The special light mask formed by Qingguang is collapsing and getting smaller and smaller, which is no longer enough to support much time. Cui Hao, who is suspended in the void, is still motionless, but there is a terrible momentum all over his body. Chaotic forces roll and evolve into the stars and rivers of the universe, and then turn into everything in the world, flowers, birds, fish and insects, An indescribable boundless breath appeared on Cui Hao for the first time!

In Cui Hao's body, the rudiment of the perfect star field is expanding and shrinking, and in it, 129600 stars have long been bright and can't be looked at directly. They make a joyful sound together, as if they have their own soul!

In an instant, all these starlights converged into one, and the prototype of the whole perfect star domain was no longer a vast nebula, but turned into a round ball with bright and perfect starlight.

This makes Cui Hao think of the one yuan array, which is surprisingly similar to it!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Like a spring thunder, everything sprouts. In Cui Hao's body, 1.296 billion stars are finally bred and perfect. A special force begins to diffuse, full of vitality and rolling, just like chaos reopening the world.

At this moment, the chaos formula successfully advanced to the third level. Cui Hao gave birth to a prototype of the chaotic world. In it, more than half of the many noble fruits left by the world tree were left. Among them, 12 mature fruits were deliberately left by Cui Hao. As for the rest, they continue to be absorbed, emitting endless noble power and filling the small world!

"Boo boo..."

The prototype of the chaotic world jumps and sends a call to Cui Hao, hoping that he will lead, give birth to endless life and create a real small world!

Although it all follows a mysterious and perfect transformation, it still needs Cui Hao's master to guide it after all!

Feeling all this, Cui Hao didn't act immediately. He has obtained the inheritance of the creation of the cosmic God. It is not difficult for Cui Hao to create the world and give birth to life, but what he needs is a more magical and perfect world!

At first, Cui Hao gave birth to the soul of freedom by relying on the mysterious light. Now, the prototype of the chaotic world in his body is so extraordinary. If he can give birth to the soul of freedom, what will happen?

Cui Hao immediately asked the chaotic tree to do what he said. It has promised itself this demand before. Therefore, there is no hesitation. Chaos disappears, sending out clusters of clear light and investing in the prototype of the chaotic world!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

With the mysterious light pouring in, the prototype of the whole chaotic world jumps violently, filled with an invincible breath of dignity and supremacy. The breath is too strong. It converges in an instant and faintly. A fuzzy little light man appears. There are pieces of time flying around, surrounded by clusters of clear light, which is extraordinary and sitting around, I'm practicing.

"Hua la..."

The prototype of the whole chaotic world is full of rivers and seas, and a special aura is everywhere

Cui Hao is no stranger to the experience of giving birth to the soul of freedom. At present, he runs the creation secret method, and with the help of his control over the prototype of the chaotic world, he soon starts the creation!


A grand voice resounded through, and heaven and earth were born in the prototype of the chaotic world. The endless noble atmosphere was dividing, some fell heavily and some flew lightly, which was quite consistent with the rising and sinking of clear air and turbid air in Chinese mythology.

"The world, have light!..."

A great voice resounded, and the first dazzling light in heaven and earth was born, shining on all things and containing infinite warmth

"Stars and rivers in the universe... Mountains and waters... Flowers, birds, fish and insects... All kinds of creatures..."

Great voices are ringing through, and 1.296 billion stars have evolved to form stars, including vast mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, fish, insects and so on!

Moreover, under Cui Hao's thought, the breeding of each planet is different. Some are ice giants, some are green, and some are all magma! The creatures contained in it are not good or evil. They do not distinguish between deep and evil, but have a free soul. Cui Hao did not interfere with the so-called good and evil, and completely relied on their own changes and choices in the later stage

Guide without interference, create the world without restraint

At the moment of completing all this, Cui Hao felt that his mind seemed to become incomparably open, boiling high and far away, ancient and boundless!

For a moment, he sensed the changes of hundreds of millions of creatures in the prototype of the chaotic world, 1.296 billion stars. Some bird creatures wave their wings. Although they fall, they incite their wings again and again. Their instinct to fly is changing!

A grass, hard against the boulder, time and again, never give up!

A cloud, floating between heaven and earth, free

Everything is completely free. All creatures have their own choices. There is no so-called cause and effect, no so-called destiny

Feeling all this, Cui Hao's mood was broad, gratifying and wonderful. He couldn't help but sigh, "originally, this is creation! This is the essence of creation!..."


At this moment, Cui Hao felt that his long-standing spiritual realm suddenly broke through a kind of bondage, continued to flourish, and reached a terrible height! Even, Cui Hao had a feeling that he was the real so-called creator God. He deserved this title more than the master who claimed to be the Creator!

For too long, since he reached the road of sincerity, Cui Hao's realm has maintained a very high level and has not changed. If, after watching the prototype of the chaotic world bred by himself, he has a new understanding!

The realm soared in an instant, and Cui Hao instantly felt that he had improved by leaps and bounds. The perfect chaotic soul was trembling and rapidly metamorphosed. Moreover, it had been stuck. The extreme state that reached the bottleneck was broken, and the flesh had a strong breakthrough potential!

The realm is like a powerful expansion agent, which instantly transforms Cui Hao's soul and body. The perfect chaotic soul immediately evolves and expands. As for the body, it is also ready to move


Such changes naturally make Cui Hao ecstatic!

At the moment, the rudiment of the chaotic world in the body is beating, and the birth of the world and the breeding of creatures have been completed inside. Now, the only thing still condensing is the most important little light man, accompanied by pieces of time, like an invincible king sitting all through the ages, practicing, gathering strength and trying to come out of nothingness!

It's so extraordinary that even Cui Hao, the creator, was shocked and amazed. Almost at the moment of its birth, Cui Hao gave birth to an invisible feeling!

There is no doubt that this little light man is the third, the last and the strongest one!

Cui Hao's idea was very strong and determined. Originally, according to the saying of the spirit of the heavenly beads, Cui Hao always believed that chaos would raise a level and give birth to a separation, but after the birth of the third separation, he gave birth to a feeling of perfection in vain.

Separation, will not be pregnant, because this third separation is too extraordinary, far more than the previous two.

Perhaps, because of the mysterious Qingguang, it has many characteristics of separation after it, which is already perfect!

It is still illusory and pregnant, surrounded by a large number of noble forces, all of which come from the fruit of the world tree, and are constantly swallowed up by its sea

"Click! CLICK! CLICK!..."

At this time, the sound of cracking resounded through. Under the crazy bombardment of the scourge thunder robbery, an illusory shield ten meters around Cui Hao completely collapsed! This is a mysterious shield based on Qingguang. It protected Cui Hao for a long time, but it collapsed completely!

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