Hit the God Stone Crazy and hit the golden bull with the invincible tower, which surprised a group of talented and strong people present. How strong! How fierce their eyes are. Naturally, they see that the God stone is so fierce. Most of them rely on the red gold tower. It emits an invincible smell, which is almost soul-stirring!

In full view of the public, the old problem of striking the divine stone was committed again, and suddenly turned into a flash of light. The invincible tower in the palm was like a mountain of Tai, which stimulated the multiple characteristics of locking, suppression and sealing. It was smashed down fiercely. Suddenly, a series of clicks rang through, and the Yellow Gold giant cattle screamed and hysterical.

Falling on the trembling body of the golden giant cow, beating the God stone shouted, "do you accept it? Yes, call uncle beating the God stone three times. I accept you as my little brother. If you don't accept it, I'll kill you!..."

Ferocious! How cruel

The golden bull was furious, but he had to bow his head and roar, "take it, I take it!... hit uncle Shenshi..."

In the periphery of the forbidden area, the golden giant cow has a great name. Many people know that it is violent and powerful. Although it is not comparable to the three quasi emperors, it can also be regarded as a fierce man. At the moment, under the threat of death, it has to bow its head to the God stone.

"Hahaha... You know, I took you!" he laughed and hit the divine stone. Only then did he take the invincible tower and master the golden bull by the method of soul control.

Seeing such a scene, Cui Hao and Xiao Hui smiled faintly, just like watching a play, while the talented and strong people who watched from a distance were extremely afraid!

Gold bull, a fierce man, smashed in. He wanted to find out the details of Cui Hao. Unexpectedly, a little brother around him solved the battle. It's really annoying!

"Such combat power... It's worth fighting for life and death!"

In the distance, a man in a gray robe was holding a long sword, and the whole person looked depressed. However, his whole body was bursting out endless sword ideas all the time, which was really shocking!


With a vertical body, he suddenly turned into a sword light. The next moment, he appeared near Cui Hao and others. The whole person was like a sharp sword. He looked directly at the God stone and said, "your strength is good. Can you dare to fight with me for life and death?"

With this saying, the grey robed man has a strong and incomparable sense of war rising. He still holds the long sword like a peerless swordsman.

"Lonely swordsman! It's him! This challenge demon jumped out!..."

"This man is ranked 3965 and has strong combat power. He is a real strong man!...."

"There's a good play. I'll wait and see!"

The appearance of the grey robed man has attracted the attention of many people. It is obvious that he has a big name and likes challenges.


Before the stone opened its mouth, Ruilin flashed out. The Ananda sword in his hand was spinning and turning in vain into a simple long sword. He said coldly, "I'll fight with you!..."

Since the thorough understanding of the six reincarnations, Stephen's swordsmanship has already reached an incredible level, and what he has to go next is his own swordsmanship. Fighting and endless life and death fighting are undoubtedly the best way!

Originally, the grey robed man didn't care too much about him, because he didn't have the slightest sword spirit, ordinary and ordinary. However, when Stephen appeared, the long sword in his hand was trembling and faintly felt like he wanted to worship, which was really creepy and shocking!

Shocked, the grey robed man roared, "you... You are the strongest swordsman in kendo? You can even use your own sword intention to lead me to cut the wind. You are the strongest swordsman I have seen except my master! Sword intention, sword Qi and sword heart all converge into the body and truly turn corruption into magic! Great, I can meet a strong man like you!...."

The grey robed man's face was ordinary, but he had an extraordinary feeling in the ordinary. As he said this, the whole person became more and more excited and almost looked up!

When a strong man meets a strong enemy, he is afraid and vigilant, but he is as excited and crazy as winning a grand prize!

He was always very calm. He nodded to him respectfully and said, "Kendo has no top, at least I haven't arrived yet! You are a real Kendo man. I can feel your sword intention and heart, which is worth my real fight!"

"Thank you!..." the grey robed man replied with a smile.

The sword meaning on him became stronger and stronger, just like a mountain falling into the sea, while Ruilin became more and more calm, just like a spring water without a ripple. The two formed a strong and incomparable contrast.

At this time, Ruilin touched Ananda's sword in his palm and said in a deep voice, "talking about the sword is about life and death, not you or me! Today, your and my hearty battle will not waste the life of the sword! My name is Ruilin, and my practice is the six samsara Kendo!"

Hearing the speech, the grey robed man looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "my name is Mosha. Please teach me the sword way, the great Asura sword way! Kill!..."

