After learning the origin of the sword, Ruilin finally succeeded in breaking through the emperor level!

His whole body was filled with a frightening sword spirit. Soon, he looked up at the secret of heaven, and a dark robbery cloud appeared. Among them, in addition to a terrible dark thunder rolling, there were also a looming chain of rules!

"Heaven's curse?" in his eyes, the war is like a tide, and Ruilin is full of confidence!

This scourge thunder robbery is a little strange. It is different from the scourge in the universe. However, its breath is also terrible. It appears in an instant and locks in Ruilin. Then it keeps brewing and wants to explode!

"Master, stay away for a while. I'm sure to deal with the scourge!" he said confidently.

At present, Cui Hao took the people away, and the terrible scourge thunder robbery broke out after brewing for a long time!

This area turned into a messy enemy occupied area in an instant, with terrible scourge thunder falling madly, and regular chains swirling around and impacting, which is extremely terrible!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

In this regard, Stephen was only full of sword Qi, so he blocked the attack. Now, after Ruilin breaks through the level of the great emperor, his strength has soared, and his means have also risen!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The extremely violent scourge thunder robbery fell madly and became more and more intense. In the midst of it, Ruilin was surrounded by the invincible will. In fighting against it, he was strong enough to take the scourge thunder robbery and temper his sword intention!

The strong, who want to sublimate to the utmost, often need to be tempered. Although the scourge of heaven is extremely dangerous, it is the cruelest disaster in heaven and earth. However, once it is over, it will be more beneficial. Both the body and soul will be tempered to a higher level!

Cui Hao guarded it himself, and Ruilin began a strong robbery!

At the same time, in an area far away from here, a sick old man appeared in the void. His eyes seemed to span an endless distance and saw the scenes of the scourge of thunder and robbery.

"This talent... Is also against heaven! My time is really running out, and Cui Hao... Is the biggest seed of hope! Well, start the plan!..."

With such a whisper, the sick old man disappeared. He was the sick old man!

The cave in the cave is vast and huge. Even the treasure map obtained by Yupeng is only part of the area, and the sick old man feels like a treasure in his family. Moreover, this person is really extraordinary. One step across is not just as simple as large movement. He has crossed endless distances. He went deep in an instant and reached the extreme depth of the hole in the hole!

This is a magical area. The void seems to be completely static, with rules and chains intertwined. It is almost endless! The core is a green lotus, as big as a mountain, very depressed. Although there are regular chains, it still seems that it can't recover.

There is a flower bud on the green lotus, which is full of a large person. The whole body is surrounded by chaos, which is extraordinary!

At the moment, the sick old man appeared here. Suddenly, the infinite rule chain clattered and attacked him. Qinglian trembled slightly, and a light misty light fell!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Seeing such a scene, the sick old man hurried, and a mark appeared in his eyebrows! This is an extremely complicated and unimaginable noble brand, and a faint smell seems to be supreme

With the appearance of this faint breath, the light emitted by Qinglian returned to its body, and the regular chains disappeared at once.

Such a mark of hair urging seems to consume a lot for the sick old man. He began to cough up blood again and became weaker and weaker. His body flashed and appeared on the green lotus!

Immediately, his hands moved, one by one, and his amazing power was integrated into the bud! Anyone who sees this power can't help but marvel. It's too perfect and powerful!

This is the product of the fusion of his ten cosmic avenues!

If Cui Hao were here, he would be shocked! Because the faint light from the green lotus is the mysterious light absorbed by the chaotic tree in his body!

While releasing his strength, the sick old man painfully forced out his blood essence. Whenever he forced out a trace, he would be old and decadent. When he forced out the ninth drop, he had fallen to the ground and the whole person would die of old age almost at any time!

For a long time, ten weak cosmic roads rushed out of his body and intertwined with each other, and he barely recovered a little!

Without hesitation, the sick old man turned his hands and took out pieces of precious things, all of which are the most precious things to make up for the source of chaos. Each of them is enough to make the master level strong fight!

He swallowed several precious things. Finally, there was a touch of blood in the pale face of the sick old man. He murmured bitterly, "100 million years! After consuming nine drops of original blood essence, I only have 100 million years of life! However, it's worth it. The chaotic green lotus was refined by me. The plan can be used perfectly at last! Ha ha..."

Laugh, the sick old man is very happy!

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!..."

At this time, the whole body becomes a pale red chaos, the green lotus sways, and the flower bud in the center is filled with the sound of nature, like a clear spring, like running water, like the sound of a piano, with a natural flavor of Tao rhyme, which spreads and spreads rapidly

The sound of nature radiates at an amazing speed. All the geniuses feel shocked in their hearts, because they feel an indescribable taste of dignity and greatness. It seems that they are calling and waiting for the arrival of destined people!

At the same time, Cui Hao and others who are guarding the robbery of Ruilin also feel this fluctuation, and everyone is shocked! Especially Cui Hao, his eyes widened inconceivably, because the diffuse sound of nature made the chaotic little tree in his body excited and swaying happily, just like a wanderer who left home and heard his mother's call in vain!

"What is this wave?" at this moment, Cui Hao couldn't help thinking like this.

In the mysterious place, a special token appeared in the hand of the sick old man after laughing. He entered a message into it. It spread quickly as if it were a voice message from the earth. It arrived almost one after another with the sound of nature!

After sending such a message, the sick old man's body twinkled like a ghost and appeared on a lake in an instant.

On the lake, a lone boat drifts with the tide. Although it contains great danger, a young man lying on his side wantonly doesn't care. He is too sacred. His whole body is filled with endless light, giving people a taste of infinite potential and the darling of heaven and earth.

"Hmm? Sick old man, why are you here?"

When the sick old man appeared, the young man was a little surprised, looked at him carefully, and his eyes flickered!

With a faint smile, the sick old man said "Your Highness, the son of light, don't move your mind. All my Jing essence has been injected into the chaotic green lotus and will disappear soon! You are one of the ten people I value most. You should feel that the bud of chaotic green lotus has been bred and improved, but the owner he chose is a strong little guy! Only the light of Tao rhyme in the little guy's hand can open the green lotus The world, and your only chance is to kill the little guy and capture the light of Tao rhyme before he enters the deepest place! I'll tell you the location of his Tianbei order, which is a gift before it disappeared! Control the power of heaven and become a supreme existence greater than the emperor, come on!... "

With that, the figure of the sick old man disappeared!

The next moment, the sick old man appeared in a red gravel land. A dark figure shrouded in endless palpitations was walking. There was a terrible smell at every step, and there was a strange black halo on his head, emitting a palpitating breath!

With an indifferent smile, the sick old man said similar words, and this figure is the little highness of the dark son!

Follow the same example. The strong, talented and sick old people ranked in the top 20 of the list will be informed one by one!

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