In the void, the terrible energy afterwave is impacting. Cui Hao is suspended and his face is very embarrassed!

Only one step away, he can capture the original will of the universe, and then eliminate the consciousness of Yang worship to heaven and revive sister Helen.

However, I let Yang worship heaven escape!

This man is really his solemn and sworn enemy. He has been a sworn enemy since the beginning of the earth. So far, the other party has not disappeared!


Unwilling, Cui Hao began to use many means to search, but no trace could be found, as if he had disappeared from the universe!

What happened?

Cui Hao was puzzled. At this time, a sad voice rang through the world where he lived, and a breath of great destruction was born!

There were some bad emotions in his heart. Cui Hao thought again and again and thought of free words in vain. Cosmic container, isn't the big universe just meeting the requirements?

At present, Cui Hao released the Tianbei and freely emerged outside the Tianbei. He felt everything around him and suddenly shouted in surprise "Master, you... You are so powerful! How did you do it? You drove away the original will of this side of the universe. Moreover, the foundation, time rules, void rules and all kinds of mysterious rules of this side of the universe have completely existed. It's so powerful!"

Cui Hao was annoyed at the thought of sister Helen. He said unhappily, "freedom, don't flatter! What's the situation? Also, how can we find it when the original will of the universe has escaped?"

Hearing the speech, he said freely and affirmatively, "master, it must have left through the Long River tributary of the fate of this side of the universe! Come on! You let me control this side of the universe and cut it off while the long river of fate has not taken back a small tributary of Fate Here!"

Cui Hao didn't know the reason, but he nodded, "what do you need me to do? What's the use of cutting off a tributary of the long river of destiny? Will you be attacked by it?"

Extremely anxious, free to speak "Master, in the tributary of the long river of destiny, there are all the soul marks of the universe that are not free souls! Moreover, there may be secrets involving the mystery of destiny, which is the answer the old master has been looking for! As for phagocytosis... I don't know, but it's worth fighting! Quickly, inject your chaotic power and your will, I need strength, a lot of help Power assistance! "

Cui Hao roughly understood the reason. Without hesitation, he released a lot of chaotic power and invincible will.

"Woo woo..."

In an instant, driven by freedom, the Tianbei began to expand continuously, and the breath of the forbidden land was also spreading, forming an initial collision and integration with this side of the universe!

The place of taboo is extremely extraordinary, and its formation is also very strange. At this moment, the whole universe is forming a clever integration with it. A particularly mysterious and noble atmosphere is spreading, and the atmosphere of freedom is becoming stronger and stronger!

Finally, the freedom flew into the Tianbei, and suddenly, carrying it, rushed into the deepest part of the universe!

The formation of a big universe is not the three-dimensional space and four-dimensional space recognized by people, but the ingenious interweaving and merging of dense, honeycomb like infinite space.

At this moment, the Tianbei, which emits a terrible breath, is impacting. In front of it, in the unpredictable space, there is an unpredictable River impacting, vast and magnificent!

Each drop of water seems to contain infinite mysteries and exudes an intoxicating atmosphere. If Cui Hao is here and urges his perspective eyes, he can see that each drop of water seems to be a boundless world. Some scattered light spots shine in the river, some are extremely dark and some are relatively bright. These are legends The soul in the world is branded!


Tianbei earthquake, which poured out a great and terrible force, swept directly towards the long river!

"Hua la la..."

Suddenly, the river instinctively gave birth to resistance, and every drop of water was blooming!

Infinite brilliance blooms, finally converges and returns to one, and rushes to the Tianbei!

The boundless light drowned everything, including the sound of cracking and the sound of waves. Finally, the light dissipated, and the end of the Pentium river was cut off by the Tianbei!

At its end, there is a huge chaotic diaphragm, beating and jumping. At this moment, the Tianbei has cut off the influx of rivers outside. However, its body is cracked everywhere, and freedom is bleak. It may collapse anytime and anywhere!

"Master, you should control the universe quickly and make full use of your chaotic power to make up for the gap. Otherwise, the reverse bite of the long river of fate will really arrive! I underestimated its power! Come on!..." free voice, extremely weak!

As the master of freedom, Cui Hao also clearly felt the various aspects of the war. Although he just supported freedom, Cui Hao also consumed a lot, but he couldn't care. According to his guidance, the invincible soul soared and soared, and began to faint in a special and incomparable way!

Suddenly, the invincible soul fell into a huge net!

This is an immeasurable network, which is composed of void rule chains and time rule chains, while its tributaries are rule chains that dissolve each other.


Cui Hao began to refine rapidly, and the invincible soul quickly fainted

This kind of consumption is really great. However, Cui Hao has also gained great harvest. There are void rules, time rules and endless other rules. Although its essence is not perfect, it is also extremely extraordinary. He suddenly realized countless things. The word Wu has doubled in an instant. It can be seen that the harvest is rich!


A moment later, Cui Hao's face was extremely pale. The invincible soul completed the complete control of the big net, but it also separated too many forces to control the big net, and he was countless times weaker!

Regardless of these, Cui Hao's massive chaotic force in his body began to gather crazily, and quickly wriggled and made up at the diaphragm crack of the universe

"Woo woo..."

At this time, Cui Hao felt the terrible wave outside the diaphragm of the universe. Across the crack, he saw the raging river of fate running, which was cut off in vain. It was about to bite back!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The massive forces of chaos quickly integrated and the diaphragm moved rapidly. Finally, before the long river of fate came, the crack was successfully made up!


Cui Hao breathed a sigh of relief at the moment when the crack was repaired.

Now, he has indirectly obtained the control of the universe by controlling the whole rule network. All kinds of things in the universe are under his control! Even, he can read the chain of transfer rules and change some things!

At this moment, the feeling of the creator rose again. In his heart, Cui Hao finally showed some smiles on his face.

As soon as the idea turned, Cui Hao appeared in the deepest part of the universe. There was a mysterious river flowing, in which every drop of water was mysterious and flowing, while the Tianbei was suspended on it, and the surface was cracked everywhere.


The free body appeared, and he saluted Cui Hao respectfully "Master, it's a success! Although the Tianbei was damaged, it will eventually recover as long as it is perfectly integrated with the universe and complemented by the integration of rules and chains! In fact, the thing the old master obtained needs to exist in the liquid of the long river of destiny. At the beginning, the old master brought some river water, but the endless years have passed, and the liquid has been disappearing. With these long fates The river is liquid enough to nourish it! "

"I see......" nodded, and Cui Hao understood.

At present, when you wave freely, Tianbei suddenly gives off a violent swallowing power, and the long river of destiny is very obedient this time, flying into it and into the ultimate place.

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