Helen completely lost herself in order to save herself, which made Cui Hao finally condense the crown of wisdom. Cui Hao never expected her to be alive, but that chance made him see a woman who was being bred by endless rules, just like sister Helen!

Moreover, after that, Cui Hao met a powerful woman suspected of Helen. Her appearance instantly frozen the time of heaven and earth, and calmly touched Cui Hao's face

If she's not Helen's sister, why is that? If it is... You shouldn't leave without saying a word!

Cui Hao thought of this, his mood was extremely complex. He vaguely guessed that sister Helen might not have completely disappeared, and it should have some connection with the legendary original will of the universe!

Cui Hao put all these things at the bottom of his heart. Then he asked, "invincible elder, about the original will of the universe, does it have self spirituality? Or does it turn into human form? Does it have its own emotion?"

Hearing the speech, the old man shook his head without hesitation and smiled "Have self emotion? Little guy, you're kidding! It's just an evolution of ruthless rules. Even the cosmic God is strong enough and willing to reach some agreement with it. It's a slave to the great way of heaven. Only in this way can it obtain the qualification to coexist with it and mobilize the energy of the universe. How can it have self?"

Speaking of this, the old man said with emotion, "if the great way of heaven has its own intelligence, even the nine long rivers containing the ultimate Avenue, or even the chaotic River, may not be as powerful as it is. It is everywhere and inclusive! The long river of destiny in the rumors is another evolution of the way of heaven and a sign of life..."

Shocked, Cui Hao knew for the first time that the ethereal way of heaven was so extraordinary!

Then the old man smiled and said, "little guy, in my old man's opinion, you must enter the forbidden place this time. Only here can you quickly improve your strength, otherwise, leave near the two boundary pillars..."

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said with a bitter smile, "it seems so. Senior, can you tell me about the forbidden places? What are the great opportunities?"

When he learned that Cui Hao intended to go, the old man was overjoyed and hurried to say "About the forbidden land... It is a great opportunity for every strong person who does not become a cosmic God, because it can enable them to obtain the qualification to become a cosmic God! However, if the cosmic God, a stronger level of existence enters, it will violate the taboo! The cultivation years are very short, which is a great advantage in the forbidden land! The forbidden land can only be developed if it has enough potential against the sky Go farther! "

Then the old man went on "The forbidden land is divided into four areas: the periphery, the inner circumference, the core, and the ultimate. The deeper the area is, the greater the opportunity is, and the more dangerous it is! With your potential... You are at least half sure to enter the core land. As for the ultimate land, you may need to sharpen it! Each area is vast, there are some great opportunities and dangers, and everything depends on yourself Chance. I can tell you all I know, but it's not perfect. After all, I'm just the ghost of the emperor! Once I step through the long road between the two worlds and step into it, I must fall into absolute silence and sleep, otherwise, the forbidden land will cause me great disaster! "

Nodding, Cui Hao also had a general understanding of it.

At this time, the old man looked at the God stone and said, "this little guy also follows you in. There are many great opportunities in the periphery, inner circumference and core. He may have the posture of a great emperor like his father! Unfortunately, his father is really a pity..."

Cui Hao said with a smile, "that's nature! Invincible elder, is there anything else to pay attention to?"

After thinking about it, the old man said seriously, "be careful of other cosmic geniuses. Some of them are almost as powerful as cosmic gods! Moreover, some team alliances have been formed over the years. In fact, they know more about taboo places than I do! Maybe you can catch one or two and ask questions......"

Cui Hao nodded his head and said he was clear. Then he asked the old man to defend himself, and again to absorb some of the essence of the emperor's energy giant hand and restore himself.

Not only that, Cui Hao made Da Shenshi release the injured people in the invincible tower. He helped treat them himself.

During this period, the body of black robe appeared twice. However, they were frightened by the old man, which also made Cui Hao aware of the crisis. It seems that we must go deep into the forbidden place and improve our self-strength!

In fact, Cui Hao didn't even tell the old man that the chaotic formula of his practice is the last inheritance of the Lord of creation, and this forbidden place is also the hand of the Lord of creation! The ultimate place... Maybe he can reach it!

This time, Xiao Hui and others were basically injured. Fortunately, they were not seriously injured. After some treatment, they basically recovered.

Then they entered Cui Hao's perfect universe prototype again and decided to go to the forbidden place with him!

Half of the stone tablet, under the urging of the old man, bloomed hundreds of millions of brilliance. Then, he took the lead in turning into a vague shadow and threw it into Cui Hao's body, sending out a voice of exhortation "Little fellow, I'll recover and cultivate myself with your chaotic body and wait for your good news! If I don't reach the ultimate place this time, I'll be fine. When I return again, wake me up. Remember, don't wake me up in a forbidden place, there will be a great disaster!..."

With this advice, the old man passed Cui Hao a secret method, and then his breath was quickly restrained and ethereal.

At present, Cui Hao looked at the two boundary pillars of Guanghua, stepped out and stepped into them!

As the old man told him, Cui Hao entered a beautiful passage, with all kinds of time fragments flying. This is the road between the two worlds.

At present, Cui Hao released the "other shore" of the treasure, leaving enough chaotic force and a divided soul, ordering him to move forward quickly, while his original statue suddenly disappeared and entered the prototype of the perfect universe

With the passage of time, the prototype of the perfect universe has not stopped evolving. All the planets are absorbing the power of chaos and growing slowly, and all the creatures in it have become the soul of freedom. Coupled with the integration of the light of the source of wisdom, they have extraordinary potential and can be regarded as high-level creatures.

The vast number of strong people in the whole fairy world are reasonably arranged by Cui Hao to provide them with a better and more suitable environment and various survival challenges. As for Xiaohui and others, they exist on a huge planet, which is shrouded by the remaining fairy origin, full of Fairy Spirit, and the earth God City stands on it.

It will take millions of years to reach the forbidden place, so Cui Hao stayed here with many relatives and friends.

Cui Hao was very excited about his mother's return! Moreover, his father's remaining will is preserved in the crown of the king of wisdom, which is expected to resurrect. Cui Hao is very satisfied!

In the twinkling of an eye, ten thousand years have passed

Cui Hao didn't practice. He accompanied his mother and many confidants every day. Occasionally, he would give some advice on the accomplishments of Ruilin and others. How pleasant it was!

For everyone, cultivating and climbing the peak is an eternal theme.

Now, Cui Hao has enough power of chaos to provide. When Da Shenshi uses the power of chaos to open the time acceleration in the invincible tower, Xiao Hui, Ruilin, Cui Wushuang, Wang Changsheng, Xiao Qi, Meng Meng, a group of people have entered it and want to start a new round of cultivation!

After the battle with black robe, everyone was somewhat depressed. They realized the huge gap with Cui Hao and wanted to improve their strength as much as possible, or even catch up!

Cui Hao naturally knows their thoughts, and he also provides many conveniences! For example, he decomposes twelve fruits that can condense the Lord's divine personality, which contains the most extraordinary twelve series metaphysics and various wonderful functions, which benefits everyone. For example, he decomposes his original mother fist to make everyone understand their own metaphysics more clearly

Therefore, under the acceleration of ten thousand times of time, Xiao Hui and others began to retreat and practice hard, and their strength improved continuously with the passage of time!

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