"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Perhaps Cui Hao's shock to Chimei mountain Zun was too strong. He was photographed in his palm, but his mouth was still whispering! This necklace composed of Mori white teeth was given to him by the sick old man. At that time, he said that he could resist even if he was hit with all his strength by the master level strong man! Even, there is a certain chance to hurt each other, but the scene in front of him makes him feel incredible!

Ignoring the red eyebrow mountain statue in his palm, Cui Hao seemed to feel something. He said to a void not far away, "since you're here, why hide it? Come out, friend!..."


With Cui Hao's words, in the void, a simple stone bridge stained with terrible blood appears. One end of it is integrated into the void and the other end extends out, emitting an atmosphere covering all heaven and earth and across endless heaven and earth!

The smell of this stone bridge is too terrible. There are traces on it, and it is stained with a kind of palpitating blood. Even Cui Hao was surprised and felt a strong and incomparable threat!

Apart from other things, this stone bridge alone is extraordinary enough. It definitely exceeds the category of zhibaofa, and even the invincible tower is not as good as it!

On this stone bridge, there is a vague figure, bathed in endless time fragments, looming! At that moment, Cui Hao urged his perspective eyes and immediately saw his face clearly. He was an old and sick old man. He was very weak. He seemed to decay at any time. He had a strong smell of aging!

The old man feels so extraordinary. Although he seems to fall down at any time, his breath perfectly fits with the whole world. In an instant, Cui Hao has a feeling that he is a part of the source of chaos!

"Hahaha... Little friend, I'm all right! Others like to call me a sick old man. I'm an old man who is terminally ill and may die at any time! I wonder if you can give me some face and let go of my subordinates?" hehe smiled, and the old man said.

The stone bridge under him is shrinking at the moment, turning into the size of a palm, rotating in the palm of his hand, and the time on his body has dissipated all at once, revealing his true face, smiling and amiable.

Although his appearance was amiable, Cui Hao felt a feeling of salivation.

The sick old man tried to endure this feeling, but Cui Hao felt it.

The old guy is smiling, but there is definitely a hidden bad mind! Cui Hao looked at the sick old man fearfully. He seemed to hide a great secret! Even, Cui Hao has an intuition that the sick old man is absolutely more terrible than the so-called master level strong!

Facing the words of the sick old man, Cui Hao sneered. However, he waved and released Chimei shanzun. Then, the God stone and the Ruilin flew back one by one, sparing the seven seventh order cosmic gods and staring at the sick old man one by one!

At this time, the sick old man smiled and said, "little friend, I don't know what to call you? There are eight little friends. Your strength really scares my old man! Strong! Too strong! You're not a cosmic God. You're on the road of the great emperor? Now, you're not a great emperor. It's not easy to defeat the seventh order cosmic God!"

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao said indifferently, "I'm Cui Hao, in front of your sick old man, it's not worth mentioning! You're the only tenth order cosmic God in the source of chaos!"

With this saying, Cui Hao is always vigilant, not to mention the strength and breath of the other party. The stone bridge in his palm makes Cui Hao palpitation! He has a feeling that this is definitely a shocking tool, and even may be stronger than the xuanhuang mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth, which is still a rough embryo now!

The sick old man waved his hand and said kindly, "little friend, you praise me falsely. I don't deserve it! Ten steps, alas! Who knows what price I paid for these ten steps? Nine is the extreme number. I reached ten, but it's not a perfect ten, but a fragmented creation!...."

Seems to think of some memories, the words of the sick old man are very cold, giving people a sense of inexplicable sadness.

In his heart, Cui Hao heard something from the words of the sick old man. According to his current situation, although he reached the tenth order cosmic God, he was obviously hurt unimaginably!

The feeling of the sick old man is mysterious. No one knows what he has experienced!

Soon, the sick old man recovered from the sad atmosphere. He smiled and said, "Cui Hao, there are eight little friends. I am the sick old man's official invitation. Can you join the ranks of tianbang? Tianbang, you should have heard of it?"

With these words, the sick old man had nine more tokens in his palm and threw them to Cui Hao and others.

Cui Hao watched the token and found that its casting was very strange. It was definitely made by a master of refining tools. Moreover, there was a strange and mysterious power hidden in it, which had some connection with the sick old man! The token is dark, with strange patterns on it, and two simple and mysterious characters branded on the front, tianbang!

The sick old man issued nine tokens at one time, which surprised a group of cosmic gods behind him, because they knew the value of the token too well! Even some so-called great power heirs can't get one if they don't have enough strength and potential?

In the distance, Yue Peng, once a great elder of walker, flew in. The war just now was too fierce. He was also fighting with some third-order and fourth-order cosmic gods.

Looking at the token in his palm, Cui Hao instinctively wants to refuse. However, the crown of wisdom on the top of the head is turning, sending out an urgent call, longing

At the moment of reaching the hole in the hole, the crown of wisdom was connected with one of the mysterious things.

After thinking about it, Cui Hao finally made up his mind.

A wisp of the invincible soul surged and token was successfully refined with theout any means of the prohibition and concealment.

After all this, Cui Hao nodded at the stone, Xiao Hui and others nodded slightly. They immediately understood it and refined the token. At this time, Cui Hao said, "thank you for your token. It's just that we have ten people. You took out nine tokens. Isn't that good?"

Cui Hao's words can't be more obvious. He wants to ask for a token!

Soon, the sick old man smiled, nodded and waved. It was another token flying Yupeng.

"This friend, please accept this token and welcome you to join the tianbang!" smiled the sick old man.

"What? Great!..."

Under such circumstances, Yupeng was overjoyed. He laughed and hurriedly caught the token and refined it! Although he had already known the power of the elder, Yu Peng was more and more moved when he witnessed it this time.

If it weren't for the call from the king of wisdom, Cui Hao didn't want to enter the cave, because the sick old man made him a little uneasy.

Seeing Cui Hao and others accept the token, the sick old man laughed, and the old voice revealed a sense of comfort and vicissitudes. "Ha ha ha... You are the future peak of the source of chaos, especially you, Cui Hao, you are the most talented person I have ever seen! None!"

The most amazing person!

The title was absolutely amazing enough, but Cui Hao smiled faintly and said, "thank you for your compliment! So, can we enter the cave now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry..."

Waving his hand, the sick old man continued with a smile "Cui Hao, since you have joined tianbang, of course I want to make it clear to you! You must have felt some breath in the cave at the moment of refining token? At the moment, most of tianbang's talents are in the cave! And the so-called ranking depends on the harvest and combat results in the cave! Don't worry, I have a secret method. I can monitor the whole cave at the same time and make the most reasonable ranking! "

Cui Hao doesn't care much about the ranking of Tianbei among the sick and old people. For him, the real purpose is to get what causes the call of the crown of wisdom!

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