At the end of the land of Daoyuan, Cui Hao led the people to arrive. They saw a shocking scene!

The nine thick and incomparable, as if the light column supporting heaven and earth were rotating, emitting a suffocating strong breath. They absorbed the mysterious and great power from all directions, and these forces finally converged into a light, but contained a huge light mass of real terror!


At this moment, Cui Hao's perfect universe prototype vibrated, emitting a pure gas of chaos, which soon spread


For a moment, the nine huge pillars of light shook. They seemed to "recognize" Cui Hao's chaotic Qi and sent out a strange brilliance towards it. These brilliances were induced by Cui Hao. Suddenly, scenes of dust laden fragments of ancient memory appeared at the bottom of his heart!

These memory fragments are very broken, but it can be seen that it is a great existence in the layout, which consumes efforts and seizes the creation of heaven and earth. It wanders through the source of chaos in order to make a grand and boundless deployment!

In the end, the essence of the whole body is forced out of a small amount, bringing together countless extraordinary and wonderful things, forming the extraordinary column of the nine regiments. Then, a group of strangely extraordinary things are put into their center for breeding.

"Break the sky!..."

When seeing this scene, Cui Hao naturally appeared these two words in his heart, and knew who the figure was. He was the king of creation!

It also doesn't know where to get the strange thing. It's named Shatian. It gives it the greatest hope and wants to condense a peerless weapon that can break the way of heaven! Even in order to break the power of breaking the heavenly power, the king of creation has deployed countless reincarnation to gather the essence of the soul of endless freedom to achieve his wish.

Why is it the essence of the soul of freedom? Cui Hao doesn't understand, but he has a faint feeling that he may have some connection with the Qingguang! Moreover, the soul of freedom is a strange soul that has not left a mark in the long river of destiny. Perhaps it is the most critical reason?

In order to defeat the way of heaven, the king of creation paid too much, and naturally gained some gains. For example, the group of "strange things" obtained from the long river of destiny, as well as the formula of chaos, the soul of freedom and so on!

There is no record of what this "broken sky" is. However, it is finally mentioned that it is a mysterious "thing outside the sky!"

Things outside the sky are naturally not outer space or starry sky. According to Cui Hao's understanding... They should be areas outside the way of heaven!

We have deployed many, and even, for this reason, we do not hesitate to disperse the seeds of chaos, which has achieved more than nine emperors and the greatness of the king of creation! Unfortunately, he finally failed and fell!

There is no doubt that these nine lights are the key to controlling the nine huge pillars of light. Each of them seizes the creation of heaven and earth, which is just obtained by nine people, such as playing God stone. As for Cui Hao's goal, of course, it is the most important "breaking the sky!"


Just when Cui Hao hesitated, the central "breaking the sky" took the initiative to shake up, tentatively sent out a deep chaotic color, and made contact with Cui Hao!


For a moment, Cui Hao was shocked!

In an instant, he felt an unimaginable majestic atmosphere, strong, noble, great and high

Cui Hao had never felt this breath. In an instant, his body almost collapsed. Fortunately, there was a layer of clear light in his body to protect his flesh. With the appearance of Qingguang, this breath became excited, and even got a wonderful connection with it in an instant

Soon, Cui Hao faintly felt his call, eager to get in touch with Cui Hao and yearn for the light!

There's a way

Originally, Cui Hao was worried about whether he could successfully obtain this broken sky. Now, he feels his call on his own initiative. He knows that there is great hope! At that moment, Cui Hao made a "response......"

So, with Cui Hao's response, the mysterious object named "breaking the sky" flew slowly to integrate with Cui Hao!


In a hurry, Cui Hao turned his hand, and the dark yellow mother gas tripod suddenly appeared, buzzing and shaking.

At the same time, Cui Hao scattered the nine lights and fell into the hands of Da Shen Shi, Xiao Hui, Ruilin and others. He said "They each correspond to a light column, in which the extraordinary and extremely strange power is bred, which can be transformed into the most suitable weapon according to your own! Surpass the level of supreme treasure, evolve step by step in the future, and even hope to surpass the emperor's ware! Breed with your own blood essence and soul origin..."

With such a great opportunity, nine people, such as playing God stone, were naturally happy. They seemed to be refined according to Cui Hao's idea!

