Naturally, meihuiko Ono is the one who secretly attacked Cui Hao. As a two flower ninja, her best skill is forbearance and assassination. Although her Kung Fu is still only the peak of Mingjin, with the Ninja's ability of concealment and assassination, ordinary dark strength experts can easily understand her way. Moreover, as a professional ninja who takes killing as her profession, the weapons she uses are also special. They quench the real poison. It can be said that they seal their throat with blood, which is much more powerful than the poison of poisonous Python like Cobra. If an ordinary person could not touch the dark dagger, his fingers would have been poisoned at the moment. However, Cui Hao's flesh was so terrible that he had already reached the point of inviolability, and he soon solved this severe poison. In fact, even if his physical body does not reach this level, with his perspective eye golden light, he can easily get rid of the highly toxic.

The eagle claw blocked the sinister stab of the dark dagger. Cui Hao hurriedly opened his perspective eyes and suddenly caught a glimpse of a girl with long hair in the dark room. Her face was beautiful. However, her eyes were strange heavy pupils. At the moment, they emitted a faint light and stared at Cui Hao. Originally, miyuko Ono was full of confidence, because although the dark dagger in his hand was suddenly blown away, Cui Hao's finger touched his poisoned dagger, and he would die within three breaths! However, what makes her very different is that after three breaths, Cui Hao is not dead. Instead, he seems to have the function of night vision. He stares at himself with murderous eyes.

Anyone who is assassinated in the middle of the night in vain will not be in a good mood. At the moment, Cui Hao doesn't know who this girl is. However, whoever she is, if she wants to kill herself, she must die! At the same time, Cui Hao was flustered because he thought of the twin sisters. How are they? Just because he thought of them, Cui Hao didn't launch a terrorist attack on meihuiko Ono for the first time, but opened his perspective to look around. Looking through the wall, Cui Hao was relieved when he saw the bound twin sisters imprisoned on the balcony. It's OK!

A huge stone hanging tightly in his heart fell. Cui Hao turned on the light and said coldly, "who are you? I see your body method and hidden means, which is a bit like a Japanese ninja. Are you from the Black Dragon Society?"

She was very surprised. MEIHUIZI Ono didn't expect that Cui Hao was poisoned, but she had an indifferent attitude. Since the light was on, she no longer hid her figure. She showed it with a sneer on her face. Compared with ninjas, what's more powerful is the means of Yin-Yang master. Since the sneak attack can't be done, kill him with the means of Yin-Yang master! In this regard, miyuko Ono is full of confidence. She turns the simple ring at her fingertips with vicious tricks flashing in her heart.

"Handsome boy, you scared people... People are so scared..."

With a smile, meihuiko Ono's voice was like a yellow warbler out of the valley. She played with unspeakable clarity and caressed her chest with her palm. I really felt pity at the sight of her.

When talking, in fact, meiko Ono has secretly used her means. There is infinite charm in every frown and smile. Anyone who sees her will be deeply obsessed with her, with deep gullies, charming face and deep and incomparable eyes. People will fall deeply into it when they look at the past

At the moment of seeing each other, Cui Hao's heart was shocked and in a trance. It seemed that her mind was attracted by her at this moment. Although he was vigilant, he was careless under the other party's yin-yang technique. With a smile, meihuiko Ono came towards Cui Hao with a charming smile. Naturally, she saw Cui Hao's trance eyes and immediately smiled. At this time, Cui Hao was in a trance, leaving only a subconscious. The girl in front of her was the most beautiful woman, and she liked her very much and was willing to do anything for her.

She was very satisfied with Cui Hao's performance. MEIHUIZI Ono smiled with a charming smile. She really had a posture of admiring the country and the city, at least in Cui Hao's eyes. As she walked towards Cui Hao, she made a very strange sound. The sound was composed of strange syllables. It was like singing something. It was very sad. It was like a Tibetan song and a memorial song. Listen carefully, as if it is another hymn, with thousands of tunes and unpredictable changes.

The whole person is in a trance and drowsy state. Cui Hao's eyes become dull. He has lost himself. There is only a subconscious feeling that he seems to be sinking and reincarnating in hell. In front of him, this girl is the only savior, and only this girl is the only God who can free himself! Therefore, the expression on Cui Hao's face is very complex, with painful struggle, happiness and piety. In his eyes, the Savior is coming towards him step by step, and when she comes, he will get real salvation. Therefore, he is very pious.

The sea of suffering is boundless, and the Savior himself comes to redeem.

This is actually a brilliant and terrible illusion. It is the unique ability of yin and Yang masters to use their powerful soul and special syllables to arouse people's instinct. This consumption is great, especially for Cui Hao, who wants to immerse him in it. That consumption is even greater. Meihuiko Ono sings strange syllables, One side was sweating and his face was a little pale.

"Soon, soon, it will succeed soon!" MEIHUIZI Ono was very excited. She looked at Cui Hao more and more, and her expression was dull.

"Buzzing, buzzing..."

In Cui Hao's body, the mysterious bead rotates and is very restless, because MEIHUIZI Ono's soul power is like a huge net, slowly infiltrates into Cui Hao's body and begins to slowly imprison his soul, which is not allowed by the mysterious bead. It rotates violently, faster and faster. Suddenly, it sends out a golden light, containing a sharp and incomparable charm. It rushes out of Cui Hao's body and suddenly into Ohno MEIHUIZI's body.


Caught off guard, she was rushed into her body in vain by such a sharp golden light. Meihuiko Ono couldn't help but scream and hugged her head in pain. At this moment, she was eaten back. Soon, she gritted her teeth, finally resisted the bite, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of her mouth. Being interrupted by this, Cui Hao, who was originally confused and almost lost himself, suddenly felt a little sober and reacted.

"Damn!" he roared, and Cui Hao's eyes widened with anger.

Her face was extremely shocked. MEIHUIZI Ono didn't expect this. What made her most angry was that there was a pure, masculine and blazing breath in her body. It was extremely sharp. Although she blocked it with the secret method of yin and Yang master, it consumed a lot.


He almost fell to the ground. At the moment, Cui Hao was very angry and roared. His fist was like Mount Tai pressing the top. He fell down fiercely.


Seeing Cui Hao so fierce, MEIHUIZI Ono's body flashed strangely, as if she were integrated into the wooden floor. The next moment, she appeared next to Cui Hao. She clenched her teeth and sprayed blood on the ancient ring at her fingertips without hesitation. At the same time, the strange movement of her palm suddenly shrouded the whole person with a kind of panic, An elusive smell.

"Harusa and gamasa..."

Her mouth sent out strange and rapid syllables. Meihuiko Ono's eyes suddenly changed and turned into a deep and incomparable black, like a black vortex. She stared at Cui Hao. At the same time, the unique and incomparable fantasy belonging to the Japanese yin-yang division came out again. This time, different from before, this time she used the simple ring at her fingertips. The power of Yin-Yang division suddenly soared at least five times. An invisible aura filled Cui Hao's body.

"What a strange power!"

In an instant, Cui Hao found this situation and shouted secretly, and he could feel a strange and incomparable power around him, especially for his mind, which had a strong and incomparable influence again. According to the truth, Cui Hao's will is very strong and can't be shaken at all. However, the other party has once again affected his willpower, making him have a feeling of changing stars and time and space.

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