The cumbersome and profound rule chains are intertwined and dense. Different from the rule chains in the general sense, they contain a frightening force! Moreover, a layer of hazy light swirls around, closely linking these rules and chains, giving people an invincible and terrible feeling!

At this moment, Cui Hao is approaching step by step. The chaotic small tree in his body is excited. Countless chaotic roots extend out to form a wooden armor and completely wrap it in it!


When Cui Hao touched the regular chain protective wall, its huge earthquake seemed to have an especially terrible force to break out. However, there was a fluffy light shining on the wooden armor, which made it quiet in an instant. At the same time, the whole chaotic green lotus began to sway and make a joyful sound of nature!

At the same time, in the flower bud of chaotic green lotus, a faint shadow shocked and said to himself, "the light of chaotic origin? How is it possible! He can't have this power! It's impossible!..."

This is the sick old man. He doesn't know what form he exists at the moment. He is perfectly soluble with the whole chaotic Green Lotus! Similarly, the sick old man also felt the instinctive joy from this chaotic green lotus, just like an old man who suddenly saw his children and grandchildren!

After successfully passing this layer of extremely extraordinary defense, Cui Hao appeared in front of chaotic Qinglian, looked at him, and suddenly felt thousands of sadness in his heart!

The chaotic green lotus has withered, and all the forces seem to be gathered in the flower bud. In the end, there is no lotus seed brewing, and even the flower bud has not bloomed! It must have been extremely extraordinary, so what did it experience?

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

The little chaotic tree swayed. For the first time, it took the initiative to leave the perfect universe prototype in Cui Hao's body and landed in front of the huge chaotic green lotus. Suddenly, it made a very sad voice, which was very strange. On its surface, it slowly penetrated a trace of bright red blood, quickly gathered and suddenly threw it at the chaotic Green Lotus!


A withered lotus leaf bounced, and suddenly this large group of blood flew back, while the chaotic green lotus sent out a gratifying fluctuation, and a mysterious fluctuation entered the chaotic small tree!

After perceiving all this, the small chaotic tree is like a human, crawling on the ground, swaying and kowtowing in vain, unwilling to stop for a long time.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

At this time, the huge chaotic green lotus began to wither completely in vain, and huge lotus leaves collapsed into fly ash, while a trace of pure cyan energy was gathering.

Not only is the chaotic green lotus collapsing, but the endless chain of cumbersome rules that originally enveloped this green lotus world is also condensing. Finally, it turns into a small but mysterious symbol containing great terror, and suddenly rushes into the pure green energy!

Soon, the chaotic green lotus completely collapsed, leaving only one trunk supporting the bud, but all the pure cyan energy has turned into a ball the size of a palm, rolling and rolling.


Pure cyan energy suddenly turned into a flash of streamer, and suddenly rushed into the chaotic small tree, and it suddenly shook and expanded rapidly! Expansion

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

In an instant, an indescribable violent force broke out, a large area around completely collapsed, while countless branches and leaves of chaotic small trees were spreading and growing, and began to give birth to regular chains, which were profound and incomparable. The branches were carved like divine jade, which was extremely extraordinary!

This change is not the end. Cui Hao feels that there seems to be a particularly terrible force brewing in it!

At this time, the chaotic little tree passed a wave to Cui Hao and told him everything!

It turns out that this chaotic green lotus is a special chaotic creature that originally existed in the long river of chaos, because the long river of destiny wants to devour the long river of chaos. As the strongest chaotic creature, it fights for the long river of chaos, but finally exhausts its source!

Chaotic small tree is one of the seeds left by chaotic Qinglian in those years. It is its child. Now it has successfully absorbed the light of chaotic origin and is qualified to inherit it!

The so-called inheritance is in the pure cyan energy. The chaotic tree told Cui Hao that it will soon breed the real soul of chaos, and must settle in the real long river of chaos as soon as possible. Otherwise, the long river of destiny will perceive it and erase it! With the inheritance, the perfect universe prototype in Cui Hao's body is not enough to cover up its breath!

Similarly, the small chaotic tree also passed Cui Hao a special and incomparable secret method, which is a wonderful way to communicate the whole chaotic River, integrate with it and obtain its power. However, this secret method is really too obscure and strange. With Cui Hao's powerful understanding ability now, it is only the part of understanding!

The long river of destiny contains the mystery of destiny and is the carrier of the boundless great way of heaven. No one knows why it wants to devour the long river of chaos. However, Cui Hao also explains this through more and more mysteries he knows!

The long river of chaos has not been swallowed up. It is also breeding creatures to fight back. Which side did the original billions of universes belong to in those years? Is chaos bred by the long river, or the territory of the long river of destiny?

Cui Hao was shocked when he learned of such fluctuation transmission. He had an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart!


At this time, the trunk of chaotic green lotus collapsed, and a pure cyan energy was born. It turned into a thin light cyan mist, shrouded in the dazzling bud, fluttered and fell.


A wave transmission, perceived by Cui Hao, is an ancient breath that makes Cui Hao respect, like the source of chaos.

This fluctuation is very strange, as if it was before the universe Hongmeng, but Cui Hao understood its meaning.

"My child... It's up to you... All creatures are born by the power of the great chaos river. It's the common responsibility of all creatures to stop the swallowing of the long river of destiny! The flower bud is given to you. Being in it on the day you settle in the chaos River can help you greatly increase your strength..."

Aware of all this, Cui Hao was shocked. He thought about it. Then he waved the bud into the prototype of the perfect universe. Cui Hao didn't know that a faint body appeared in the dazzling bud. It was the sick old man.

"Damn it!... the will of this chaotic green lotus has already been wiped out. Why? Why is it still left? The way of heaven is the source of a stupid and powerful power, and it has not been completely wiped out! Why don't Cui Hao, a little beast, refine the bud? Damn! Damn!..."

The sick old man existed in the flower bud in a special form and shouted angrily. Then the flower bud appeared on a strange planet. What annoys the sick old man even more is that a faint layer of pure cyan energy is wrapped around the surface of the bud, which makes it dare not touch or leave!

in a cocoon around oneself!

The old man almost vomited blood. He tried his best. Unexpectedly, chaotic Qinglian still had a sense of autonomy! What annoyed him even more was that the best seed he identified did not refine the bud! Of course, he also felt the wonder of the chaotic small tree. Everything is because of it!

However, the depressed mood of the sick old man at the moment, only he can taste it slowly!

Now, his only expectation is that Cui Hao must refine the bud within 100 million years. In that case, he can

I don't know that the sick old man is hiding in the bud. Cui Hao is personally guarding the chaotic tree at the moment, and the God stone also comes and asks what this is. Since everyone witnessed the chaotic tree, Cui Hao simply didn't deceive them and told them one by one. Moreover, he told everyone in a deep voice that the day of settling in the long river of chaos should not be far away!

"Boss, no wonder that the seed transformed seedling in my body is just sad. It should belong to the child of chaotic green lotus like this chaotic tree!" nodded and hit the God stone with thousands of feelings.

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