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

Soon, Da Shen stone took the lead in completing this refining. Suddenly, a corresponding light column vibrated and suddenly flew into it

Following closely, Ruilin, Xiaohui, Xiaoqi, Wang Changsheng, Cui Hao's parents, Cui Wushuang, Bai Zizi and Meng Meng have completed refining successively, and each has flown into a huge light column!

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong, Ding Dong!..."

In this light column, all nine people, such as playing God stone, have nothing. I fell into an extraordinary state at the first time! Now, their strength has been regarded as the level of the great emperor, even like Xiaohui. They have obtained the real inheritance of the Lord of destruction and have already reached the peak of the great emperor. At this moment, their realm and perception are improving, and the speed is fast!

These nine pillars of light are created by the creator, who have seized the whole source of chaos. Although the most important part has been breeds "breaking the sky", it is still extremely extraordinary. The endless extraordinary mystery is constantly instilled in a special way, which is quite amazing.

Not only is the mysterious and all the ascension, in this light pillar, Cui Hao also felt that there is a kind of things that belong to the essence of light column, is integrating into their bodies, as can be imagined, when these essence all merge, the nine will surely get a very extraordinary weapon. According to Cui Hao's prediction, it is inevitable to surpass the level of supreme treasure. Even, it may surpass the emperor's ware!

Cui Hao was very satisfied with this situation. He immediately turned his eyes to "breaking the sky". The heaven and earth xuanhuang mother Qi tripod in his palm was thrown away, which contained a lot of his own blood essence, life soul and some clear light, and flew to "breaking the sky"!

In this regard, the "broken sky" did not conflict, and it soon touched the xuanhuang mother Qi tripod of heaven and earth!

"Puff, puff..."

For a moment, it was as powerful as the xuanhuang mother gas tripod in heaven and earth. It almost broke directly, and it cracked into clear cracks. However, it was soon wrapped by the broken sky and turned into a bright and extraordinary light!

As the master of the heaven and earth xuanhuang mother Qi tripod, Cui Hao clearly felt its changes. It seems that a mysterious change is taking place in it, which is more and more extraordinary!

"Hmm? Someone is approaching? There are a lot of people!..."

This is Cui Hao's heart. He is acutely aware that there are twenty breath approaching rapidly, of which nine are particularly terrible, which makes him incomparably afraid!

At present, Cui Hao waved. The ternary array was cleverly hidden around him and quickly spread. However, he flashed and appeared hundreds of millions of miles away from the array, releasing his breath and waiting for the arrival of this group of people!

With the strength of Cui Hao today, there are really not many strong people that he must pay attention to. His idea is moving. Although the people have not arrived, they already know their identity!

Standing with his hands down, Cui Hao waited


There was a huge earthquake in the void. Suddenly, a huge space-time channel appeared, and one of the figures suddenly flew out. The first one was the nine "avatars of emperor". As for the eleven figures behind them, they also had a terrible smell. They were the eleven masters!

"Little beast, bad things like me, today, you will die!..."

"Little beast, die!..."

At the first moment of seeing Cui Hao, the nine "avatars of emperor" roared at the same time. Then, they broke out fiercely and wanted to kill Cui Hao!


At the same time, the eleven master level strong men also roared together. They broke out their terrible strength and wanted to kill Cui Hao!

"Hahaha... A bunch of clowns! Today, I Cui Hao will destroy you all here!..."

In the face of such a joint attack, Cui Hao was full of confidence. After laughing, he broke out wildly and hit with a bang. He arrived first in the next season. Like a holy light, the incarnation of emperor Guangming snorted and retreated!

"You! Why are you so strong?" exclaimed, the incarnation of emperor Guangming!

"Because you are too weak! There are only nine incarnations. I Cui Hao can destroy them alone!..."



After the fierce war, Cui Hao's whole body was full of strong invincible will. He was like an invincible God of war. There was great terror in his gestures. One person stopped the attack and killing of the people. Moreover, his violent outburst blew up a man wearing strange patterns and red makeup. This man, He is one of the thirty-six cardinals, cardinal safflower!

This is the first time Cui Hao has let go of his hand and burst out with all his strength since he climbed up. Although he also suffered numerous attacks during this period, his flesh and defense are too strong. He attacked strongly and even occupied an advantage!

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