Wang Kun began to talk about it. Many places were unclear. One sentence was taken, and some places were covered up. It seemed that he didn't want Cui Hao to know some great secrets. However, even so, after hearing Wang Kun's talk, Cui Hao was completely stunned and sat on his seat, The head was as if it had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

Listening to Wang Kun's story, Cui Hao felt that his world outlook had been subverted. Originally, all the history he knew was learned through some records in the history books issued by China. However, unexpectedly, what Wang Kun told him was completely another thing. There is a world of difference between the two.

According to Wang Kun, the ancient Chinese tradition has a long history. Because there is a strong person with magical realm, it can flourish forever. No country can destroy him. Because powerful people with magical powers generally have a life of thousands of years. Even relatives and friends die with the passage of time, but the country exists. Once there are great changes, they will go out of the mountain and stop it. After becoming a half step supernatural power and powerful supernatural power, their strength has become surprisingly stronger. Correspondingly, they have many taboos. It seems that they have to bear a great counterattack every time. There are some so-called major earthquakes and some huge disasters in history. Some are the struggle between such existence. Wang Kun said vaguely that once the strength reaches the level of half step magic, it seems that it will involve a certain field. They pay more attention to the endless void outside the earth and are extremely detached. Of course, many people are greedy for power and color, and will create some super power and enjoy themselves. Such evolution has experienced countless years of changes and formed many factions, For example, the Chinese cultivation faction, the ancient Indian cultivation faction, the Christian faction, the devil faction and so on have all kinds of disputes with each other and fought endlessly in the long river of history.

This situation lasted for countless years, but more than 3000 years ago, there was a real upheaval on the earth that ordinary people did not know. Many species that were not human invaded. They were basically human, but their abilities were stronger than humans. They were on the earth with many repressions. However, there were a large number of super strong people, We fought a huge battle with the strong on the earth. No one knows what the outcome of that battle is. However, since then, there have been vampires, werewolves, zombies and other strange things on the earth. Then, the earth suddenly became less suitable for cultivation. There are fewer and fewer strong, and these strange species have gradually become legends. All this is not the end. Wang Kun said vaguely that these strange species invaded the earth through ten channels, two of which are in China. Wang Kun didn't say where they are.

In this way, nature was occupied by the strong of the earth for the first time, and many entered it for exploration, resulting in no return. At this time, the last strong man in the magical realm on the earth seemed to notice something. At the cost of his own fall, he sealed these channels. Moreover, his own magical powers were strangely preserved and turned into a magical existence, Skynet! Tiantianwang seems to have some of its own spirituality, and it is extremely magical. It can communicate with Tianwang unless the crystal of Tianwang is refined in the body. Its control is in the hands of the ten strongest people on the earth at that time. These ten people are the first ten directors of Tianwang.

Through Wang Kun's description, Cui Hao knew what Skynet's director was. He was shocked because Skynet was really amazing and powerful. Only the top ten directors of Skynet are qualified to obtain the crystal of Skynet, and generally only one or two can be obtained a year. Everyone who is qualified to integrate into the crystal of Skynet can enter the vast Skynet. Among them, there are many tasks, which are listed in the way of points. Wang Kun said that the exchange price of Skynet points is one point for 100 million Chinese dollars, but, There is a price without a market, because having points can release tasks and turn to some other big people who have turned clouds and storms, but it is difficult to change money for points. When it is critical, points can even save lives!

For example, you are a business tycoon with assets of one trillion, but you have been found to have evaded taxes. It is very difficult to escape. However, some big people will have ways to help you escape and escape abroad by offering high points through Skynet. For example, if you have a powerful competitor or enemy and you want to kill him, you can't hire a powerful killer organization. If you release tasks on Skynet and offer reward points, the probability of success is very high.

It can be said that Skynet brings together the most peak, elite and excellent group of people on the whole earth. Skynet is absolutely secret. No one knows the identity of another person. What they can see is only one task. Of course, if many interested people belong to Skynet members at the same time, they can be finally determined through some clues. Generally speaking, Skynet members have nine levels, which are divided by points. The higher the points are, the more permissions will naturally be. They can also be exposed to tasks with higher points.

No matter who dies, the crystal of Skynet integrated into his soul will dissipate, and then his points in Skynet will be cleared directly.

As for Skynet directors, if they want to be the supreme existence at this level, they must have one million sky high price points and pass some examinations of Skynet itself. Originally, Huaxia has two directors, all of whom are the supreme figures of half step magic. One was killed by three half step magic experts in Japan, and the points were cleared, Only the old ancestor who suppressed the dragon's Qi luck was left. This change had a serious image on China. In the eyes of ordinary people, the standard of a country's strength is nothing more than GDP, but the real big people know. Depending on Skynet's control, a director's natural control is much weaker. China has many enemies, and the situation has become a lot more dangerous for a time. Today, the whole Skynet has eight members, two short.


After knowing the conditions of Skynet director, Cui Hao felt that he was going crazy. One million points, doesn't that mean he had to have one hundred trillion to become a director? How much is the richest man in China today? Although there must be a lot of real invisible super rich in China, and many of their wealth exceeds that of the first richest man in China known as Li Superman, they can have hundreds of billions, one trillion is already against the sky, and there can be no more. There is also a great danger to be called Skynet director. With the continuous improvement of points, we should ensure that we will not be killed by other directors. Cui Hao didn't dare to accumulate to this point, but he knew that he might not be able to accumulate so much wealth in five years, even if he was afraid of 50 years. What's more, this is a point. How many Skynet tasks do you need to complete? He really realized the importance of Skynet. Indeed, if he could become a director of Skynet, his status would be much stronger than that of the person in charge of the country, because it is unique and its existence is of great benefit to the country. It is a real existence like a sea god needle.

Cui Hao has a feeling that he is about to collapse. Under such difficult conditions, there is hardly any possibility of completion in his five years! Moreover, the crystal of the net was extremely precious that day, and where did he do it? This is also a big problem.

In fact, in Wang Kun's description, Cui Hao also felt some other things. Thousands of years ago, there must have been some amazing changes on the earth. Those werewolves, vampires, demons and so on should be regarded as alien visitors like big Yuer and little fish. Only what is their state now. Is it really like what big Yuer's father said, Have you returned to another world? Do they return through those ten channels, or are there other hidden channels? Why have they disappeared over the years? Are they restrained more and more seriously by the environment here? Why is it that today's strongest can only reach the realm of half step magic?

Many questions twinkle in Cui Hao's heart, and he can't find the answer, but one thing is certain that he knows the amazing secret that ordinary people can't know. He is understanding the real earth step by step!

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