moment, in front of the creeping tree house, Cui Hao hardly hesitated and hit it with a blow!


Cui Hao's fist made the tree house tremble and split many branches. However, more branches wriggled as if they were spiritual and beat hard at Cui Hao!

"Pop pop..."

"Hum! Break it for me!..."

Anxious, Cui Hao waved his fist and smashed the original mother fist!

The roar is startling. The branches of the world tree are terrible, especially the tree house with a large number of branches. However, it also depends on who it is aimed at. It didn't persist in front of Cui Hao for too long, so it was hit with a big blow!


With a big hole in the tree house, a snow-white shadow suddenly flew out. His face was cold and dull. He was the leader of the snow Phoenix world!


Seeing the Lord of xuehuang world appear, Cui Hao was delighted. He hurriedly took it with his palm. The fierce power imprisoned her and pulled her directly!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

At this time, the leader of xuehuang world waited until he saw Cui Hao. In vain, his body began to be filled with a violent atmosphere. At the same time, there were faint blood stains in the seven orifices!

"No! She's going to explode! Damn the sun sacrifice to heaven!..."

Such a scene immediately surprised Cui Hao and gnashed his teeth.

Now, the Lord of xuehuang world is controlled by Yang sacrifice to heaven. She wants to explode in vain. She must have been ordered by Yang sacrifice to heaven!

Cui Hao naturally didn't allow such a thing to happen. He hurried, flashed and clattered, and a perfect chaotic soul poured out. At the same time, his palm poked out directly. Under special circumstances, he decided to confine him both physically and spiritually!

At the same time, far away from here, in a hidden void, the void cloak behind Yang Jitian swayed, the light waves in his eyes flowed, and all the scenes above the tree crown were seen in his eyes.

"Hum... Cui Hao, little beast, wait to die!"

With a ferocious smile, Yang Jitian licked his lips and said to himself.

Cui Hao naturally knows nothing about all this. He tries his best to suppress the master of xuehuang world in both flesh and soul. When he appears next to the master of xuehuang world and is ready to do it, the master of xuehuang world opens his mouth in vain and a black light rushes out!

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