It's not far from the Tianbei, and Cui Hao has swept away a lot of opportunities in the peripheral area. He took Xiaohui and others to sweep away a few more. Then he went straight to the Tianbei.

During this period, it is inevitable to fight. Sometimes we encounter giant animals and monsters in the forbidden place, and occasionally we also encounter sneak attacks by some talented and powerful people!

On the desolate Gobi desert, there are two groups of people confronting each other. It is the people led by Cui Hao who confront the talented strong man of more than 100 people led by a young man.

There is a strong and incomparable breath of dragon power on this young man. He is wearing a Navy robe and has an incomparably resolute face. The whole man is like an iron and steel statue. The war is boiling and extremely violent!

Similarly, the group of people behind them are all wearing a kind of dragon scale armor, which is connected with each other, vast and mighty, just like one.

Now, Cui Hao has accepted more than 100 talented and strong people. Therefore, he has a general understanding of the periphery of the restricted area. One of them is not weak, and the leader is long Aotian. He ranks 1495 in Tianbei. He is a great talent!

"Hua la..."

There was a kind of mottled chaos around him. Long Aotian looked at Cui Hao with fear. He naturally felt the extraordinary of this person in front of him. However, he greedily looked at Xiao Qi and Mengmeng, licked his lips and said, "these two people, I want them, give them to me, spare your life, and you can leave!..."

Although he knows that Cui Hao is very powerful, the pride of the dragon family still makes long Aotian arrogant!

His own fighting power is unmatched, coupled with the strong support behind him, he is very arrogant!

Xiao Qi and Meng Meng have inherited the ancestor dragon, which has a great attraction to the Dragon Aotian!

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao is furious and ready to fight. However, Xiao Qi and Mengmeng go out angrily and say, "boss, this guy dares to die. Let's fight him!..."

With endless years of cultivation, Xiao Qi and Mengmeng have great potential. Combined with the inheritance of the ancestor dragon, they can compete with the golden dominance level. Moreover, what they are best at is the way of emptiness.


Cui Hao ponders. He sees that long Aotian's strength is much stronger than Xiao Qi and Meng Meng.

"Master, I'd like to go to war together. Please help me!" the words were sonorous. Ruilin walked out, and his sword was wanton and terrible.

"OK, be careful!" nodded Cui Hao and agreed.

Ruilin's strength is almost comparable to Xiao Hui. He is one of the two strongest fighting forces around Cui Hao. If he takes action, he can at least guarantee invincibility!

"Roar!... three losers also want to be enemies with me? Hum! Kill!..."

With a roar, the Dragon Aotian came out with one move. Suddenly, violent chains of rules appeared, and turned into lifelike dragons, just like dragons breaking through the air, with different postures. Some are proud of the world, some are independent of heaven and earth, some are wild, some are merciful, and some are ferocious. However, each contains a kind of terrible mystery, Attack and kill!

"Good means!..."

Seeing this, Xiao Qi and Meng Meng looked at each other, suddenly their bodies disappeared, and an invisible and strange force began to be born to attack and kill long Aotian! To achieve such strength, long Aotian was naturally extraordinary. He soon found their trace and wanted to pursue them.

However, this action was finally forced to be cancelled because of the sword of Stephen!

"Qiang Qiang..."

Ananda's sword is expanding, making a clear and unparalleled sound. Cui Hao's sword spirit suddenly blooms hundreds of millions of sword light. Then, like an invincible swordsman, Ruilin waves his sword and falls!


When the sword was cut down, the void was torn. The six samsara sword was in a terrible mess, which immediately made long Aotian roar, blood on his body and suffered a dull loss!

"You... Impossible! What kind of Kendo are you?..." roared, long Aotian was incredible.

Naturally, Ruilin ignored him and suddenly turned into a magnificent sword light, blooming boundless beauty, and suddenly attacked and killed him!

The sword moves are beautiful, poisonous and terrible!

"Qiang Qiang..."

The loud sound of metal roaring continued. Long Aotian tried his best to resist and use all kinds of means, but finally fell into the disadvantage, roaring angrily!

Under such circumstances, Xiao Qi and Mengmeng also start to get angry. They continue to sneak attacks, making long Aotian more dangerous and roaring angrily!

"Help me quickly!..."

With the roar of long Aotian, more than 100 talented strong men wearing dragon scales and armor roared. As a member of the Dragon Alliance, they will not watch long Aotian fall into danger!

"Hum! Kill!..."

Seeing more than 100 people burst out together, Cui Hao sneered and smashed them with a blow, which immediately cracked their breath Union and hit a lot!


So, under the whining of the God stone, Xiao Hui, Cui Wushuang, Bai Zizi and so on led more than 100 talented and strong men under Cui Hao to kill the members of the Dragon Alliance!

A great war began immediately!

Cui Hao stopped fighting after he hit this punch, but he knew that the result had been known, and his side was bound to win like rolling!

Sure enough, under the leadership of Xiao Hui and Cui Wushuang, the members of the Dragon Alliance suffered heavy casualties, and some chose to surrender. In an instant, this prestigious alliance was directly disintegrated!

Naturally, the most intense battle was between Ruilin and long Aotian. With the help of Xiao Qi and Mengmeng, long Aotian was defeated miserably. Under the increasingly terrible sword spirit of Ruilin, he was unwilling to die miserably and succeeded Ruilin.

"Master, I'm lucky to live up to my life!..." holding long Aotian's head, Ruilin spoke loudly.

"Yes, good disciple, your growth speed really surprises me. Don't be arrogant and impetuous, you know?" nodded. Cui Hao was very pleased.

As soon as long Aotian died, the so-called Dragon Alliance immediately completely collapsed. Several talented strong men who were still fighting tenaciously were also desperate and chose to surrender!

The battle was very fierce, but it didn't last long. Finally, the Dragon Alliance collapsed and was completely incorporated by Cui Hao's people.

Cui Hao doesn't need to worry about cleaning the battlefield, seizing booty, incorporating and so on. He is already familiar with playing God stone.

Subsequently, Cui Hao led the crowd to continue on the road and rushed to Tianbei!

Finally, it took a hundred years, during which they experienced two battles. Finally, they successfully arrived at the Tianbei!

It's a giant monument with incomparable greatness and towering between heaven and earth. It's too big. It's much bigger than mountains. Around it, there are many forces. Why is it so? Because the Tianbei can test its potential and is around it, which is very beneficial to cultivation!

After witnessing the Tianbei from a distance, Cui Hao led the people to go quickly. Finally, he arrived in front of the Tianbei and really witnessed the full content of the Tianbei!

Wei'an! Towering! Ancient! Powerful! Unlimited

This is the first impression that people see it. However, Cui Hao feels better, because it vaguely gives Cui Hao a familiar feeling. Some of this feeling is like a mother waiting for her child to return!

Somehow, Cui Hao felt like crying in vain!

The whole monument stands towering and contains an unpredictable great power. At the moment of Cui Hao and others' arrival, it shocked in vain and burst into a startling light, rising into the sky like a column of light pervading the world!

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!..."

Endless mysterious sounds resounded through the sky, full of a joyful taste. Tianbei has changed!

Such a change has attracted the attention of many talented and powerful people around at the first time, especially some fierce people in the top ranking are excited one by one! It can trigger such an intention of Tianbei, which shows that the visitor is likely to contain pure and extremely chaotic blood. If he replaces it, he may have a great opportunity!

At this moment, it is like a stone stirring up thousands of waves. Many alliance teams and some powerful fierce people in the area where Tianbei is located are all active

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