The sword in the palm of the hand suddenly spread out in a gorgeous way, and suddenly turned into a torrential rain. Some rain was sentimental, some rain poured like a column, some rain was fierce and surging, and some rain was dreamy and hazy. However, all the sword Qi and sword light contained a cleaning characteristic, as if they wanted to wash away the filth of the world, magnificent, majestic and grand!

"Good swordsmanship!..."

Facing the sword of desert killing, he gave a sigh of admiration, but the whole person trembled. He was divided into six and turned into six Ananda swords. Each one sent out different sword meaning and sword Qi. It was buzzing and shaking. In vain, Qi Qi burst out a terrible sword light! This sword is sharp and unparalleled. It has the momentum to cut the universe and tear the universe. It is brave and unstoppable!

"Crash! Crash!..."

The six sword lights interweave with each other, like a circle with no beginning and no end, forming a magnificent sword way. It rises into the sky, explodes infinite essence and shocks an unprecedented edge!


Desert kill roar, just like a giant beast on the verge of death, breaking out the final potential!

In the face of this sudden shrouding, you can break everything. It's like the existence of sword Qi light group. The sword of desert killing flashes rapidly to assassinate!

Come on! Come on! Come on

At the moment, the sword of desert killing has only one word to describe, that is fast!

The sword power is like the first ray of light in the birth of an epoch-making world. It is born of the sun, moon and stars, penetrating the mystery of the secret of heaven!

"Puff, puff..."

In an instant, the sword of desert kill has been assassinated many times. Finally, it can block the six samsara Kendo that comes down from Ruilin. At the same time, it is like a swimming fish. It skilfully shuttles back and forth to a tiny crack that can't be checked!

"How dangerous! How strong! How terrible!..."

At the moment of escaping, Mo Sha only had such an idea in his mind, but Ruilin obviously didn't mean to let him relax. The six Ananda swords rotated again, forming a strange and unpredictable illusory sword field, which soared and suddenly included it!

"Perfect sword area? You have reached such a level? Kill! Kill! Kill!..." Mo Sha roared and tried his best to resist!

Ruilin turned into a hazy sword field. Ordinary strong people can't feel its terror, but some real strong people present look solemn! This sword area contains real great terror, cleverly seizing the creation of heaven and earth, extremely extraordinary and terrible!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

Some Jingtian sword Qi occasionally rushed out of the illusory sword field, and occasionally roared out. Finally, the whole illusory sword field trembled. Then, it converged in vain and turned into a teenager with Ananda sword in his hand. Which is it, not Ruilin?

At the moment, the sword shaped light in his eyes rotates and converges quickly. There is blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, but the whole person has an unspeakable feeling of excitement and excitement, as if he had eaten stimulants!

When he dodged, he appeared in front of his face-to-face figure and respectfully said, "desert kill, you are a real Kendo genius. Go ahead. I already know your great Ashura Kendo and will carry it forward. One day, I will understand the ultimate mystery of kendo, and it will have no regrets!..."

With this saying, the body of desert kill suddenly trembled and turned into hundreds of millions of fine streamers, which dissipated invisibly!

The war is over. No one knows how fierce the two sides fought in the end. However, everyone is full of a deep fear and fear when looking at Stephen!

This son, is it too scary?

Naturally, there are many strong swordsmen present, but ask yourself, I'm afraid I'm not even as good as desert killing. If I'm against Ruilin, I'm afraid the other party's six samsara swordsmanship can crush me!

When Ruilin returned, he was neither humble nor arrogant, while Cui Hao nodded with satisfaction and said, "apprentice, good!"

After receiving such praise from the master, Ruilin was very excited and said respectfully, "the disciple's ability is less than one ten thousandth of the master's ability. We must make persistent efforts to be the master's right arm!"

"Well, you don't have to belittle yourself. Even I'm not much better than you along the way of Kendo!" Cui Hao responded with a smile.

In fact, if Cui Hao's original mother fist is wielded with a sword, it is not a problem to press Ruilin's six samsara kendo.

Then, under the leadership of Cui Hao, they set foot on the dream Avenue again and walked towards the Tianbei.

Golden giant cattle and desert killing. These fierce people were planted in the hands of Cui Hao and others one after another. Moreover, Cui Hao never made a move from beginning to end, which made him more mysterious. Even the blood Gu and purple robed youth present were afraid to make a rash move and chose to wait for a good opportunity.

In this way, under the attention of more and more talented and powerful people, Cui Hao led the people to reach the front of the Tianbei.

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