In the inner area, a man in animal skin skirt sits on a huge bird. His body presents a streamlined shape, giving people a feeling of endless explosion. His body seems to contain endless power, and he has three eyes. The middle one is a gray heavy pupil, giving people a terrible feeling!


Suddenly, there is a huge tiger flying up below, with a pair of snow-white wings. The terror of power is amazing, enough to easily kill the general silver master!

"Huh? Waste!..."

The men of the hide group just took a look. In his gray heavy pupil, there was a strange flow of brilliance. The flying tiger trembled all over his body. His vitality suddenly lost like a tide, roared, and his huge body fell down and died miserably!

At this time, in vain, a streamer rushed into his body. He was stunned and then ecstatic!

"Ha ha... The ownership of Tianbei? I'm coming!..."


The roar swept the world. In the inner area, a jasper Golden Leopard emitting a terrible flame was moving forward rapidly. There were hundreds of them. Each of them was surrounded by regular chains. Maybe one or two were nothing, but hundreds of them, the so-called quasi emperor, did not dare to fight against it!

As if attracted by something, many Jasper golden leopards rushed in one direction. There was the entrance of Tianlu, and the exit was near the Tianbei in the peripheral area!

Not only these Jasper golden leopards, but also the surrounding areas, all the local monsters are frantically rushing to the peripheral areas. Similarly, the talented and strong people in them also sense the fluctuation of Tianbei and rush to it!

At the same time, in the core place, there is endless desolation everywhere. There are no monsters, but there are great dangers everywhere!

There is a man with a feather fan and a dignified appearance flying. He has an unspeakable calm magnanimity, just like a natural king.

At one moment, he was shocked and said to himself, "Tianbei, should you recognize the Lord for millions of years... It seems that the exploration of the core place should be over! I Donghua Shaoqing have been practicing here for too long. It's time to move! If you can get Tianbei..."

The man gives people a taste of incomparable dignity. However, at the moment, his eyes also have the color of greed. This man is the first Tianbei, Donghua Shaoqing!

No one knows how much benefit it has gained in the core place. However, if there is a real strong person watching carefully, he will be shocked. This person is extremely extraordinary!

In addition to Donghua Shaoqing, three people also left and rushed to the periphery at full speed! Although the name they branded on the Tianbei disappeared, they could still clearly sense the location of the Tianbei and rush to rob it at the first time!

Although it can make Tianbei recognize the Lord, that person's talent must be extremely against the sky, but he can explore and reach the core. Each one has surpassed the quasi great emperor like years. His strength is not much weaker than today's Cui Hao. Naturally, he has self-confidence to compete!

In the core area, including Donghua Shaoqing, there are four real super talents. Kill them back to the peripheral area and rob the Tianbei!

No one knows that in the deeper part of the core, because of the change of Tianbei, a cave that has been frozen for endless years has been unsealed at once!

In a cave emitting strange green fog, there was a man and a woman. They were entangled by strange green fog and couldn't move. They were afraid to look at a skeleton man.

Although this man and woman all exuded the most powerful arrogance, and their clothes were extremely old, as if they were the ancient terror before endless years, they looked like walking on thin ice and were extremely afraid!


The skull suddenly moved, and the bones of the whole body made a clattering sound. Two green flames appeared in the empty head. Suddenly, an unspeakable terrible force shrouded them. Their whole body was stiff and could not move!

Soon, their flesh, blood, soul and everything were swallowed up by the skeleton man!

After all this, the skeleton man continued to sit, and gradually began to give birth to blood, flesh and blood, which was slowly breeding!

When this change came into being, gradually, a layer of flesh and blood film spread all over his body, and he made a strange and incomparable whisper "who am I? I... the great emperor? No, I lack a part, it is not far away... When I recover some and get back what belongs to me..."

If caves are the depths of the core, then a mysterious dream world is the deepest!

Here is the core of the legendary ultimate place!

In the dream small world, there is a kind of Qi machine, which contains an endless ancient breath, as if sleeping for endless years. Now, I wake up and a mysterious change is taking place

The change of Tianbei not only caused the madness of many strong people, even local monsters in the forbidden place, but also caused more incredible changes! Cui Hao knows nothing about this. He just clearly feels a strong and incomparable sense of crisis approaching

The negative monument has lasted for millions of years, which is destined to meet the attacks and killings of various powerful people. Naturally, Cui Hao will not wait to die. Because the negative monument strength has fallen by at least half, he made a defense deployment at the first time!

Using various precious materials, Cui Hao finally redeployed a two element array and taught the changes of the array to Ruilin Xiaoqi and others. Then, the people hid in the array to meet the four enemies!

Cui Hao didn't have to wait too long. Soon, a strong man was killed. Moreover, there were a large number of powerful local monsters comparable to the gold dominance level. The war began again!

Hit God stone, Xiao Hui and Cui Wushuang. They broke out one by one and met the enemy side by side with Cui Hao. They defeated waves of strong enemies!

Time passed slowly

In the twinkling of an eye, ten thousand years have passed. Cui Hao and others have killed many local monsters. As for the strong men who sneak attacks, they have also killed many. They use large arrays and powerful means to capture many, turn enemies into friends and increase their own strength!

In the two yuan array, a barefoot woman like a Lingbo fairy broke out. She was too strong. One person put pressure on Ruilin and hit Shenshi. Finally, Xiaohui killed a group of invading monsters. The three worked together and finally hit each other hard.


After Cui Hao killed a strong enemy, he joined the battle group and immediately crushed it to inflict heavy damage. Finally, the woman was killed by Ruilin with a sword!

"The real enemy is coming!..."

After killing the woman, Cui Hao spoke in a deep voice.

Sure enough, as Cui Hao predicted, a series of ferocious attacks came as promised. The local monsters were terrible, and the talented and strong sieges were even stronger. Finally, Ruilin and others were seriously injured and finally defeated the enemy's encirclement with the help of the array!

Now, there are really not many enemies, only less than ten, but each is a real terror, which can not be underestimated!

Cui Hao and others didn't have much time to breathe. The second round of war was launched again, and this time, a powerful and incomparable existence joined. This person called himself Donghua Shaoqing!

Cui Hao and others are naturally familiar with this title. He has gone deep into the core for many years, and I don't know how many opportunities he has obtained. In short, the strength is amazing!

The fierce war broke out, and the two yuan array was finally exploded. Ruilin and others were seriously injured. Xiao Hui was hurt by Donghua Shaoqing's mace and lost his combat effectiveness!

Finally, Cui Hao, who was also seriously injured, insisted on integrating the people into the prototype of the perfect universe. Then, he wore the crown of wisdom, wore tianwu armor, carried the Tianbei, and held the xuanhuang mother gas tripod of heaven and earth. He fought back like crazy, and finally defeated the enemy's siege and fled.

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